Hey all, are you ready to take on Finnath Creek?
Finnath Creek Strategy:
- This battle is slightly randomised. The types of bocos you come across vary so there's that.
- The yellows should go down first. They can heal, after all.
- The other bocos will deal huge damage. Try to be quick.
- The enemy levels will be based on your highest party member, even if they aren't fighting in this battle! Careful sirs and madams...
Easy enough so long as you use your strongest members. Level grinding won't work, so changing classes may be needed.
That's about it for this episode. There's a bit involving Ovelia and Delita which is quite nice

Episode 36 - Confessions Of A Confessor
Episode 36 - Confessions Of A Confessor
We've made it to Zeltennia Castle! There's a really nice cinematic revolving around Delita and Ramza meeting in secret in church. Of course, it's not a secret for long with Confessor Zalmour lurking on the rooftop...
Confessor Zalmour Strategy:
- Yay, we get to fight with Delita as a guest again! Love it when you get a good guest. He's pretty damn amazing too.
- If you have high enough jump, you can just take out Zalmour in a couple of moves.
- Thing is, his faith can go so low that magic won't affect him (ironic for someone so religious?)
- Otherwise, just take out the enemies as you scale the building. This battle shouldn't pose too much of a problem

With him taken care of, we need to head off to our next destination! Next time