Let's Play Alundra!


Dec 22, 2009
Chocobo Egg
Tifa Lockhart
Sabin's Tent
Hello everyone, here's the opening to my next let's play series!


This one is immensely brilliant and I'm hoping that you guys and gals will enjoy my suffering as I try to solve the notoriously hard puzzles, defeat the hugely suspenseful bosses and take on one of the most evil villains as he tries to destroy the peaceful village of Inoa!

If you want to find out a little bit more about the game, here's the wikipedia link:


But here are some of the very basics, just in case you want to read it here:

It's an action/adventure/platformer/puzzle, similar to the 2D Zelda games, but with more depth with the added jumping mechanic.
It's got a very dark story, full of murder, blood, nightmares and (most importantly) twists.
It's got a soundtrack that I'm sure everyone will love. Of course, there are always one or two weak tracks in every game.
It's very character-oriented. In this I mean that you will get to know the majority of the characters living in the village of Inoa in at leaast a little bit of depth. There are only one or two characters that are just there to populate the village. Compare this with RPGs, and there are a lot fewer meaningless characters.

I guess that's all I can think of right now, but just so that you know, I won't be breaking each video at a save point this time around...the save points are just too far apart from each other. This is the only negative I can find for the game.

So please, look forward to this series, 'cause the game is a huge treat and should be experienced by every action/adventure gamer :)

*Side-note: Alundra can be purchased on the american psn/sen store for a very cheap price. Of course, it can be played on your psp as well as your ps3.*
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I'd never heard of this game before. I had a look at what it was about and wasn't very keen on it to be honest. But I'm giving it a go, it might be better than it sounds on wiki. It was a good start, seems interesting so I'll be watching the next one :)

I'd never heard of this game before. I had a look at what it was about and wasn't very keen on it to be honest. But I'm giving it a go, it might be better than it sounds on wiki. It was a good start, seems interesting so I'll be watching the next one :)


Thanks so much for at least giving it a try. Make sure to have a listen to a few soundtracks on youtube or something. If that doesn't get you in the mood to see/play the game I don't know what will ;)
And here we have part 3!


This one sees us complete the first dungeon in the game. It's simple and finished in about 5 minutes though. We also head back to the village and see what's going down...

Enjoy! :D
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Part 4 people! It really is one to watch, considering how much happens! ;)


We find out what's going on in Wendell's nightmare to cause him to be so close to death, and we get to visit the church. We also complete nightmare number 2 and see what the new problem for the villagers entails...

Enjoy and thanks for watching! :D
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Part 5 has arrived!


This episode is all about the mines that Olen and the other miners were digging in. It's time for us to enter and try to save us some miners, as well as kill off the evil murgg!

Enjoy! :D
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I just watched all 5 episodes of Alundra. It is a cool game. It reminds me of Zelda for the Super Nintendo.

Funnily enough, it got compared to Link to the Past a lot when it was first released. Of course, I think Alundra is much better...a much better story and a few other factors that win me over.

Be prepared for the events throughout the game...this is just the icing on the cake people! :D

Thanks a lot for watching and commenting Haku :)
Here's episode 6 for you all!


This episode has the "boss" of Olen's Mines, our first view of the Murgg Tree and we get to hang out with the ever cheerful Sybill, who is surprisingly fast becoming our best friend in the village.

Yep, this is another eventful episode, which I hope you will enjoy to watch :D
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Here's episode 7!


This episode is all about Lars' Crypt. The puzzles and riddles here can be tricky. Alundra couldn't just leave the flowers and go back to Inoa, could he? :/

Thanks for watching! :D
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Here's episode 9 people!


We finish off Bonaire's nightmare and get to see how Nadia is dealing with her dream. Some love triangles are just too much trouble...

Enjoy and thanks for watching! :)
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Here's episode 10!


We get a new weapon, a new item, visit Sybill, find a new store, get some new armour, climb the cliffs of madness AND make it through most of the desert of despair. Well I know I'm exhausted :/

Thanks for watching! :)
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Episode 11 is here!


This episode includes a little bit more of the Desert of Despair and we find ourselves in the Ancient Shrine: the only deserty dungeon in the game. The puzzles here can be a little bit of a handful sometimes, so be prepared.

Thanks for watching! :)

EDIT: Video sorted :)
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Greeny I've gone back and relinked the embeded videos in each of your posts just in case people don't have time to comment and such on youtube.

But for those that do, go check out his channel. Comment and like!

Good work Greeny :grin:
Greeny I've gone back and relinked the embeded videos in each of your posts just in case people don't have time to comment and such on youtube.

But for those that do, go check out his channel. Comment and like!

Good work Greeny :grin:

Oh woooow, thanks! :mrgreen:
That must have taken ages. I'll make sure to do it from now on.
Thanks! :D
Heh not really. Just remember, if you want it to be embeded just use the following:

1) Get the URL:


2) Take everything after youtube/ , so in this case tpG0beRNYME.

3) Put that in between the following code:

[ youtube ] [ /youtube ]

Just like [ youtube ] tpG0beRNYME [ /youtube ]

(take out the spaces of course, and then submit)
Episode 12!


We make our way to the end of the Ancient Shrine, including both bosses, and make a start on a very important sidequest. This sidequest unlocks the teleporters and extra save points around the world map, so it pretty much has to be done, in my opinion.

Thanks for watching! :)

EDIT: Hey, I got it first time Shu! Thanks again ;)
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