Let's Play Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance


Staring deep into your soul
Feb 11, 2010
Behind you.
Chocobo Egg
Wynona Niruton
FFXIV Server
Welcome to my first Let's Play. I've always been a Fire Emblem fan since the series originally came out outside of Japan. Path of Radiance is the 9th game in the series and this is also the first of the 3D Fire Emblem games. For those of you who are into Super Smash Bros. this is the game Ike makes his debut in as well. This game came out in 2005 and is still currently a Gamecube exclusive. Be prepared to spend a lot of money on this game if you plan to buy it however. It is quite expensive now.

In the first episode I give a basic intro and show off the opening cinematic.

In the second video I work my way through the Prologue chapter. Nothing too difficult here. I also explain a few of the gameplay mechanics in this episode as well.
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These are the games that Marth and Roy come from right? I remember reading about their origins after playing SSBM and I think this was the series they started in.

Yep they are. However Marth and Roy themselves are not in the game but this is the game Ike from Brawl stars in. I forgot to throw that little detail. Anywho here's the next episode with me going through Chapter 1.

Nice one, Al. I was actually thinking about this game the other day after seeing the trailer for the new Fire Emblem game that's coming out for the 3DS.

Love this game, lots of great memories.
Hey Al, I thought you'd like some feedback after watching both episodes:

- Commentary volume needs to go up, and video volume down slightly. Make it more balanced so we can hear you better.
- Good commentary content.
- You didn't talk through the cutscenes. You definitely should never talk during cutscenes imo.
- Good video quality. Could consider ways of removing/covering black bars with a picture? Not necessary, but there are a few fussy people who would complain :P
- Good sound/commentary sound quality. By this I mean I can't hear any static/breathing/whatever else.

Overall a good 1st episode I reckon :sir: . Just remember that a lot of suggestions to do with LPing is just opinionated and entirely subjective. Make the series however you want and only take on board what you feel comfortable doing :)
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Thanks, Mits. With the next Fire Emblem coming out really soon and this game being my favorite game of the series thus far I decided to go for this one.

Also thanks for the help again, Greeny. Your advice has been noted. Though it won't actually come into effect until Chapter 4. :)

Anywho here's Chapter 2 for the day. It took a lot of fighting with YouTube to get this one uploaded :hmph:

Alrighty here's Chapter 3 for this day. Starting with the next episode the commentary should be a bit louder to make it a bit easier for you to hear me.

nice one al.... nice to see you lping, good quality but BLACK BARS!!!!, loool it a 4:3 game soooo it alright :)

agree with greeny, turn the game volume down a bit and turn your voice up, easy done in video editing software

keep up the good work :)
Thanks again for the feedback, Steve. :)

Anywho a bit late but the videos for Chapter 4 are finally up. I've been experimenting trying to figure out how long I should make my videos. The 20 minute format didn't work as well as I would have hoped so from Chapter 5 on I will go for a 30 minute episode format. Here's Chapter 4 now.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

I tend to mix it up between 15 and 25 mis depending on how much i do, also depends on if i need to spilt into more parts incase i can'tr record for any reason 'say i need to work on university work or i fall ill' I fell ill last week. but i spilt my part 2 into 2 episodesand it saved me, as i only had 1 day with no uploads
I was originally going to make my videos around that time frame but I forgot that most chapters can be quite long in Fire Emblem games. Not to mention how long some of the cutscenes are too. I'm hoping that if I do 30 minutes per episode it should cut the number of parts down quite a bit.
Yeah the 30 minute format doesn't work out well for me either. I'm just going to make each episode about 45 minutes to an hour before splitting it up into parts. Chapter 17 will be fun. >.> Anywho here's chapter 5.

Part 1

Part 2:

Forget what I said before. I'll make each chapter 1 video, with the exception of chapter 17 when I get there. Anyway everyone here's chapters 6 and 7 for the day.

Chapter 6

Not too much happens here

Chapter 7

A long chapter overall but worth it. A lot happens in this chapter including a very nice CG cutscene. Anywho enjoy :neomon:
Alrighty here's Chapters 8 and 9 for today.

Bye bye, Regal Sword :sad3: I am a bit disappointed that I couldn't kill the boss in time but I'll live.

Quite a few units join us in this episode. While I didn't get the items I should manage without them. Also had a close call at the end due to me forgetting about the Horse Killer that the boss had equipped.
:hmmm: How very odd. I thought I posted the Chapter 10 already. Oh well. Here's Chapters 10 and 11 for the day.

Here's chapter 12 and 13. These two chapters have us doing battle on a ship oh how fun. Chapter 12 will also introduce us to battles against Laguz. We'll be fighting them quite a bit within the next few chapters so it would be wise to get used to seeing them.

In Chapter 13 it's pretty much another Defend map.

Okay getting back to this now. Chapter 14 was a pretty simple chapter overall.

Now chapter 15 can be intimidating if you're not prepared. If you don't know how to handle them the Laguz can really tear through your party easily. There are also a lot of hidden items and a hidden character on this map so you'd probably need a guide to find everything.

Yes. I eventually want to do a LP of that too at some point. That probably won't be for awhile however.

Here's chapter 16 for today. Not too bad overall but not really one of my favorite chapters either.
