Let's Play Final Fantasy IV: The After Years!

The party gets swept away in a one-sided battle, and begins the final series of bosses for the game.
The party only has one enemy left to vanquish! Can they finish their fight and make it back home?
Here it is, the final episode of the main story. Don't worry, there are three more episodes incoming. Two will be of the bosses we had to skip in the final dungeon and the final will be my thoughts on the game. While you wait for those, enjoy the story's conclusion!
Here's the first of our three bonus episodes! The party ventures back into the final dungeon to take on Lunar Bahamut
Here's the second of our three bonus episodes! In this episode the party ventures further back into the final dungeon to face Lunar Leviathan!
Here it is, the final episode of the LP! I give my thoughts on the game and how it fits into the franchise. Thanks for watching and I hope you all enjoyed!
While I only skimmed through the LP due to spoilers etc, I loved your relaxed commentary style and the overall quality. Making an LP of an RPG is always a lot of effort too, so congrats on recording it all! :)

Bioware stuff next hm? I can't say I've played many of them, so we'll see! :monocle:.