Let's Play Final Fantasy 9 iOS!


Chocobo Breeder
Feb 24, 2016
Hiya all,

Newcomer to the forums here, and was directed to this section of the boards by moderator Cabbage, who pointed me in the right direction. :D

A friend and I have just started our very first Let's Play ever, and I would absolutely love all and any feedback, be it on here or the video directly - particularly from Final Fantasy fans.

We've never done Youtubing or Let's Plays before at all, so please go easy on us haha, we're still learning, but yeah, any feedback would be massively appreciated!

Many thanks in advance :D :)
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Heya guys, part 2 is now up!

As always - comments, subscribes and feedback will all be hugely appreciated! :)

Episode 2.jpg

Here's the video itself (I hope I'm embedding correctly)...

Thanks, guys!

I'm going to repost the disclaimer, just to be safe ;)

NOTE - Contains mature (and immature!) content that may be unsuitable for young audiences. All comedy contained herein is strictly parodic in nature and as such no harm, offence or insult is intended. The views and opinions expressed in these videos is entirely for comedic purposes and does not constitute the views or opinions of (A)musings Media or any of its affiliates.
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If anybody tried to watch Part 2 and it said it wasn't there, it's because we had to take it down then re-upload due to an audio issue. It should be working fine now!
Part 3 is up!

If anyone is watching on here, please let me know and I'll continue to upload the parts :D

As always - comments, likes and feedback massively appreciated :)

Part 4 is live. Viewer discretion is advised, and as always, any comments would be great! :D :)

Just realised I never posted Part 5 in here when I sent it live on Saturday!

Here it is:

Part 6 is up (with apologies to Bear Grylls haha).

Is anybody actually watching these when I post them up here? :D

Well guys - it's been a while since I last posted in here, but we've just finished our first 'Season' of our Final Fantasy IX iOS/HD Let's Play.

We're splitting the LP up into one season per disc - so we've just wrapped up disc 1 (Beatrix fight in Burmecia).

All of the previous parts are in the same playlist, there's 18 in total, and as always it's very silly and irreverent, and contains content some viewers may find offensive...

All and any comments and feedback will be muchly appreciated, thanks!