Limit Break Glitch Final Fantasy VII


Party it up!
Apr 16, 2008
Cincinnati, Ohio
I have everyones Final Limit, but every time I go to give to them the game wont let me and i read on a faq guide on that its a glitch that cant be fixed and that you have to start ALL OVER or just play with out it.

I hope this isnt true!
Because now I cant get Final Attack because it wont let me do the special battle without omnislash equiped.

What special battle? I have never had any problem doing anything with or without omnislash?
you have to have everyones limit breaks before you can equip them to your party

don't worry, its not a glitch
Oh yeah, as long as you have the level 3 limit, you can equip it :monster:
as stated above in order to teach someone their level 4 limit break they must already know their level3 limit break i.e Vincent must already know Hellmasker before he can be taught Chaos and cloud must know Meteorain and finishing touch before he can learn Omnislash
I had a quick look and apparently there is a glitch that won't allow you to ever learn their last Limit Break, you do just have to restart if you want them.

But like it's already been said make sure one of your characters have all their other LBs first then try to teach them the last one. If it doesn't work then it looks like you're screwed sorry.

To get Finishing Touch use Meteorain 6 six times.
it has to be more than 6 times as i used meteorain loads before i managed to unlock Finishing touch but yea you need all of the limits beofre you can learn the level 4 limit break
well it depends I know that u should have every limit break then give it to them, like Cloud the final one that u gain from leveling up is Final Touch < I think that's the name, then u give him Omnislash