Lifa Tree? Iifa Tree?


...I'm sucha noooob.
May 4, 2009
Somewhere in podunk old Pennsylvania.
The first time that I played Final Fantasy 9, I believe I was in fourth or fifth grade. In disc 2, I reached a big tree that the inhabitants of Conde Petie referred to as the "Sanctuary". My whole life, I had called it the "Lifa Tree", because that's what it looked like it said when the characters spoke about it (except that the "L" looked lowercase, so the characters said "lifa Tree".

I just replayed the game about a week ago, and noticed that capital L's in the game do not look like lowercase l's; they're just written like "L". It made me wonder if the "l" was actually a plain looking "I".

When I reached the L/Iifa tree for the first time and the greeting message came up "Lifa Tree, Tree of whatever..." I noticed something. The I/L I wasn't sure about before definitely looked like a capital "I", with the top and bottom horizontal lines and everything.

Sorry if this was an EXTREMELY confusing post, but... how the heck do you pronounce it? And do you guys say "Lifa Tree", too? Or do you guys say "Iifa" and pronounce it "EEE-fuh" or "AYE-fuh"?
Iifa. And I've always pronounced it EYE-if-uh. Three syllables.

I could be very wrong though. I always said cho-CO-bo instead of CHO-co-bo, until FFX. And I wanted to say TYE-dus instead of TEE-dus. So eh.
It is really a Iifa, I pronounce that as (ee-pa tree)

For Tidus, it is actually pronounce as, Tee-dus, but I pronounced it as can watch an interview of the voice actor in youtube, you can try to search Tidus Arnold James Taylor interview
I thought it was Lifa through my first playthrough, but yes it is definately Iifa. When Lindblum is mentioned in dialogue it begins with "L" and not "l", so when the Iifa Tree is mentioned, the "l" with which it is spelt is an uppercase I without the horizontals, and not a lowercase L as I previously had thought. When you enter the Iifa tree for the first time, you can see it is an "I" because it does have the horizontal lines. I used to pronounce it "Lee-fa" so now I imagine it to be "Ee-fa", but I guess it doesn't matter how you say it.
I only realised my last playthrough that it was an I not an L and getting out of the habit of saying Lifa tree has been a hard one, I've just assumed its pronounced Eye-fa.. if it's not, well, Im not getting re-used to pronouncing it a THIRD way. I think I just noticed in the guide and I was like...hang on...THAT'S NO L!! :ffs: How I have never made that connection before is beyond me, like, why would the capitalise everything but that :wacky:
It is definitely Iifa tree.
I pronounce it as Ee-fa.
I do believe that in Japanese language a double vowel sound is just an elongated version of that same sound. The "I" sound in Japanese sounds a bit like our English "E". Thus, from what little Japanese I know, I believe the correct pronunciation would be "Ee-fa". I could be wrong. It's been a while since my Japanese friend has taught me anything.
wow this whole tim i thaught it was Life...this was life changing, now i have to play it all again...well thnks for this bit of info...
Yeah, I wasn't sure whatever it is L or I there.
But I didn't care much and assumed it is I.
Guess I was right after all.
I always called it the Tifa tree. I know super lame right.I usually pronounce it E as in teeth, fah.
It took me several encounters with the name before I realized it was spelled 'Iifa'. Thereafter, I called it 'I-E-Far' Tree. Sounds correct to me.
It wasn't til the third time playing it, that I notice that too. With the graphics and Letter style that they used, it was difficult for me to know. But I have heard so many people call it the Iifa Tree, including the Producer pronouncing it as Iifa. Also the walkthrough, I know but I like to have a whole set (game and walkthrough), mentions it as Iifa.

Me and Mom thought it was Lifa Tree as well. I only realized it was an "I" because I saw it in a walkthrough I was reading. Mom still calls it "Lifa Tree" while I've gotten used to calling it Iifa Tree. Very confusing at first. XD
I may dyslexic... cause when I first went through the game, I called it the Ifia tree... pronouncing it "IF-ee-uh" or something like that. Now that I'm going through it again, I see I been calling it the wrong thing all this time.
For some reason, when I first played FFIX, I read it as the "Tifa Tree." It could be because of my obsession with Tifa back then (it has died down a bit since then, hehe). Once I played it again several years later, I realized it was the "Iifa Tree" and I felt rather silly. xD;
I always figured it was an "I" in front so I called it the "EE-fuh" Tree. I've never seen it or said it as an "L" and that sounds kinda weird anyway. Lifa? Soubnds too much like "lufa" one of those dang fuzzy things girls use in the shower.