FIN Let's Play Link's Awakening! [Switch]


Dec 22, 2009
Chocobo Egg
Tifa Lockhart
Sabin's Tent
Zelda: Link's Awakening

Hey there folks, it's time for a brand new series! Zelda has always been one of my all time favourite series of games and this is right up there as one of my favourite games :). So excited!

This time around we'll be nabbing every seashell and heart piece!

This game was, of course, made by Nintendo with the aid of Grezzo! It was not made by me in any way ;).

Here's the opening:

And here's the Youtube playlist:

So, will we have a dream life on Koholint Island or will it be a bit of a nightmare? Come see! :)
Episode 1 - Welcome To Koholint Island!

Link wakes up to the face of Marin, a resident of the mysterious Koholint Island! With so many people to meet and minigames to play, it's gonna be a blast! What could possibly go wrong?

Thanks so much for checking out the start of one of my favourite games of all time! I'll hopefully see you around? :)
Episode 1b - Ballad Of The Wind Fish

Hey peoples, today Link decides that he would like to hang out with Marin for a bit in Mabe Village! Such a great remake of the song :).

Thanks for listening! See you in a bit! :)
Episode 2 - The Mysterious Mr Raccoon

Hey there folks! Today, Link heads on into the Mysterious Forest in search of the Tail Key, only to find that there's an ever so weird raccoon playing funny buggers!

He also enters the Tail Cave, finding that sometimes caves aren't quite as threatening as they should be.

Thanks for watching! See you in a bit! :)
Episode 3 - Bow Wow! Walkies!

Hi Bow Wow! Let's go for a walk! You'll have to stay outside while I explore the 2nd dungeon (Bottle Grotto) but I won't be long. Promise.

Thanks for watching! See you in a bit! :)
Episode 4 - Tarin Touches Link's Stick

Hey there folks! Today we make tonnes of progress across the world map and meet a fellow called Richard. It's always weird to see such a normal name in a fantasy setting. Still, he's missing his leaves so we'll take our leave and go find them!

Thanks for watching! See you in a bit! :)
Episode 5 - So Many Keys!

Hey there folks, today we head off in search of leaves! It's more exciting than it sounds lmao.

We also check out the 3rd dungeon; the Key Cavern! Things are slowly becoming more tricky...

Thanks for watching! See you in a bit! :)
Episode 6 - What If Link Was Colour Blind?

Hey there folks, today we've got a load of optional stuff going on! The main one being the Colour Dungeon that was added to DX. It's a bit of a corker and can be tricky if you aren't very good at the main puzzle type that you see there. All in all though, it's worth it for the reward...

Thanks for watching! See you in a bit! :)
Episode 7 - Marin The Dreamer

Today, things are getting curiouser and curiouser, as we head to the ruins in the south! We also see the Animal Village, which has a pretty unique song :D. Most importantly though, we have THAT scene with Marin; my favouritest part of the game :).

Thanks for watching! See you in a bit! :)
Episode 8 - One Fishy Adventure

Hey there folks, today we check out the 4th dungeon: Angler's Tunnel! It's not bad as far as water dungeons go, y'know.

We also meet another fish who is slightly nuts; his song is bloody amazing though so it's worth it!

Finally, we help out a ghost who seems to have lost his way. Actually a pretty sad part of the game.

Thanks for watching! See you in a bit! :)
Episode 9 - Meeting Mr Slime

Hey peoples, here's the 5th dungeon! It's a bit of a whopper due to a certain skeleton but it's not too bad. It just requires that extra bit of backtracking :).

We also finish off the trade sequence and see what extraordinary reward we get for all that effort!

Thanks for watching! See you in a bit! :)
Episode 10 - Lens Of Truth

Hey folks, today we see what we can use the magnifying lens for! There's also a wee bit of cleanup when it comes to shells and heart pieces.

Finally, we make it to the 6th dungeon: Face Shrine! A wee bit of listening time for you if you fancy it at the end :).

Thanks for watching! See you in a bit! :)
Episode 10b - A Few Secret Melodies

Hey there folks, here are a few songs you can unlock on the naming screen! :)

Thanks for listening! See you in a bit! :)
Episode 11 - The Great Facade!

Hey there peoples, here's the 6th dungeon: Face Shrine! It's where the dungeons really start to ramp up the difficulty but it's not quite as bad as it gets...

Thanks for watching! See you in a bit! :)

P.S. This is my 2nd attempt at recording this episode; bloody computer lol. Hopefully it makes things a bit more streamlined though? Maybe.
Episode 12 - It Belongs To The Birds

Hey folks, today we head on over to the Eagle Tower for our 7th dungeon! It's not an easy one either.

There's plenty more going on in the Tal Tal Heights too but I'll leave you to have a look :).

Thanks for watching! See you in a bit! :)
Episode 13 - The Magic Of Turtles

Hey there folks, we've made it to the final proper dungeon; Turtle Rock! I love that the it's the same name and style as the (numerically) final dungeon of Link to the Past. It's bloody hard sometimes mind...

Thanks for watching! See you in a bit! :)
Episode 14 - Clean Up Time!

Hey folks, it's time to have a run around Koholint, looking for all the missing shells and heart pieces! Loads of minigames, loads of sidequests, loads of Dampe!

Thanks for watching! See you in a wee bit! :)
These videos are all really cool, I watched all the episodes lol and I'm a fan of your work (especially that I love all Zelda's games)
So thanks &good luck for the rest !

Thanks a lot! We're coming to the end of this series now (last episode will be uploaded tomorrow) but I'm glad there are people around who enjoy it :).

The next series will be starting before long but I'll need to set up another console and try and get it to look decently considering the age.
Episode 15 ~Thanks For Watching!~

Hey folks, here's the end of Link's Awakening! It's been such a blast making this one and I hope people have enjoyed :).

Next up is a JRPG, which I've really missed playing. It's a very niche PS2 game so I can't wait to get going on that one to see what you all think!

Thanks so much for sticking around! Hopefully I'll see you around! :)