Let's Play Bomberman 64!


Dec 22, 2009
Chocobo Egg
Tifa Lockhart
Sabin's Tent
Hey all, here's the opening to one of my childhood games back on the N64! Bomberman 64 is an adventure game with less of a puzzle edge than the 2D games from the series.

Get ready for this, because while I loved the game when Hudson Soft first brought it out back in 1997, I'm not sure if it has held up today! We'll see, huh? :)

Thanks for watching! See you when the series kicks off! :)

P.S. This series will be all about the nostalgia. From the game, to the hardware, to the recording devices and software used. I'm really excited to go back in time a wee bit to when I first started LPing ha.
Episode 1: Gardening With Sirius


Opening plot is in the previous post!!! :monocle:

Welcome all to the start of Bomberman 64! This time around, we take on the start of world 1: Green Garden!

Stage 1 is pretty damn easy; just find the 4 switches and nab the crystal :D. Sirius has no right to try and teach us the easiness of the game. So patronising! :eek:

Thanks for watching! There'll be another episode up today too, just because...well you'll see when it arrives lmao. Bye for now! :)
Episode 2: Suicidal Sirius


Wow, Sirius is playing a pretty big part in these titles so far lmao. Still, that's the name of stage 2: Sirius tests us to see if we're good enough to protect the planet! ;)

You can get five gold cards per stage, and the minibosses/bosses are the most fun to find them on. Thing is...there's something quite unique about the way you obtain them during this fight. Have a quick look see? :)

Thanks for watching! It means a lot :).
Episode 3: The Crystal Thief


Hey all, this time around we need to chase down a thief who just can't get enough of our end-stage crystal! Kinda reminds me of a blackbird in that sense (shiny shiny!).

It's not a hard level, but finding that teleporter may be the hard part.

Thanks for watching! The boss of world 1 is coming up next and he's...well, he's a bit of a nightmare lmao. In a bit! :)
Episode 4: Is That Slifer???


Hey all, here's the boss of the Green Garden! This dragon is by far the toughest part of the game so far. To get the gold cards, you need to bomb his wings and tail and...his head maybe? The other card is for being really quick.

Thanks for watching! We'll be moving onto world 2 next time: Blue Resort! That's a water world, by the way, and Bomberman can't actually enter water without dying lmao. Should be fun! ;)

P.S. I realise there's a slight audio delay with the vid. It seems like it's how Movie Maker corrects the shaky vid problem that seems to happen otherwise. This is a hard game to record properly lmao :/.
Bonus 1: Rock Garden


Hey all, here's a bit of multiplayer to break things up. Let's face it...the single player ain't as great as my 7 year old self told me!

Rock Garden is fun enough. Loads of meteors at the minute mark! :eek:


Bonus 2: Up and Down


And here we are again! We'll be using this format from now on:

- 2 eps per day, for 2 days
- 2 bonus episodes
- So on until the 6 multiplayer eps are out there :)

Anyways, Up and Down is a really fun map where staying on top of the world really grabs you the benefits. Especially at the minute mark...

Thanks for watching! :)
Episode 5: Keepin' The Flow


Let's have a quick go at stage 1 of Blue Resort, shall we? Loads of bridges and water switches keep this from becoming too straight forward. A nice normal level, for the first time in the game :).


Episode 6: You're Mine!


Now we take on the miniboss of Blue Resort: Artemis! Not quite as watery considering the world, but still seems pretty tough.

You're Mine!

Episode 9: Ow, My Feet...


lmao at the title. Even I'm cringing at that one! Anyway, here's the start of world 3: Red Mountain! Lotsa eruptions to look out for but otherwise it's just getting you used to the world. That music is pretty damn stunning mind you.


Episode 10: Hurry On, Orion!


And here's the miniboss for the world! Do enjoy the cheap little git that is Orion. He loves to pick you up when you're dizzy (which will be a lot) so try to stay away from him if you can...

Thanks for watching! We'll finish up this world next time :).
Episode 11: Let's Go Mining In The Lava!


Hey all, here's a quick walk inside the volcano. It's hot. Very hot. Almost too hot to mine. Next up is the miniboss, so I'll see you there! :)


Episode 12: Avenging...In Lava!


Here's the boss of the Red Mountain! The hot avenger is such a good bit of boss design. Destroying bits of him for the gold cards is so satisfying while actually beating him in the end feels so rewarding.

Thanks for watching! Next up are the last two bonus episodes! See you there :).
Episode 13: Wizzard Peaks


Why hello there! Let's start the snowy world, shall we? Stage 1 is Blizzard Peaks, which has some of my favourite music of any game. So calm and peaceful...just watch out for those avalanches! ;)


Episode 14: The Regular Miniboss


Regulus! You're going down sir! I really like this guy as a miniboss. He's completely silent, but he reminds me of some sort of robot? Great stuff.

Thanks for watching! We'll finish up the White Glacier tomorrow with an interesting boss. Ohhhh deary me lmao :D.
Episode 15: Slippy Floor Is Right...


Why hello chucks! This time around we take on the other proper stage within White Glacier: Shiny, Slippy, Icy Floor. Worst name in the world lmao. Is slippy even a word? :/

Those camera angles and narrow paths are so horrible, but we push through somehow. A pretty memorably level.

Thanks for watching! :)


Episode 16: The Snow Widow


I hope you're ready for this boss 'cause she's a corker! You really have to get right up and personal and that slippy floor really does nothing to help you escape from your own explosions :s.

Other than that, the gold cards are pretty simple. Just go for the legs and head, keeping your time down. I'm not sure how to get the 5th one...but it's in the vid somewhere :s.

Thanks for watching! We'll be starting the last world tomorrow (Black Fortress)! :)
Episode 17: Cancelled


Hey all, we have an issue. A pretty major issue. Have a quick look at the vid to see what it is...

I also give a bit of info about a break until the week of the 10th March (my work holiday). I'll still be around with vlogs and other little things though! :)