Let's Play Lost Odyssey!

Episode 20b - The Bread Of Grandma Coto


This one reminds me a bit of the film Up. Poor old lady :(.


Episode 20c - So Long, Friend


I've lived in the country all my life, and I don't want the excitement and "drama" of the big city. Then again, I haven't made someone up the duff and am not trying to leg it before it's too late...
Episode 21 - A Very Peaceful Voyage


Hey all, here's our pleasant boat journey from Saman, over to the Experimental Staff where we can put a stop to the curse on the town! I don't really wanna 'cause I love Saman like this but...we have to :(.

Of course, our journey over on the boat isn't quite as peaceful as it could have been! There's definitely something big going on over at our second staff...


Mantalas Strategy:

- Use All-Barricade and All-Generate on your party, if possible.
- Cast All-Grounda if you have level 2 composite spells. If not, take down the front row first an then cast Grounda on the boss.
- Don't attack the main boss until the GC is down to level 1, and then only use your most powerful spells (Grounda is best).


Otherwise, there's a shop that's so easy to miss at the staff. Keep an eye out for that and the seed.

Thanks for watching! See you next tomorrow when we actually take on the dungeon...oh dear lord lmao ;).
Let's Experiment With Lost Odyssey! Episode 22


Hi all! It's time for us to play around in the Experimental Staff and see if we can stop the Saman curse! This is possibly my least favourite dungeon (another contender is coming later...).

This ep shows the aqua mine spell along with how to open those crafty barriers.

Thanks for watching! I'm really sleepy today, so I'll leave it there. We'll finish up disc 2 next time :).
Episode 23 - The Self-destruct System Has Been Activated


Hey all, let's finish up disc 2, eh? ;). The end of disc 2 has plenty of main plot with Gongora (in fact, there's a boss fight) and allows us to free Saman from its curse.

Thanks for watching! We'll chuck a few dreams up tomorrow and move onto disc 3 the day after :).

P.S. Love that end cinematic. Kaboom! Spliiiiish! :lew:
Hey guys, 3 dreams incoming so that we can start disc 3 from scratch on the dream front. Disc 3 is starting tomorrow! :)


Episode 23b - The Tragedy Of The General Butcher


This is one of my definite favourites. The way that his guilt attacks him in such a unique way...or is it really the disease that's mentioned? I reckon a little of both is what got him in the end.


Episode 23c - The Story Of Old Man Greo


I love stories where there's some old man cobbler, and this is just one of those. It's really nice how Kaim warms his heart enough to see the nice side of the old goat! :)


Episode 23d - Seth's Dream Part 2


Seth's encounter with Gongora...all explained in a thousand years of dreams story? :gasp:. This is one that shouldn't be missed, 'cause it adds a tonne of depth to our favourite ex-pirate!
Episode 24 - We Saved Saman!


Hey all, welcome to disc 3! I think it's about time for us to check out how Saman is doing now that it ain't all horrified ;).

There's quite a bit to do now, from the auction house, to the new dream, to the treasure hunts (one being right in the very town!). There's a wee bit more going on, but the main thing is just seeing how the town has changed, but is still so similar. I love seeing the comparison, though I preferred it being Halloweeny personally.

Thanks for watching! We'll head on over to the Ice Canyon next time, which I looooove :grin:.


Episode 24b - Bright Rain


It's funny how children can see things so much differently due to lack of life experience and knowledge. I like how the bright rain that he sees is really...
Episode 25 - It's Pingu!!!


Welcome all to the freezing canyon made of ice! To the left, you'll see slippery shafts that take you to your death! To the right, you'll see Pingu! Straight ahead, you'll see a gang of monkey thieves with their leader! :eek:

Thanks for watching! We'll be checking out the boss of the Ice Canyon next time along with a wee bit more ;).
Episode 26 - King Gohtza


Hey all, I actually uploaded this this morning but youtube decided to delete it during processing? So, I'll keep this very brief:

We beat the boss of the ice canyon, wrap the sidequests up there, head to Gohtza and see how warlike the king is and do a tonne of sidequests there. We also check out Khent, but it's only a tiny place.

Thanks for watching! See you next time for some actual plot progression in Gohtza! ;)
Episode 27 - The Gohtza Build-up


Hey all, a tonne of cinematics this time within Gohtza. We meet with King Gohtza (?) and Cooke and Mack prepare the trouble that's to come! When kids decide to hi-jack a train, you know it ain't gonna be good...

Thanks for watching! There's plenty more going on too, but I'll leave that to you 'cause of spoilers and most of this episode just being plot and story :).

Audio issues with this one that I've completely sorted, but I had to cut a tiny bit out in the middle. I've left a message so you know where...you just missed me walking up through the city a bit :).
Episode 28 - Cold As Ice


Welcome to the end of such a powerful city! The plot development and amount of incredible cinematics is incredible in this episode, with so much going on that you may need to double check it lmao.

Thanks for watching! We'll be back with more gameplay next time...I've had barely anything to do on these vids lately lmao!
Episode 29 - Ice Trains And Uhran Sewage


Hey all, once again, we have a tonne of stuff going on this time around! We finish up the whole train mess (ice!) and then check on Tolten and Seth, who're having a mess of their own to deal with back in Uhra! The sewers aren't too bad for a sewer dungeon, but they are still a bit bland. The only hard part down there is that sluice part to get a new spell (and a goddess medicine).

There's plenty of stuff happening outside of the sewers too...it looks like Gongora is moving onto the next phase of his evil plan! More on that next time ;).

Thanks for watching! I'll see you next time when we see how Cooke and Mack are doing :).

P.S. From about 26:30 to 31 minutes in, there's a stutter effect. I'll be editing using the superior WLMM from now on to prevent this.
Episode 30 - That's M'boy!


