Let's Play Parasite Eve!

Episode 19 - Liberating Eve


Hey all, here comes the last of day 5! We head to the statue of liberty to finish off Eve...which kinda works out? The boss is incredibly tough. Thankfully, I get to show you Liberate, which is a pretty great spell after all (who knew?).

We also start day 6, but all we do is prepare for the last bosses, pretty much.

Thanks for watching! See you next time when we fight those bosses! :)
Episode 20 - Don't Kick The Baby!


Welcome one and all to the last day of Parasite Eve! This episode shows all of the bosses (including the baby, splitting boss, tentacled boss and the invincible green boss). We have some major problems...

Thanks for watching! Next time will be the last episode and will include by far the scariest part of the entire game. Hope to see you there :)
Episode 21 - An Explosive Escape! ~FIN~


Here comes the last of the series folks! The chase at the start is bloody horrible! Nemesis has nothing on this guy :/
All the end cinematics and story is here too. And the credits. I also give some sort of rough mini-review at the end, so that the credits aren't too boring. Hopefully.

Thanks for watching folks! Hope you've enjoyed the series. Be on the lookout for 2 new series that are incoming. You'll probably experience a greeny breakdown at some point with so much going on lmao!

I'll still be around to answer any questions/comments etc, of course. If you fancy talking about the game at all :s