Let's Play Yoshi's Woolly World! [BLIND]

Part 21 - Fluffin' Puffin Babysitting


Welcome to another pretty unique stage! This time around, we need to take care of a few birds, who act as our yarn balls for the stage. It's all very strange and well worth a watch. I know I enjoyed this stage anyways :).

Thanks for watching! Off to the candy cave next time! I can't help but think of the old man from Family Guy for that :D.
Part 22 - A-Mazing Post Pounding


'ello again peoples. This stage is pretty head-splitting, but we find our way through somehow lmao! As the title suggests, there're a lot of posts to pound and a lot of different ways to go! We get to play as mole yoshi again too, though there's naturally a different (and more difficult) course.

Thanks for watching! There seems to be rainbows in the next stage, which means that everything is bound to be stunning! ;)
Part 23 - Fanciful Fluff And Feathers


Oh my lord, this stage is perdy! The knitting rainbows, the fluffy clouds that you can swim through, the clear skies (other than said small clouds lmao). Let's not forget sky-pop yoshi too! It's kinda like a vertical 2d shooter, but with a strict timer. I love it :grin:.

Thanks for watching! Castle incoming! :lew:


Part 24 - Miss Cluck The Insincere's Castle


Oh oh oh! A candy castle with a sky theme! Heavy SMB3 vibes, where you go on those airships before fighting the mini-bowser bosses? I mean, it's not quite the same, but it's all in the sky so...

Otherwise, that boss is so damn tense! I was trying not to lose any health for the 100% and nearly had a bloody heart attack lmao! The boss music too :eek:. 10/10, Nintendo, 10/10 ;).

Thanks for watching! World 4 looks like it'll be all dark and stuff, which will be an amazing contrast ha. Maybe there'll be something beforehand though? :gasp:
Part 25 - Monkeying Round And Round


Hey there peoples! This time around I think it's about time we head on into the forest for world 4! The first stage has so many monkeys running around, but I have no bananas so...they can sod off :/. FF X-2 tried to get me to give away all my 'nanas too but...no! No one has my 'nanas. The nerve... :grumpy:

Anyways! I love this backdrop and the music is nice and relaxing. I don't think we've heard it before now?

Thanks for watching! We'll head into the walnut whip next time! :lew:
Part 26 - Lakitu Peek-A-Boo


Hey there folks, let's head into the walnut whip! Or y'know...just a cave really lmao. I love the screen chase, even if it makes things a bit tricky. Takes me way back to my childhood, when I used to play Sonic for master system and get sooo scared playing the 2nd Bridge area :s.

Thanks for watching! See you next time for...some logs? ;)


Part 27 - Rollin' Down The River


~I left a good job in the city
Working for the man every night and day
And I never lost one minute of sleeping
Worrying 'bout the way things might have been

Big wheel keep on turning
Proud Mary keep on burning
And we're rolling, rolling
Rolling on the river~
Part 28 - Knot-Wing The Koopa's Aqua Fort


Hey there peoples, let's take on the fortress of world 4! All the water, all the spikes, all the...wait! Poochy! Get outta here! Not really...stay all you like :s.

There's also the boss (guess who's back!) who is much different this time around! Love the boss this time :).

Thanks for watching! See you next time for a wee bit of a change :).


Part 29 - Hang Tongue


Hey again peoples, I thought this time we'd have a change from the usual formula, so I thought returning to world 1 and checking out the special stage would be grand :).

Hang Tongue is so stunning to look at and listen to! We've finally been given a night time stage, and I love it soooo much! I just wonder if this is what the 2nd special stage will be like too?

Thanks for watching! We'll move on with world 4 next time and see what the shower curtain has in store lmao :D.

P.S. The new yoshi is absolutely stunning. I may have to use him from now on :s.
Part 30 - Sunset At Curtain Falls


Hey peoples, I absolutely love this level! The colour scheme, the screen chase, the music, the uniqueness of it all! Who knew curtains could be so dangerous? :/

Thanks for watching! The next stage will have to be something great to keep up with this...


Part 31 - Spooky Scraps! Don't Get Spooked!


Wooo, we made it to the horror stage! It's kinda like those boo houses from the usual Mario games, but this one is made out of art and crafty stuff, which is pretty amazing. However, for some reason, it ain't my favourite horror level of any game in the world. There's something a little annoying about those light curtains lol.

This stage isn't blind like the rest of the series, due to technical issues screwing up the ol' raw footage, so here's our attempt at beating the level without getting hurt ha!