Hey peoples, this episode has two parts: first up, Seth and Tolten grab our final party member (Seth's son Sed) who uses guns and has incredible skills to link with. There's an all-out war between Gohtza and Uhra too that...what's that? Gohtza was destroyed? Weeeeell...;)

The other half of the episode is about Cooke and Mack and how they are fairing over at Gohtza, with all the snow and ice. They're having a tough time too!

Thanks for watching! We'll be checking on each of the parties next time too, with plenty more snow and ice on the go. There's seems to be a theme to this disc... :D
Episode 31 - Full Of Cheese


Welcome back! This time around we're about to see 4 parties become 3 and take on the living ice boss! Gohtza really has overstayed its welcome huh? lmao.


Living Ice Strategy:

- Grounda spells until it reaches 25% of its max HP.
- It'll reflect spells after that so avoid using them!
- So use powerus and then repeatedly use Combo with Mack.
- Easy times! ;)


Thanks for watching! We'll check in on Seth, Tolten and Sed next time as we travel through our 2nd and last sewer dungeon (it's actually interesting this time! I know, I was shocked too!)

P.S. That song. That damn cheesy song lmao.
Episode 32 - The Magical Sewers


Welcome all to some more sewers! This time around, I actually quite like them, surprisingly. This is mostly due to it all being quick and painless, due to having a physical fighting party. Speedy battles! :D

Other than the gimmick (here's looking at you, magic towers!), there's also the boss to contend with.


Magic Beast Strategy:

- Steal the crystal fragment. It's amazing for our mages. Unless you beat the boss the normal way, I'm almost positive it won't drop either.
- Attack the crane with Sed.
- Cast magic on the crane with Seth.
- After 8 hits on the crane, the boss will go down in a rather special way ;).


Hands up if you can tell me which FF10 boss this reminds me of! :D.

Oh! Finally, we take on a chase scene with our new vehicle; the Nautilus. It's much better than the White Boa and we'll see why during disc 4.

Thanks for watching! We'll head back to the outskirts of Gohtza next time to see if Ming and the rest can find Kaim and Sarah! It's getting kind of worrying that we haven't seen them at all by this point :s.
Episode 33 - Me? A Refugee?


Hey all, this is just a mini-episode really (compared with so many other episodes in this series), which showcases the different sidequests and features around the refugee camp that the Gohtzan people escaped to.

There's actually a fair amount to do here, but we'll be finishing up one of the sidequests later on during disc 4 :).

Thanks for watching! The last episode of disc 3 is coming tomorrow! Will we find Kaim and Sarah after their train crashed into the giant glacier? :eek:
Episode 34 - Mages In A Heatwave


Alright chucks? Here's the last of disc 3, involving the whole heated dungeon (I'm never entirely sure if it's meant to be a part of a volcano or not). With only mages to carry you through the battles, and with a tonne of enemies showing up, it's a good idea to go for composite magic a whole lot here ;).

If you can get past all of the geysers and tough battles (dear lord, they can be tough), then maybe the boss will be tough enough to take you down?


Ice Magic Beast Strategy:

- No magic attacks with a mage-only party? Crazy! That leaves Mack as our damage dealer.
- All-Barrier, All-Shield, All-Generate. Use Powerus on Mack too.
- Combo is a great move for this boss, after Powerus.
- Otherwise, just heal if you need it. The other mages are a little bit pointless here for the most part.


Disc 3 is all done! Next up is a definite shift in pacing, with so many sidequests around the world :D.

With that said, we'll be kicking off disc 4 with a sidequest episode or two (although there'll be a wee bit of story at the beginning as you'd expect).
Thanks for watching! :)
Episode 35 - Down Where It's Wetter


Hey peoples, here comes the final disc! This disc is all about the sidequests, so that's how we're gonna kick things off! Of course the disc starts with a cinematic and bit of plot to push things along, but other than that, we won't be carrying on with the main plot for a few eps now.

There are plenty of items to find underwater via our new vehicle; the ship/sub/flightless airship: the Nautilus. Just dive with B and look for those air bubbles. The best item available right now is that slot seed, that's shown within.

We also check out the optional dungeon: Terrace Cave. This place has nothing really distinctive about it, but it does have a few items, including another cubic score (you don't want to miss this one!). It's also a great place to get up to level 44 without any real struggle.

Finally, we find the Great Ruins, which is where we need to go to continue the main story. I just thought we'd unlock that for later so that we can just teleport there once a few more sidequests are done.

Speaking of a few more sidequests, there's plenty more coming next episode! Thanks so much for watching! :)
Episode 36 - The Royal Seals


Hey all, let's do a few more sidequests, shall we? This time around, we grab 3 more royal seals, back in old dungeons, and we spend some time in Uhra. This includes the cubic score puzzle/battle/things and plenty of other bits and pieces.

Thanks for watching! We'll be taking on an optional dungeon next time and a few other things. See you around :).
Episode 37 - Cave Of Wonders


Hey all, here's an optional dungeon for you all to have a quick gander at. It's really short and really simple so long as you have Anti-Petrify on everyone ;). The reward? Have a look see at the damn amazing rewards within! :eek:

Oh! Look out for that Doll Generator boss! It's ever so Silent Hillesque...though it's bloody simple lmao. Worth a look imo.

Thanks for watching! More sidequestiness coming tomorrow! :)
Episode 38 - Random Sidequests And Stuff


Or...something like that lmao. Welcome to some more sidequests, all based around Gohtza and Saman. There's quite a bit packed into these 20ish minutes, which is how I prefer my optional stuff in LPs...so I made it the same lol.

Thanks for watching! Looks like we have a few dreams stocked up now, so that's what's coming tomorrow :).