Hello folks, let's head on over to the Gemini's Corpse, shall we? Tricky to locate imo, but we get there. The whole dungeon has a gimmick where you have to collect jewels and place them in certain statues. It's one of my more liked dungeons.
Thanks for watching! We'll carry on with the dungeon next time and possibly a wee bit more .
Episode 48 - A Powerful Circuit
Hi again! It's time for us to finish the Gemini's Corpse and obtain our Circuit! There are a couple of problems though...
1) Mech Drake boss: The usual strategy will take this guy down.
2) The other circuit that Jane and Bart were grabbing has been lost to the bottom of the sea. More on this next time.
We also fill up our inventory items and upgrade the Phaser arm a million times. It's much more powerful than the rocket launcher when fully upgraded. Finally, we grab a few new spells. Sorted!
Thanks for watching! We'll go for the other circuit next time...which isn't a dungeon, don't worry lmao. Bye!