FIN Let's Play Final Fantasy 5! (Pixel Remaster)

Episode 27 - Might And Magic

Hey peoples, today we check out the fork tower, with the gimmick of the century! One of the harder dungeons for me lmao.

Thanks for watching! :)
Episode 28 - Undah Da Sea~

So, we've made it to the 3rd of 4 legendary weapon dungeons: the Sea Trench!

Thanks for watching! :)
Episode 29 - Falling Through 'istory

Here's the final legendary weapon dungeon! Istory Falls sure doesn't pull its punches lmao.

Thanks for watching! See you in a bit! :)
Episode 30 - Rise Of The Phoenix

Hey peoples, today we check out the Phoenix Tower! Is this a great concept? Absolutely! Will your hopes of a great reward ever rise back out of the ashes? Probably not.

Thanks for watching! :)
Episode 31 - Into The Interdimensional Rift

We're starting the final dungeon! It's here! Enjoy while I suffer! Thank you so much for laughing at me and I'll see you in a bit!
Episode 32 - Omega, The Superboss!

Hey peoples, let's check out more of the final dungeon and see if we can take down Omega! As a silver lining, it's not as bad as the omega weapon in FF8 or FF10.

Thanks for watching! See you in a bit! :)
Episode 33 ~Thanks For Watching!~

Hey there folks, we've made it to the end of the game! Can we get the plat? It sure is a tough plat with how many missables there are, but we've put the effort in.

Thanks so much for watching and sticking with the channel! This series has been bloody hard work, so it's good to see some people enjoying it :). See you really soon! :)