Level questions

Will someone stickie this crap in like an FFXII FAQ:

10 espers, do all garif hunts... the hunts for the people who live in jahara.

EDIT: Yea, you get there by doing this stuff above. And that's where Zodiark is. It's a lot stronger creatures. Some of the best loot is there too. Including ribbons and another zodiac spear.
looks like the Henne mines...exactly where Zodiark is found :P, I guess it also depends on how you wanna level. If you wanna level by walking through and killing stuff then what people are saying is good, if you wanna leave your PS2 on, walk away for a few minutes and come back later then I'd say somewhere like in the great crystal right before you find Omega Mark (I forget the number) theres a place where Forbidden will keep spawning for a while, so you can head there, kill em and walk around a bit to a different area and come back soon after to repeat the process. Isn't lots of XP in one kill but fast kills and lots of them without you having to do it yourself.
This is what I did as well in the Henne Mines, I found this to be the best way and place for a quick level up, not to mention a quick way to get a 999 Chain in a short amount of time.

Make sure you have the Embroidered Tippet to double your Exp and you can earn a maximum of 104,404 Exp each time.

Here's a video as well.
Hahaha yea, I love doing that. It's a bitch to stay alive sometimes though. I set up all my characters to use Scathe and just kept doing that. You can clear out the bats in about 3 casts. So if each character can get off a cast, you've cleared out all the bats. But yea, that was something neat I picked up too.
Lol... Oh yea it was a bitch the first couple of times until I got the gambits set right, but like I said in a different post once you had the gambit AI set right it almost made it to easy while still looking harder that hell.
What level do you have to be to train in the henne mines and do you need anything to get to the part that gives you like 3000exp a bat??
Every bat is worth 3000 exp. You should probably be lvl 60+. If you equip a golden tippet, you get 9000 per bat per person. You know that exp is divided between whomever you have in your field party, right? So if you only need to level 2 people and you can survive with only those two, take out the third person... he's only getting in your way and slowing down your lvling.
Thanks, yeah.....ain't it 6000 per bat per person cause the golden tippet only doubles exp??? My levels are 61 and the rest are in the early to mid 50s. Is there anything like a super powerfull boss in there (Don't wanna get wiped out after leveling up lol). So there is no key i need or anythink like that its just walk in kill and walk out???
HAHAHA Yea, my post was all kinds of wrong. It's emboidered tippet... and yea, it's only double exp. haha

And yea, if you do the things to unlock ther lower portion, then yes you can just walk in and out. How you get there is right through were you fought Tiamat... which has an orange save crystal right next to it.
Lol ok thanks hopefully i should be able to find my way in there. Hopefully my characters are strong enough. I have been training in Necrohol of Nabudis and the 3000exp off one bat is much better than the 1200 i get off the monsters there.
Lol ok thanks hopefully i should be able to find my way in there. Hopefully my characters are strong enough. I have been training in Necrohol of Nabudis and the 3000exp off one bat is much better than the 1200 i get off the monsters there.

Well, had I not had the zodiac spear(from the necrohol) and the excalibur(from giruvegan) I dont think I would have done as well there, just make sure you have bubble belts. And make sure you have ten summonings and have completed the mind flayer hunt so you can actually get into the mines. If you dont know about all that then game FAQs com is your best friend.

This is what I did as well in the Henne Mines, I found this to be the best way and place for a quick level up, not to mention a quick way to get a 999 Chain in a short amount of time.

Make sure you have the Embroidered Tippet to double your Exp and you can earn a maximum of 104,404 Exp each time.

Here's a video as well.

after seeing that video it does make me wonder why the hell those bats didnt drop any vampyr fang when i chained them until 500?! what is wrong with that?! i do think now that perhaps i am missing something?! pls if u got any idea, enlighten me!!!!!!!!!
Well, had I not had the zodiac spear(from the necrohol) and the excalibur(from giruvegan) I dont think I would have done as well there, just make sure you have bubble belts. And make sure you have ten summonings and have completed the mind flayer hunt so you can actually get into the mines. If you dont know about all that then game FAQs com is your best friend.

Well i have got the zodaic spear. I have not got any bubble belts. I just use the magic because i want to use that thing that doubles exp. Not sure bout the mind flayer hunt i think i have done it though...