Thanks for watching! We'll check out that tree next time and see if we get the darker forest level I've been hoping for.
Part 32 - Yoshi Branches Out


Hey all, a slightly longer ep today to show off the great tree climb! I quite like the moving balls...they remind me of those arrow platforms in Alundra :gasp:. Otherwise, there's really nice scenery, but I can't help but be disappointed in the lack of a dark forest stage in this world. It could have been great! Then again, maybe that's what the castle will be like...or the special stage? :)

Thanks for watching! We'll head into said castle with the piranha plant motif next time...and I'm curious to see what a forest castle will be like :griin:.
Part 33 - Naval Piranha's Sewer


Hey all, let's finish up world 4! The castle this time around is something so different from other castles that I can't help but like it! There's also the boss who looks absolutely amazing...especially when he gets those thorny vines rotating and moving along. I may have dribbled a bit on the mic like a proper nerd, so please excuse me :s.

Thanks for watching! See you next time for a special stage! :)
Part 34 - Perils Of The Perplexing Pyramid


Hey peoples, this time around we're going for the special stage in world 2, which is actually damn hard lmao. It's another pyramid, but this time it's all about the puzzles. I'll leave it there for you to see, but all the solutions are naturally here.

This is definitely the hardest stage to date. While I'd rather not see more puzzle stages like this, it was really nice to see how puzzles could fit into this game. It kinda feels like Indiana Jones, trying to make his way through to the treasure room ha!

Thanks for watching! See you next time for world 5! Snoooooow! :D
Part 35 - Fluffy Snow, Here We Go!


Hey there peoples, I've been looking forward to giving the snowy world a whirl, and it doesn't disappoint! From the snowballs, to the aesthetics, to the music, to the return of moto yoshi (not to mention a new watermelon type that's pretty damn shocking lmao), it's a real joy to play this stage :).

Thanks for watching! I'm not sure what the next stage is about going by that world map icon thingy, but anything snowy is bound to be good. Right? :gasp:
Part 36 - Frozen Solid And Chilled


Why hello there! This time around we check out a slightly darker side of the snowy lands (though it's still really colourful and stunning to look at!). My particular favourite part is the whale and rainbow combo. It's seriously stunning :D. We also check out another mermaid yoshi part, which is an excellent minigame so I'm really glad to see it back!

Thanks for watching! See you next time for that carpet thing :).


Part 37 - Flying Carpet Cruise


Ha I knew it! I knew it would be a flying carpet stage! I never quite imagined it being quite like this though; I thought it would be automatic. The way you control these carpets is quite fiddly, so maybe it would have been better automatic? Still, that stunning backdrop, the difficulty spike and the many other different gimmicks in this stage really made me love it :).

Thanks for watching! The fortress is next up and if it's anything like the 2D Mario ice castles, then it's gonna be something to really look forward to :lew:.
Glad to see you keeping all this up bud! Great job on it all.
Glad to see you keeping all this up bud! Great job on it all.

I make LPs more than I regularly play games now...I don't know what I'd do if I dropped my major hobby :wacky:. Thank you Shu! I remember when you used to encourage me to keep my first LP of FF9 up like 2 years (maybe more?) ago. Crazy how time has flown :lew:.


Part 38 - Big Montgomery's Ice Fort


Hey peoples, let's jump right into the ice fortress, shall we? The stage itself is reeeeally purdy to look at, with the ice glimmers and shining etc, but it's ever so tough :s. Loads of insta-death with no power badges to cover yourself. Because of all the deaths, it's gonna be so tough to beat the stage with max health ;).

As for the boss, our favourite mole has returned and this time he has some daring new moves. I'll leave all that for you to see for yourselves, but it's definitely an improvement from what we've seen off him so far :).

Thanks for watching! See you next time for that tree stage!

This is our second attempt at this stage due to technical failures (for the second time this series). Still, I try to show off everything I can without spoiling things :).


Part 39 - A Little Light Snowfall


We're back with another normal snowy level, but this time snow falls off branches and stuff. Nothing particularly different from stages 5-1 and 5-2. Having said this, I love the snowmen, the fluffiness of the snowfalls and the mega yoshi section!

Thanks for watching! Here's looking forward to seeing what that mound of snowiness is like for the next level :D.

P.S. Woolly hats with such content faces. One of my highlights of the game somehow ha :).
Part 40 - Up Shuttlethread Pass


Hey peoples, for this part, we're going for what I'd consider to be like the previous pyramid stages. It's like a giant maze with tonnes of opportunities to miss collectables and stuffs :D. I personally prefer the more linear stages, but this is still something different and fun ;).

