Let's Play Lost Odyssey!

Episode 9b - The Upstreamers


Welcome to a dream where Kaim meets a few people from a rather original religion: The Upstreamers :).

I love the idea of this story and how much direction it gives the people. The believers don't have to be innocent, they don't have to be saints. They just have to believe.

Thanks for watching! :)
Episode 10 - Palom And Porom???


Hey all, welcome back to Lost Odyssey! This time around we check out a small ghost town and meet two more party members! Cooke and Mack are great mages who may seem ever so familiar to FF fans? I love these kids :/.

Look out for the battle against the soldiers. I wouldn't say it's a boss as such, but it is tough. Make sure to use all-shield with Jansen and focus on one front row soldier at a time. Healing is vital too.

For some reason, these flowers remind me of the "White Flower" dream. They grew stronger at the end of that dream, so maybe they adapted and lived longer? :)

We also give some airtime to Tolten, our favourite ex-King! He seems to be in a bit of a pickle! One of my favourite cutscenes is around that part too, as Yawn the snake makes a welcome appearance! Good on you Yawn! Get as many cameos as you can! ;)

Otherwise, there's something else that happens that's hugely powerful, but I'll leave that for you guys to see. It's so powerful :s.

Thanks for watching! We'll have possibly the most powerful cutscene in the game next time...something that FF10 fans may recognise :).
Episode 11 - The Sending


Ok, it's not quite the same as in FF10, but it does portray the same disgustingly sad message. I hate funerals myself, but to see it in videogame form and done so differently, I love it. One of the best scenes in the game.

In order to make the funeral happen though, we need to collect 10 sticks and 10 flowers. They can be tricky to find but we do ok this time (well it is my 2nd attempt at making this episode).

Just as a sidenote, we also find the Kelolon spell and two new dreams (one you literally have to get and one we take a slight detour for).

Thanks for watching! At this time, I'm completely out of backlogged vids and am completely stuck in my bed. I can't record until this coldy/fluy-ness has gone away, but I'll give you a shout via twitter when the next one is coming. I'm hoping it'll be gone within a day or two :).

Lmao I'm so sorry for the stuffy nose. It was obviously starting to get worse during the day I recorded :/.
Episode 12 - Cooke's Cursed Crimson Crystal Collection


Hey all, are you ready to enter some spooky old woods? Apparently, the Crimson Forest is cursed and full of bloooood :gasp:. I really like the music here; it's not hugely memorable but it sets the atmosphere up really well.

Keep an eye out for all the little purple mushroomy things for the crystal fragments and beat those tough enemies with magic (don't worry about your MP...you can always save and reload if you really need to).

Thanks for watching! We'll be going for the last area of the disc next time: the Sorcerer's Shrine! ;)

P.S. Cold stuff is within! All blocked up and sniffy. You have been warned! :p

P.P.S. I decided to go all personal in this one at one point. All traumatised, I was!
Episode 12b - They Live In Shells


Hey folks, it's time for us to have our second prison dream, but this one is more about a different prisoner who is living with Kaim. Spooky realism and a great ending here!

Thanks for watching! We'll kick off the Sorcerer's Shrine tomorrow :).
Episode 13 - Boulder Dash!


Hey peoples, it's time to head into the Sorcerer's Shrine and see what it has in store! Strangely, no magic. It does however have some damn tough enemies (heavy hitters alert!) and little traps everywhere to make things exciting!

We also collect all of the remaining crystal fragments ready to wrap up that sidequest and get a noice accessory and skill for our immortals.

Thanks for watching! We'll be going for the boss and end of disc 1 next time. How is Mack? :(
Episode 14 - Le Obsidian Sigh


Hey all, time for us to finish off disc 1 with a boss! Get ready for a heck of a difficult patch...


Obsidian Miasma Strategy:

- Cast flare and attack the tentacle holding Cooke from the get go.
- Afterwards, cast all-barricade and zephyr quickly!
- Then defend with Kaim and Seth while casting flare with both of your mages.
- On stage 2 of the boss, cast sleep on Mack.
- Then attack and use flare until its dead!


And there we have it! A stunning cinematic (one of my favourites, yet again!) to end the disc!

We also finish up what we can do in the Crimson Forest before ending. A few good items and Refresh for Mack!

Thanks for watching! We'll check out Mack properly next time and see what disc 2 has in store! :D
Hey all, the next 3 days will be full of dreams, so that we can move onto disc 2 without any of them left over and turning into some sort of backlog lol. It'll also give some people some time to catch up with the main story etc, so here are the first 2 of 5 that are incoming! :)


Episode 14b: The Talkative Mercenary


This one is all about a soldier who could get the others killed due to overtalking. He could also get himself killed...


Episode 14c: Don't Forget Me Now, You Hear?


Hey guys, this is my personal favourite dream due to it really hitting home. It's certainly one of the more sad dreams too, but there's also a certain heart-warming that comes from someone who loses their memory. They will always be happy, I'd think, and this story shows this so well :).

Thank you for watching :).
Episode 14d - Letter To A Weakling


Hey all, here comes a dream about extreme racism. Even under the understanding that the village has its own rules and laws, this is surely not acceptable. I feel that Kaim is a part of the problem in this story; he does nothing, even though he has nothing to fear but losing other people. This is the dream that irritates me the most.


Episode 14e - Evening Bell


Here's a dream that's really short, but has a powerful message. A simple thing like a funeral march affects everyone who even encounters it, even if they don't have any personal link to it.

The last dream of our little backlog is coming tomorrow :).
Episode 14f - Portraitist Of The Dead


Hey all, here's a lady whose job is to draw the dead. I hope you enjoy what is a strangely intriguing tale.

