Let's Play Yoshi's Story!


Dec 22, 2009
Chocobo Egg
Tifa Lockhart
Sabin's Tent
Hey there folks, what we have here is my next let's play! I'm not sure if Yoshi's Story will be started tomorrow or what, but I thought I'd put the opening up today while I have time anyway. And here it is:


Yoshi's Story is a colourful platformer, in the same vein as the Kirby games. I personally prefer Yoshi's Story, because it has more imagination and a few different mechanics. It's a sorta spiritual sequel to the "Baby Mario and Yoshi" games, but without baby mario this time around.

This game is made by Nintendo, naturally, and is being played on the N64 console. It may be available on the Wii's Virtual Console...I'm not sure. If not, it should be :D

Here's a link to the Mario wiki that I usually use if you'd like a wee bit more info about the game before diving into the series (or to decide whether to watch or not):


So, I hope to see you all around, and I hope you enjoy the series as much as I'll enjoy going down nostalgia lane :D
Episode 1: Treasure Hunt


Hey there folks, here's the 1st episode of my new series! Treasure Hunt is simple enough. Ground pound near the elephants and you should have no problems :) . Not much else to say about this episode really...so enjoy! :D
Episode 2 - Bone Dragon Pit


Hey there folks, page 2 is all about the Bone Dragon Pit! Lotsa cave exploring and huge dragons made of bones makes this a pretty interesting level. We have a bit of trouble at the start, but it's fine from there on out :D

Thanks so much for watching :)
Episode 3 - Poochy And Nippy


Hey there folks, here comes the cloudy/snowy page! I understand where poochy comes into this level, 'cause you have to take the paths that poochy takes you to, but nippy? Maybe just because it's cold lol :$
2 levels today, and then the last one tomorrow! I'll then be starting over again to show you another level from each area :)

Episode 4 - Piranha Grove


Hey folks, here's the jungle page! The music in this stage is so good! Is that the DK rap in background? Other than the music, this stage is so tough! Those piranhas making us mini is so annoying. Still, we make it through somehow :D


Episode 5 - Lots O'Jelly Fish


Hey again people, this episode is all about the water page, which is always tough in videogames, but not too bad this time around. Eating jelly fish hearts sure is strange...kinda cannibalistic :/

See you again!
Episode 6 - Ghost Castle


Hey there folks, here's the last level of our 1st playthrough! Ghost Castle is especially tricky because of the fiddly controls when jumping with yoshi. Still...we somehow make it through. The credits are also included.

See you for the 2nd playthrough! :)
Ok, I'm back from a bit of a break, ready to play through Yoshi's Story one more time! This time we'll try out different levels right through so that you get to see some different stuff.

Episode 7 - Tower Climb


Hey there folks, it's time to play through one more time and see 6 different levels! This episode has Tower Climb, which is pretty easy. Full of new mechanics and stuff, so it's worth a watch.
Episode 8 - Blargg's Boiler


Hey there folks, this episode takes us back to the lava page, but this time there's something a bit different about it. Check it out if you like your books burning! :D

Thanks for watching so far :)
Episode 9 - The Tall Tower


Hey there folks, this episode is all about climbing the tallest of towers and reaching the top! It's an easy enough level, and the boss is simple. Still fun though ;)

Thanks for watching! :)
Episode 10 - Jungle Puddle


Hey there folks, this episode is about the jungle page again, but this time the fish are the big problem...and these are some big fish! It's much different to the jungle level in the first round, so give it a check :)

Thank yoooou!
Episode 11 - Lots O'Fish


Hey there folks, it's time for a bit of penultimate fun! With water everywhere, it's very similar to the water page during our first run-through, but this time it's more about different types of fish rather than just the jellyfish.

Enjoy! The last episode will be up tomorrow! :)
Episode 12 - Lift Castle (END)


Hey there folks, it's time for the last episode of Yoshi's Story (unless you request more)! I hope you enjoy this last page, which is the lift castle (who knows why it's called that :/) and that I see you soon!
I'll actually be playing another game, which should be incredibly short, before christmas. Ignore what I say at the end about that ha. It'll be started tomorrow and will hopefully be finished a couple of days after. Proper retro! :D

Again, request more levels, and I'll gladly do them!

See you all again! :)