Let's Play Resident Evil 2!


Dec 22, 2009
Chocobo Egg
Tifa Lockhart
Sabin's Tent
Hey there everyone! This next series is a much-loved fan favourite for the Resi series. Resi 2 is made by Capcom and Licensed by Nintendo (at least the Gamecube version that I'll be playing on is). It's available to buy for the PS1, N64 and Gamecube. If you wanna find it now-a-days, the easiest way is to head on over to the PSN store and download it from the PS1 section...although the Gamecube version is said to be the best.

Here's a link to a proper Resi 2 wiki page. I've been told that it's got good quality info...check it out if you want to find out a bit more before deciding whether to head into my let's play or not, or if you're just curious ;)


Also, here's the opening to resi 2:


And there we have it: the start to my next lp! Choosing between Leon and Claire is gonna be tough...I'm gonna be playing through as both (one after the other) so it's not exactly a huge decision, but still.

See you within the next couple of days with episode 1 folks! :D
Episode 1 - Motorbike Chick


Here's the opening cinematics folks! Along with that, Claire makes her way through the streets of Raccoon City, through the gun shop, finds herself a bow gun, through an abandoned bus (with a very posh briefcase :monocle:) and into the main hall of the police station.

Next up, we have the 1st floor to explore...this is gonna be fuuuuun :griin:
Episode 2 - Licking Redfield


Hey there folks, this episode we meet a survivor who gives us his card key, meet the first licker, and make our way around the station's 1st floor.
In the next episode we'll make a start on the 2nd floor and see what's lurking in those corridors.

Thanks for watching! :)
Episode 3 - Unicorns With Spades


Hey there guys, this episode has a bit more content. We start off by solving the statue puzzle (resulting in the red jewel/stone). After this we find and use the unicorn medal. We also find the spade key, along with a crank. The library puzzle is also solved. Oh, we also meet Sherry, a new character, along with Leon again.

Enjoy! :)
Episode 4 - Diamonds Are Forever


Hey folks, this episode is where things start to speed up a little bit in terms of key items. We find the second red jewel, and use both to get half a blue stone as well as the 2nd "playing card key": the diamond key. We also find the eagle stone, so there is only half a stone left to find. We obtain a lighter, which will be used a few times, along with a valve and a plastic bomb...things are about to get explosive! :D

Thanks for watching so far!
Episode 5 -Sherry Of Clubs


Hey there folks, this episode has a great part where you get to play as little Sherry Birkin! Finding a key has never been such fun! I wonder, which other resi game has this crate pushing puzzle been in to date? ;)
Otherwise, we blow up a wall, meet Chief Irons, find the heart key, complete the voltage puzzle and make our way through most of the station basement.

Enjoy! :)
Hey Green Link. Awesome series so far (watching the fifth video now). ;) I'm stunned that your videos don't get more views than they do. o_O But yeah, keep up the good work. I'm going to have to go back and check out your older videos when I get a chance. ;)
Hey Green Link. Awesome series so far (watching the fifth video now). ;) I'm stunned that your videos don't get more views than they do. o_O But yeah, keep up the good work. I'm going to have to go back and check out your older videos when I get a chance. ;)

Hey there! I'd love for them to get more views, but I guess it's fine so long as the few who do watch enjoy them :)
If it's horror you're looking for, then Resi Zero and REmake are both up. There's a bit of variety going on on my channel.
Thanks for watching!


Episode 6 - Jaguars And Morgues


Hey folks, this episode we finish off the basement, with a visit to the morgue and an important item choice for Claire: sidepack or new weapon? We then head back to the station's upper floors and find a new puzzle: the torch puzzle. This gives us the gear cogwheel, which we use to get the other half of the blue stone, making the jaguar stone. In the next episode, we'll be leaving the police station for good...that's gone quick :/

Thanks for watching! :)
Episode 7 - Chief Irons' Grand Exit


Hey there folks, this episode is mostly about the end of Chief Irons as well as the boss that follows: G Larvae. It's not pleasant...it's not pretty...but it's easy :D . We also get to control little Sherry Birkin for the last time down in the sewers, finding an eagle medal while we're at it :)

Enjoy! :)
Episode 8 - The Birkin Family


Hey there folks, this episode introduces the Birkin family properly, with a bit of background story etc. We also fight another boss; the croc in the sewers. We find the eagle and wolf medals and use them. Finally, we make it to a new area, where we find a new temporary gun as well as a storage key for later...