Thanks for watching! We'll be starting disc 2 properly tomorrow ;). A new capture card is on its way after a complete blowout, so I only have one episode to upload for tomorrow. We'll see how long it takes to arrive, but it shouldn't affect anything :).
Episode 15 - Tantalus Kidnaps The Queen!


What do we do once we've invaded Alexandria Castle??? We kidnap the Queen! No, Princess Garnet...*cough*.

Anyways, welcome back to Numara! Let's make a proper start on disc 2, shall we? It's all about showing off what Gongora has been plotting all along, although we still don't know what his endgame will be. While trying to escape the town, we gain a wee bit too much attention and are now fugitives (thanks Gongora!).


Magic Tank Strategy:

- Set up All-Barricade straight away. I'm not sure if All-Shield helps at all, but...y'know.
- Concentrate all firepower on the units, and then the main parts. This will reduce damage loads.
- Heal with Zephyr whenever you need to. Refresh too if you have to.
- Just don't let those bars fill up. Easier than it sounds ha.


That's about it really. The boss is more about time consumption than actually being overly hard.

There are a few little sidequests going on here too; we take those 19 crystal fragments to the artist's house and play some music scores (these will be a thing throughout the game. We just need to find more scores).

Thanks for watching! With Queen Ming (another immortal) in our party, who is amazing at composite magic, we can now look for our first vehicle and start actually exploring and being a bit less linear! Next time that is ;).

P.S. I hope this episode was ok. Due to technical difficulties (a certain lappy restarting itself) we have post commentary for this one. Thankfully, I only recorded the one episode in this session so back to normal next time (with a new capture card too!). Thanks again :).
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Episode 16 - You Touch My Kelolon~


Welcome to Tosca! The people of this village worship the weird little enemies known as kelolons, which is why we have a sidequest to do here! Joining in with the worship gains us the Gamble spirit spell, which deals random non-elemental damage to an enemy; something that's really handy in the next dungeon.

Before this however, we head on over to Numara Atoll for an optional little area full of bloody hard enemies (turn-tail!). It's good to come here for the regen spell though. Any FF fan will be familiar with this one, even if it's a spirit spell this time around.

Oh, I should probably mention that before all this, we grab the slantnose (an extra special ship) from Numara. As if we weren't wanted enough huh? :D.

Fiiinally, we head on over to another optional area to wrap things up: the Northern Cape. This place will be familiar...and honestly shouldn't be missed, even if it is optional.

Thanks for watching! We'll be heading out for a haunted house next time which is an absolute faaaavourite location for me in the game (I seem to be saying that so much...I just love this game lol). :)
Episode 17 - Bedknobs And Broomsticks


It's time to enter the haunted house of the old sorceress! She has spread her magic and curses around the mansion, so be careful or you may end up stuck in the past, or being chased by suits of armour!

Thanks for watching! We'll be meeting the old gal tomorrow 0_0.

P.S. My comms are a bit drowned out during the louder moments (world map and battles). I think I might need to go back and use audacity in order to split the soundtracks during battles...
Episode 18 - Scream The House Down!


Hey all, allow me to introduce you to the old sorceress herself! She seems completely intent on harming herself while the ghosts around her are only too willing to help.


Old Sorceress Strategy:

- Use non-elemental spells (Force/Gamble) on the ghosts/spirits. Aiming for elemental weaknesses will only hinder you when the sorceress screams.
- Attack and Powera mix together to deal huge damage with Kaim and Seth. The spirits will fall really quickly then.


This gains us a new party member? What a weird way to grow the party ha! Meet Sarah!

There's the whole mirror maze in the hermitage too, where you can get the Lost spell. It's not exactly a great spell, but if you want the spell achievement...best get cracking! ;)

A few little sidequests are within too. One of which saves a bit of time in the next dungeon.

Thanks for watching! We'll be breaking the curse on the black cave next time! :)
I'm a huge fan of Sarah. I even had her as my username at some point. She was such a sweet and loving character. :ryan:
Episode 18b - Seth's Dream Part 1


Let's see what life as a pirate was like for our dearest Seth, shall we? I love her dreams just because they aren't about Kaim like most of the others. There's also a veeeery scary event in this dream that is one of my fears.


Episode 18c - The Hero


Should someone be proud of murdering so many people? Should that person feel guilty? Should someone take lives just because the big wigs at the top say so?
Episode 19 - Into The Dark


Hey all! It's time for us to spelunk the mighty Black Cave! There are quite a few traps and quirks to this place, from the fireflies, to the holes in the floor etc. Keep an eye out for the thousand year dream and our treasure hunt result as we explore.

Thanks for watching! We'll take on the boss and explore the best town in the game next time *mwahahahaha*! ;)
Episode 20 - Halloween Town


Hey all, welcome to the haunted town of Saman! I absolutely love this place more than anything in the whole wide world (of Lost Odyssey)! The tree swing, the wacky clock, Dandy the crow with his Awakening Bracelet to collect...all need to be seen :D.

Before this though, we have to beat the boss of the Black Cave:


Rough Queen Strategy:

- Make sure to steal the slot seed from the Queen herself, before you do anything else!
- Anti-Petrify is a must to avoid...petrify lol.
- Winda is great, as is All-Wind
- Finish her off with a powerful Winda before she becomes weak! She'll run away otherwise and you'll need to fight her again. This would allow you to steal another slot seed though...


That's about it really. Oh! We do find the ledger too that will be handy for disc 3 sometime ;). Thanks for watching! We'll be leaving the town next time :).