Leveling difficulties


Oct 26, 2007
I need a little help with leveling up.. I'm level 26 with all my characters, I have just got Mateus (sorry cant spell) the second esper... but now I need to level up big time.. I keep goin for the wild saruadin (t-rex looking thing) in the eastersand... which gives me 917exp each time, it does help but I need to level up a lot faster... can any one tell me where I can go to do this?
Why do you need to lv up? That lv is fine as long as you have decent equipment. Lving does not play a vital part in this game. The equipment does.
equipment does play a more vital role than the levels do, but it still doesn't hurt to level up. Once you get the Embroidered Tippet, then leveling becomes much easier. Until, then you'll just have to find a spot where you can fight some high experience givin mobs.
But getting equipment is alot more fun then fighting enemies over and over again.
Meh I prefer to plough through the game without stopping to lv up or gathering materials.
I agree with all of you there are more fun things to be doing... but I wanna finish this game and not leveling up isnt exactly gonna help me gain that lol. I guess that I'll have to stick with fighting that.
I noticed that if you have trouble with whatever monsters are around, then you need to level up a bit, or upgrade your armour like mentioned above. But if you're breezing through the normal enemies, then your level should be fine. Good equips help, and for bosses the key is Overdrive Chains =D
You might as well but I recommend getting the best equipment possible. Judge Bergan is hard if you don't have heavy armour. Cast protect haste etc before boss battles. And set up decent gambits that suit that boss.
If your characters are all lvl 26, might I suggest Ozmone Plain? Fight all the Zaghnals and Zus there, and you should be good, both EXP and also LP wise.
Dude if you stuck, why not go on a hunt to level up or try to get stuff for the bazaar to unlock an ultimate weapon and/or armour?

Doing that stuff will make your time in this game much easier in the long run.
If your characters are all lvl 26, might I suggest Ozmone Plain? Fight all the Zaghnals and Zus there, and you should be good, both EXP and also LP wise.

Hmm, I'd have to disagree. The Zus, while excellent for making a large chain, have annoyingly long respawn times, and the Zaghnals can do a fair amount of damage in their groups (although they are good, as you said, for LP, with 2LP per kill).

At level 26, I'd recommend Golmore Jungle. The Malboros are pathetic and give roughly the same XP as Zaghnals, and the Cat-like enemies (Coeurls? I forget) are easy as well, especially since you can kill an entire group of four with two blizzara spells (getting you an easy 1200XP).
coolies.. I'm loving all this info... its very helpful so thankies to everyone who's posted on here so far... I will keep everything said in mind.... it's very useful... so THANKIES!!! ^_^
Judge Bergan? Hard?! PAH. He was pathetically easy. I Quickeninged his lackies to death with my reserve team, killed them, then I hacked away at him until he had about 30% health. Then I used my main team and then owned him. When he was HP Critical, I did a Quickening Chain just for the hell of it. It could have killed him right from the beginning! He only has 18000-ish health.

You don't need to level grind to be honest. I was that level after getting Mateus. Mateus is harder than Bergan, trust me. Just carry on with the story. I think it then takes you to Archades. In the area past Nalbina, the M-something Highwaste, you'll find plenty of enemies to kill, and since they're around your level, they'll give off good EXP.

If you get to the Salikawood, don't go to Nabudis, they're level 35-45+ :P
Have at least one person with an Ice Shield so you'll have a fail-safe if the ice attacks are overwhelming you - you'll have someone to revive the others.

Black Magic plays little use in this fight, so have Thunder Spear equipped to the two without the Ice Shield. Don't use Flametongue, or whatever it's called (1H sword). Simply attack the Elementals until they're all down. This shouldn't be hard as the spear will inflict decent damage on them due to the weakness aspect. Due to the amounting damage they can rally onto your party, it's best that you have everyone attack the same Elemental as your leader in order to secure a quick defeat of one at a time, rather than dealing sporadic damage amongst many - they'll still be alive. ;p

After that, the fight's a piece of piss. Just make sure your health is high enough, as Blizzaja will hurt.

Edit: Lol, didn't read the specifics of your first post thoroughly. Oh well. :monster:

As for training, you can chain a tonne of Malboros in Golmore Jungle as there's... well... lots of 'em. xD Though there are better monsters to kill out there, as aforementioned.
Or you can do what I did and use your reserve team to Quickening the crap out of the Ice Azers :monster: Hack Mateus to death with them, if they die, use back up party ...

although i'm sure you said you had Mateus ... whatever :P
Or you can do what I did and use your reserve team to Quickening the crap out of the Ice Azers :monster:

Haha I did that. I thought they were Ice Elementals, which were apparently quite strong, so I went a bit mad and took them all out with a 13-hit quickening chain. >_>

@Voxona: You're welcome.
Well, levels are actually quite diffulcult to obtain within this game, I must admit. Just keep training and you'll get there.

As stated above the equipment is more important. Unfortunatly, in order to get equipment you must have Gil, and in order to get Gil you must have Loot, and in order to get Loot you gotta fight Fiends. =/. Haha.