Help Levels to low?


Chocobo Breeder
Nov 27, 2006
are my levels to low for my progress? im still preety early into the game it seems i have gotten the 1st esper belias (the gigas) and proceded a bit farther i am back in rabanstre and in the giza plains during the rainy season and having trouble with the mark croakadile my highest charecter level at this point is 17th with vaan and everyone else runs 15-16 and with his regen this seems to cause a problem my eguipment is preety fair atm but man money is hard to come by any suggestions?:)
it's normal, that sector is hard... ignore them and go on ahead. The monster's later on are a bit easier. So leveling them after is ok.
hmm.. maybe your right i almst had that croakadile beat and the darn thing cast some spell and came back full health...:wacko: but dunno maybe a little more patience and time i will take him down..:)
Well, Shop for better weapons. And on your license plate will be 3 Quickenings. (Sort of like limit breaks) They will REALLY help you in the game. And later save 155 LP for the Masamune VERY Useful!!!. I have all 3 players in my party at lv. 28 EQ with the Blood Sword.
Not very versatile there.. I would get tired of hitting again and again with a sword with every character.

But aside from that, the croakadile will be easier with lvls.. yes. With lvls comes HP/MP + Stats, + Block Percentage/Evasion. When I entered the Giza Plain (Raining) I was like 28 or so.

If you wanna lvl up fast from this point on, I would venture out into the Ozmone Plains.
I was lvl 20.. and I agree with Chishu, go to the ozmone plains. If you have the Grimoire which increases beast kill drops, and you are dedicated to stealing, hunt Mesmenirs and you will wrack up money and exp before long.
The quickening slots are nice because you can double and triple your mp with them.

Ozmone Plains is an excellent place to level, because of the xp and loot.
If you get quickenings for all 6 characters, you can start a quickening chain with your 3 main chars, then switch out one char for another, get another quickening chain, and repeat. So you can do 4 chains in a row. Unless of course you are targeted.. then you can't switch. This wouldn't be a good idea against anything with massive amounts of hp though because then you have 0 mp, lol.
thanks to all for you advice i have 3 quickenings so far and used em and stillc cant beat the beast but he will fall eventually and thanks...:)
all my characters were on the strongest axes and armour they could get at that time, seeing as axe's are the strongest weapons you can get outher then tournesol and the strongest halberd, buti was lvl 28 when i took on that stupid croc, i summoned belias to take abit of damage at the beginning, and then i made sure fran and asche had their gambits set to healing first when below <50% and fight foe later, i just let vaan go to the attack, im good at flicking between characters when needed ratehr then relying on gambits all the time, but that croc is pointless, because you have to wait until after rainy season to give the chick back the ring, i still havnt done it and i finished the game, because rainy season didnt stop yet lol, i should probably go back to the save before finish and finish them off. Go and do abit more of the story, once you get the shiva like summon go back and do the croc, you can do hunts at any time, i advise just rushing them all when ur around lvl 50. Be sure to do them all before you finish the game tho ( in other words before you enter bahamut )