Thanks for watching! We'll see what that weird mound is next time! This world is full of stages that give nothing away huh? lmao


Part 41 - Snowy Mountain Lift Tour


Those bloody pingus!

...I love this stage lmao. It's actually really tough at points though :s. So many places to fall to your death and I wouldn't want to go into the stage with that power badge that prevents those deaths so...we'll just have to put up with the pingus beating us up a bit :/. Kinda reminds me of that episode of Pingu where he takes a wazz on the floor and blames his baby brother so his parents beat up the baby pingu. That's a must watch by the way...just sayin'. Even if it's just to see Pingu try to mop up his wazz using his fellow sibling as a mop.

Anyways! A sehr schöne stage, which is prettiful and full of tension. Thank you for watching! The castle of world 5 is coming next...I wonder what world 6 will be like? Will it be typical final world stuff, or will there be even more after world 6? 0_0
Part 42 - Snifberg The Unfeeling's Castle


Hey folks, it's time for us to finish off the mandatory section of world 5! The castle this time around is full of ice (as you'd expect) and has such a nice new enemy design! Y'know how you normally get thwomps in Mario games? Well this time around they have a new look! I love them so much, even if they cause so much grief lmao! ;)

Can't forget to mention Snifberg! He's a right good boss (really shows off how the Wii U can still shock the world graphically ha), although he ain't gonna be easy to beat without getting hurt :eek:.

Thanks for watching! We'll be going for the 3rd world's special stage next time and it's a corka! I put a tonne of effort into that episode so please be excited! Oh and also...world 6 has gotten me well worked up to get started on that recording. Gonna do that over the weekend :D. See you around!
Part 43 - Woollet Bill's Last Ride


Hey all, my keyboard has arrived so I can use the comp again! This time around is something that took a tonne of effort and editing, so I hope it gets accepted well.

The 3rd world special stage is a bit of a git! You have to stay on woollet bill as the screen chases you! The worst thing? One missed yarn ball or one unlucky lick and you'll eat her 0_0. It's by far the toughest stage so far, but it's the sort of stage I looove in my 2D platformers. Please enjoy! :)

Thanks for watching! We'll make a start on world 6 next...which is probably the last world? It looks all Bowsery, so I assume we're almost done :D.
Part 44 - Lair Of The Smooch Spiders


Hey all, here comes world 6! I'm thinking we're nearing the end of the game now, so I'm hoping the game is keeping the best for last!
I personally love horror themes, so this stage was pretty grand. Pretty disturbed about the spiders that are trying to kiss yoshi with poison on their lips 0_0. I love the aesthetics here! Hopefully this is just a taster of things to come!

Thanks for watching! We'll check out the...uhhh...pin cushion thing next :s.

P.S. Back in my day, people would be shot for smooching in public! Young folk, I tells ya! Makes me wanna wretch!
Part 45 - Snag-Stitch Mountain


Hey all, this time around we have a more normal stage, but with horror elements here and there. Those platforms sure are angry! I think this may be one of the more generic stages so far, with no real gimmick. Still, it's nice enough and has all the addictive collectibles, so I'm not gonna complain ;). Oh! We also get to be an umbrella again! This time it's much harder than before though :s.

Thanks for watching! Looks like we have a cave next and a cave mixed with horror should be soooo good! :lew:

P.S. This was uploaded yesterday but due to server problems here, I couldn't post. So here it is! ;)


Part 46 - Vamoose The Lava Sluice!


Welcome one and all to the lava cave! I love this place due to the fact that we've hardly seen any lava stages in the game. It's pretty bloody hard to collect everything, due to not being able to backtrack for some of it and I honestly had a damn tough time trying to beat one part. Go on, guess which part ha!

Thanks for watching! See you next time for the fortress! :D
Part 47 - Knot-Wing The Kooper's Sky Fort


In amongst the lava and dark, scary caves, we have the ever fearful...sky fort? lmao. Welcome folks!

Is it weird that my favourite thing about this stage is the smiling balloons? They're so random! The boss is another repeat (I swear we've seen this guy like 5 times now), but they've changed him up again. I'm sure they could have designed another monster with the same attack patterns or something? Either way, a solid stage with just the right level of difficulty imo. Gonna be hell to 100%!

Thanks for watching folks! We'll check out that weird box next time...I'm sure it'll be one of those maze levels? :)