Silent Hill 3
Hey peoples, here comes a brand new let's play! Silent Hill 3 is one of the very best classic survival horror games out there, so I'm so excited to get started! This will be the PS3 HD remaster and will be uploaded (fingers crossed) every other day

Obviously, this game was not made by me. Konami and Team Silent made it with Hijinx Studios bringing us this HD remaster.
Here's the youtube playlist:

Let's Play #76: Silent Hill 3 HD!
Welcome back to Silent Hill! This time, our protagonist is an angsty teenage girl named Heather. Run, Heather, run!

Here's the opening:
I also have the 1st episode here, since we started the series up the other day:
Episode 1 - A Spot Of Retail Therapy
The nightmare begins! Meet our protagonist; full of teenage angst and pain in the world! She doesn't know just how painful her life is about to be though...
I love how this game opens! So much creativity with the interweaving areas.
Thanks for watching! More of the mall to come!