Leveling up worse before Bahamut?


Jan 11, 2007
I'm ready to go to Bahamut, but held off to finish up other quests. And now I've noticed that Rank 6 hunts, which used to melt like popsicles, now suddenly annihilate my team even though we're 10 levels higher now. Rank 7, which used to be a tough but do-able fight, isn't even on the radar of possibility now. What gives? Have you all noticed this?
What levels are your characters at? I got up to level 60 something before I went in to face the final bosses on Bahamut. I have only died to one Mark the whole game and it was the very second one because I went in with only Vaan and he creamed the crap out of the poor kid.

Other Marks though I've built up and set up my gambits for perfectly and readily equipped my characters ahead of time and in-battle so that they have quite an easy time taking on the Big Bad Wolves of the game.
yeah ranks 7 monsters are strong like fafnir and behemoth king but for bahamut you should be able to do it at lv 50+ ^_^
Yeah I beat the final boss in the lv 40's or 50's, took like 3 tries before I actually beat him. My main goals right now are getting the tournesol and using it to own the BK.
60 is way too high imo, seriously Vayne was a joke when i faced him at 57 because i overlevelled. His powerful Quickening moves did barely anything to me. You have to be around 45 to make it a good battle. I could of used my second set of characters but they were lv 20.
No, I'm talking about hunts, not the final Bahamut stuff. I am level 64 and suddenly the Hunt Club hunts and elite hunts seem way out of my league. Did anyone else have that problem?
Well, I always level up before going anywhere special. I always try to be 10 -15 levels higher the hunts or bosses. Other than that when the battle gets tough, I use my head, I mean there is always a way to win no matter what even if your not the right level, thinking about situation and trying my best to reverse the affects always works for me, I have always thought FF games to be stragedy games. Dunno about others ttho >_>;;
like final fantasy and kingdom hearts take a look at my home page dediacted to ff and kh Link Removed plz leave messages if u wish.;)

BustaMo - One last time this will be said...stop advertising your site here.
stop advertising its annoying^

well anyway i didnt really have problems at lv 60-70 cause i had the right equipment
i mean i beat hell wyrm and fafnir at lv 56 and at lv 63 i beat pylraster (cause his attack power is off the the scale lol)
you would have problems with behemoth king and yiazmat at lv 64 though
stop advertising its annoying^

well anyway i didnt really have problems at lv 60-70 cause i had the right equipment
i mean i beat hell wyrm and fafnir at lv 56 and at lv 63 i beat pylraster (cause his attack power is off the the scale lol)
you would have problems with behemoth king and yiazmat at lv 64 though

Fafnir...by the gods i hate that thing. He was so hard, i had to do it the cheating way.
i never got into any problems with the hunts all you have to do is have a good level best eguipment and then it comes to your talent and gambits setting
maimillian armour and 2 bubble belts and magepower shishak and 1 gengi glove
I don't know where to get most of that stuff except the bubble belts. I have greataxes, Aegis shields, Circlets, and Dragon Mail in addition to bubble belts. I will just keep leveling up, I guess.

It still just really seems to me that Rank 6 fights were never as hard before. Now I am facing Diabolo and Ixtab, and these guys are supposed to be RANK 6?!?! WHATEVER.

OK I upgraded to Maximillian and Demon shields, leveled up to 70, and kicked Diabolos' butt without him even touching me, then went on to other hunts and had no problem. Weird. Before, I was having the same problem as the guy who wrote the "Diabolos is from Hell" thread.
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that means im overleveled for vanye?! i am currently level 80 for vaan and all of the others are leveled 70 but the things is i dont have that much good set of armors and weapons. i have masamune though and some genji gloves and i am now looking for ribbons because ixion always kills me...
that means im overleveled for vanye?! i am currently level 80 for vaan and all of the others are leveled 70 but the things is i dont have that much good set of armors and weapons. i have masamune though and some genji gloves and i am now looking for ribbons because ixion always kills me...

well at that level its not difficult

i defeated vayne at 49-50 and it took me 2 hours
at level 80 you should be able to walk in, put your basic gambits on, walk out of the room and come back with the game beaten (maybe you would want to stay in the room and just eat popcorn or something so you can watch the finishing cinematic). The first time I did it was at 50 and it was easy.
at level 80 you should be able to walk in, put your basic gambits on, walk out of the room and come back with the game beaten (maybe you would want to stay in the room and just eat popcorn or something so you can watch the finishing cinematic). The first time I did it was at 50 and it was easy.

it was not easy at 50

because if you were 50 you wopuldnt have money to buy good equipment and if you are good at the gambits you still have to face FOUR battles with No breaks FOUR CONTINOUSE hard battles