Thanks for watching so far! :)
Episode 9 - Good Will Hunting


Hey there folks, this episode has us use the tram to reach the lower floors...but something decides to hold us up along the way. Boss time! We also find the fuse case and use it...in the same room :/ . This gives us the fuse. We meet some new enemies, which are mutated plants; can they poison you? We have trouble with lickers...I hate that part! And that's all in the start of the labs! This is gonna be tough peoples...
Hope to see you in the next episode! :D
Title of a good movie, and content of one of my favorite games!
Seeing all this is inspiring me to go for another play through. I'll be after the Colt S.A.A., just for kicks.(;
Title of a good movie, and content of one of my favorite games!
Seeing all this is inspiring me to go for another play through. I'll be after the Colt S.A.A., just for kicks.(;

I'm an inspiration! :yay: . How do you get the Colt S.A.A? I've never gone for any of the extras or anything so have no idea of half the content in the game lol.


Episode 10 - Death Of A Birkin


Hey folks, we make our way through loads more of the labs this episode, but end up going the wrong way towards the end...still, it's sorted for the next episode. The next one is the last episode by the way...it's gonna be a blast! ;)

P.S. This episode sees the death of one of the Birkins...have a look see :)

Thanks again for watching so far! :)
To get it, you start a game with Claire on Normal. And you don't pick up a single item until you get to the police station, no herbs, bowgun/shotgun, no ammunition, not a thing. When you reach the police station, you head down the stairs just outside of the entrance, and if you were successful in not picking up any items, a special zombie will be there. I think he's in a STARS uniform or something, I forgot who he was supposed to be. You kill him, and pick up the key he drops, and then you examine the key. It unlocks a locker in the photo lab of the police station. For Claire, the SAA will be inside, along with an alternate costume. For Leon, however, only two alternate costumes are inside.

Some people hate the gun, some people like it. The revolver fires faster than a regular handgun. I just switch it out when I get tired of the same old pistol.
There's also a way to be rewarded an SMG, gattling gun, and rocket launcher for a new game. :) But meh, I'd rather play Hunk's scenerio. The unlimited ammo guns feel too cheat-ish for me.

The Birkin's are one of the main reasons why I love Resident Evil 2. Their cutscenes are the best, in my opinion.
To get it, you start a game with Claire on Normal. And you don't pick up a single item until you get to the police station, no herbs, bowgun/shotgun, no ammunition, not a thing. When you reach the police station, you head down the stairs just outside of the entrance, and if you were successful in not picking up any items, a special zombie will be there. I think he's in a STARS uniform or something, I forgot who he was supposed to be. You kill him, and pick up the key he drops, and then you examine the key. It unlocks a locker in the photo lab of the police station. For Claire, the SAA will be inside, along with an alternate costume. For Leon, however, only two alternate costumes are inside.

Some people hate the gun, some people like it. The revolver fires faster than a regular handgun. I just switch it out when I get tired of the same old pistol.
There's also a way to be rewarded an SMG, gattling gun, and rocket launcher for a new game. :) But meh, I'd rather play Hunk's scenerio. The unlimited ammo guns feel too cheat-ish for me.

The Birkin's are one of the main reasons why I love Resident Evil 2. Their cutscenes are the best, in my opinion.

Thanks, I'll have to give it a go sometime :) . The Birkins are certainly a great family to follow...mainly Sherry imo.


Episode 11 - Time To Escape!


Hey folks, welcome to the last episode of Claire's first ever survival! En route to escaping, we make the anti-virus for Sherry and kill off Billiam...twice! Easy times really, but next up with have Leon's B scenario, which is gonna be very different. Should still be short, but there'll be all new bosses, puzzles, items and characters. It's like an entirely different game!

Thanks for watching, and I hope to see you on Leon's scenario! :D
Leon's B Scenario!

Hey there folks! It's time to rewind the clocks and head back to the start to see how Leon made his way through the city of raccoons!

Episode 1 - Introducing Leon Kennedy!


This is Leon's B scenario and will be tough going...have a look see to find out how I'm changing it up this time around so it isn't too similar to Claire's scenario ;)

Enjoy! :)
Episode 2 - Mr X Drops By


Hey folks, this episode has us use the valve handle, we get the blue card key, we find out that the spade key is completely useless in Leon B and we get both red jewels. We also get to meet Sherry for the first time and have a liason with Claire. The diamond key is a nice find too. Finally, the zombies make their way into the police station by climbing through the windows...this is gonna be huge this playthrough...

Hope you're enjoying so far!
Episode 3 - Ada Loves Chess


Hey folks, this episode has quite a bit going on once again: we use the 2 red jewels to get a King Plug for later, solve the puzzle in the library which gives us the bishop plug and we get the heart key. Later on, we obtain the rook plug and head off to the basement where we meet Ada Wong!

We'll be finishing off the basement in the next episode, so I hope to see you then! :)