Leveling difficulties

oki coolies... so maybe I should try and level... then carry on with the next part of the story.. then level etc..
Your current lvl is indeed fine for where you are, but chaining malboros in golmore always worked well for me. Just make sure you are 32+ before you reach that judge boss in the chapel, whatever his name is. Level doesn't play too much of a vital role anyway in FFXII, equipment and licences do everything. With the exception of the Omega battle, of course.
i have found that going to ozmone plain and getting a chain of 100+ fighting Zaghnal works well for loot as i got around 200,000Gil after fighting them for a few hours then got the best equip i could for that lv and also if you fight with 2 or even 1 person in ur group they lv much quicker than if u had a group of 3 i got from lv 19 ish to lv 35 with everyone took a while but i had a week off work lol. now im at lv 45 and i am at the Ridorana Cataractso almost finished game