Advent Children Limited Edition Collector's Set


White Mage
Apr 7, 2007
Newcastle, NSW Australia
I have the Advent Children LECS, which came with the movie, an extras DVD, the script, some picture cards and a Novel.

Does anyone have this? Have you read the novel? If so, what did you think of it?

I read a bit of it, basically details life before the events of advent children. It was ok so far...
Yeah I got it, didn't read the novel though, it's kinda just sat there gathering dust....even more so as my DVD player isn't multi region and I lost the disc that made it region free :wacky:

The box and post cards are nice though.... I just like having nice boxes >_<
I don't have the collectors edition but my mate has and I'm going to borrow the noval from him shortly.
I got it I think a lil over a year ago. Read the first few pages of the novel and set it aside. Haven't touched it since. TBH, I didn't find it to be to gripping. But I always have to buy a limited edition for movies when I see em.
Congrats dude! No, I don't have It but I plan on getting the Blu-Ray version for my PS3 system. :)

I really don't care much about that Limited but I wouldn't mind by having one. :p
I got the set not too long ago actually. My local Walmart just happened to have it in stock ^^

As for the novel, I've read the whole thing twice. I'm so glad they decided to create it, because AC had me asking tons of questions after I watched it. The novel cleared up all of those questions, and was actually a pretty entertaining read imo. Case of Barret was a little boring, but the other two were really good.
Yeah I got it too
I did read the Novel and it just plain explains things that happens after the end of VII and before the start of AC
I actually found it fun to read as a matter of fact, I might read it again soon.