Let's Play Yoshi's Woolly World! [BLIND]

Part 48 - Yoshi, the Terror Of All Boos


Wilkommen! This episode shows off another haunted house, where the boos are the main focus. I actually quite like how they've changed them up a bit from the usual Mario formula :). This happens to be a bloody confusing stage, but we make it somehow! Somehoooooow 0_0.

Thanks for watching! Next time, we'll check out what that weird little guy is doing rubbing against the carpet on his stomach. Seriously Shy Guy, not while the kids are around :/.

P.S. Yay for getting stuck at the very start! Yaaaay! lmao.
Part 49 - Feel Fuzzy, Get Clingy


Hey peoples, I've been waiting for a more unique stage in this world and we finally have one! The way that you move around like you're stuck to the surfaces is so fun and adds a brand spanking new gimmick to the stage :D.

Thanks for watching! We won't be rubbing our crotches against carpet next time, but instead we'll be checking out that giant ice cream thing! ;)
Part 50 - Kamek's Last-Ditch Fly-By


Hey there peoples, it's time to finally get rid of that pesky Kamek! He's a right bit of pesky fluff too this time, 'cause he's annoying you right through the stage lmao! I love how different they went and how they made him kind of like the evil sun from the old Mario games. Kinda.

Thanks for watching! I think it's the last main stage of the game, so fingers crossed for much epicness! :lew:
Part 51 - King Bowser's Castle


Hey there peoples, it's time to wrap up the main game with a woolly version of Bowser's castle! The way it's designed actually reminds me a little bit of Ganon's Castle in ALttP, with it being all maze-like and a lot of optional stuff going on. I actually like how they did the main level :D.

As for the boss, baby Bowser is a tough fight! He has quite a bit of "health" and has a way of instantly killing you off :s. All this to see the credits! They're nice and short so it's all good. A nice change after sitting through Rayman Origins' credits...

Thanks for watching folks! We still have all the remaining optional stuff left, but I'm gonna go out on a whim and say maybe 5 eps left? Or something? :)
Part 52 - Naval Piranha 2: Now It's Personal!


Welcome to some post game content folks! The special stage for world 4 is such a nightmare! I love these sorts of chase stages, but oh my god! Frustration and irritation combined! :gasp2:

Thanks for watching! There was a tonne of effort put into this ep and I can already see it in the stars: the next special stage isn't gonna be any easier :/. See you in a bit! :)
Part 53 - Yoshi's Curtain Call


Hey there peoples! I hope you're ready for a good old fashioned, bloody solid special stage! If you can remember that stage where we had to jump around on non-stop curtains, then you know what's coming. This time though...it's hard mode. In the snow. With aurora borialis or some crap going on. I loooove this stage, but that end is a git!

Thanks for watching! Hopefully world 6's special stage won't take quite as many hours to 100%...
Part 54 - Skeleton Goonies' Lava Lair


Hey all, welcome to world 6's special stage! It's finally an easier one, although there is a reason for that :s. So much lava, so little time! I quite like legging it through this one :).

Thanks for watching! We'll go for the egg next time. Here's hoping it's a Kinder Surprise! Om nom nom. Can you imagine if it was a yoshi egg though and there was just a little dead yoshi in there? That wouldn't be the best reward in the world for all this hard work :sad2:.
Part 55 - Wonderful World Of Wool


Welcome to the wonderful world of goo! I mean wool! This is such a nice stage, with it being a kind of montage of all the worlds! It's bloody hard though, with no checkpoints being provided and still having all the collectibles around. Why there are flowers when you can't unlock another stage is beyond me though. Just for the collectors, I guess.

Thanks for watching! We'll be wrapping things up with the boss tent next time...I assume there's not much to unlock in there anyways? In a bit! :)
Part 56 - Boss Tent! ~FIN~


Hey all, welcome to the grand finale! I can't believe we've come to the end after all this time! To wrap things up, we have the boss tent that unlocked after the final boss, which is actually pretty bloody hard! After a tonne of editing and a tonne of redos, we actually make it to the end and earn our three rewards! Looks like there's nothing else to do in the game now so...we're done :'(.

Thanks so much for watching this series!
It makes me so happy to know that people enjoy anything I make (even if I don't fully understand it), so thank you so much for the comments and/or views :).

As a sidenote, I'll have a day or two off now and then we'll go for something that's possibly the complete opposite of such a colourful cute game. I hope you'll stick around to check it out :). Thanks again!