Playstation Little Big Planet anger Muslims


♥ FFF's Matt Bellamy Pervert ♥
Jun 16, 2006
Manchester, UK
I rolfed at this in work yesturday. I read it in the Metro paper and need to know if anyone else had heard:

Walls tumble said:
Its makers Sony have postponed the global release of the much-anticipated video game due to concerns that it may offend Muslims after it emerged that a background music track contained two phrases from the Qur’an. Sony have issued an apology for any offence that its use might have caused.
Walls tumble said:
The actual musician behind the music included on the soundtrack, Toumani Diabate, has explained that the music should not be removed because the inclusion of verses from the Qur’an is his “way to attract and inspire people toward Islam.”
The whole affair is somewhat staggering. Diabate’s song - which is related to the death of a hippopotamous - was initially flagged on the official PS3 message boards by a solitary Muslim gamer who found the inclusion of two verses from the Qur’an in the song to be troubling and offensive. He then asked Sony to remove the song from the game, which Sony agreed to do after taking advice from two Islamic scholars. Amazingly, only three people worldwide were involved in something that has probably costs millions. Without any doubt whatsoever, a complete and utter over-reaction in the very extreme.
This will, for the time being at least, be the end of stories about banning, offending and protesting about either or both. There really is little more to be said.

I find it amusing how the song thats offended people has been released over 2 years ago and now they complain when its in a game! Dont play the game then if it offends you!! Seriously, go complain about something more important.
Ohhhh I heard about this, I think it's absolutely ridiculous. Im far too lazy to read the quotes there, but wasnt it a Muslim guy that sung the two whole lines of verse in the first place?

People need to get over themselves, srsly, like HOW is that offensive?
I totally agree.

Just a waste of time and in my opinion selfish. I would have understood if it was abusing the Muslim faith brutally, but it's just quoting out of their holy book, which may I add, has been done in many songs.

Indeed, like I said, the song is over 2 years old and it got a release no problem. Its just daft and selfish. First complaining about Crimbo being offensive, now a game featuring a song by a Muslim!
Indeed, like I said, the song is over 2 years old and it got a release no problem. Its just daft and selfish. First complaining about Crimbo being offensive, now a game featuring a song by a Muslim!

When do Muslims ever complain about Christmas being offensive (not that Christmas has any real religious connotations to it anymore in the UK, it's basically a big shopping season) - those are absurd 'PC gone mad' stories exaggerated/dreamt up by our worst newspapers. I've never met a single non-Christian person (which includes myself) who has been offended by Christmas or Easter.

As for this, it's all pretty stupid (especially as it was a Muslim guy who wrote the song and gave permission for it to be used in the game), though you'd think that Sony would have maybe seen this problem coming whilst they were making the game.

I despise censorship though of any form, and so it's sad to see this has been done because they're worried about what a few idiots may say. There's no mockery of anyone's religion here involved.
It's not gone large scale though, has it?
As far as I've heard there have been no reports of mass street protests screaming out "Death to Sackboy!" and "Behead all gamers!". It all seems to be down to just the one man being an idiot and complaining about something rather trivial or unnoticed to most people...

I guess Sony is doing the right thing in taking it down though.. If the song was revealed to contain those lyrics and they'd kept the song in the game then who knows another parade of protests may occur somewhere by lots of angry, more extreme muslims (the majority and more agreeable number wouldn't get involved).

But... as far as I've heard no-one else has been upset by this.. Am I very wrong?
This is probably more to do with Sony worried about how the media would twist this and make a big deal out of it than anything else. This is a big game release for Sony and I'd imagine they'd want the launch to go along smoothly.
This is probably more to do with Sony worried about how the media would twist this and make a big deal out of it than anything else. This is a big game release for Sony and I'd imagine they'd want the launch to go along smoothly.

Completely agree. It's a ridiculous situation nonetheless, but it's probably the best option Sony could make to avoid something similar on a larger scale. It may have cost millions, but it's a massive release for Sony, and they probably thought it was the less costly, and bumpy choice.
It's certainly generated a lot of publicity for a game that's suposed to boost sales of the PS3. Maybe I'm just being a little overly cynical, and I'm sure that this was to pre-empt any criticism Sony could have faced. But they could have done it to increase product awareness and to try to boost sales.
When do Muslims ever complain about Christmas being offensive

In Manchester several years ago some Muslims complained to Manchester council they found the Christmas decorations for the town center offensive, so we were stuck with white and purple reindeers with crappy Christmas trees. Whislt Bradford was lit up like Santa's grotto!

And this may have been a huge publicity stunt as the game has only been pushed to the end of November instead of something more major and worse.
In Manchester several years ago some Muslims complained to Manchester council they found the Christmas decorations for the town center offensive, so we were stuck with white and purple reindeers with crappy Christmas trees. Whislt Bradford was lit up like Santa's grotto!

And this may have been a huge publicity stunt as the game has only been pushed to the end of November instead of something more major and worse.

Yes, I remember that. Some of the decorations around Altrincham had to be 'toned' down. Sometimes I just get sick of it, we live in a world where everyone lives within each other, and people need to get used to it.