Site Feature Live Streaming - YouTube Now Supported

Belazor et Britannia

101st Emperor of the Holy Britannian Empire
Staff member
Technical Admin
Jun 16, 2006
Ilyxia Britannia
FFXIV Server
Hey all,

Just a quick announcement to let you all know that the Live Streaming modification, previously known as the "Twitch Streaming Suite", has been updated with YouTube live streaming support.

The YouTube streaming service offers several benefits over Twitch, such as a much improved chat system, full HTML5 for optimal performance across all devices, a real-time stream quality checker as well as much better VoD functionality for permanent archives. It also allows subscribers to your channel to receive notifications directly in their YouTube subscription boxes.

If you'd like to switch your channel from Twitch to YouTube, or want to add a new YT channel, simply leave your YT channel ID in a reply to this thread and I'll get it sorted :)
Can we have both :) I will most likely remain with Twitch BUT I do have the 3.00 firmware so can test the ability to stream to YouTube will eventually decide becomes my primary platform. But anyways if we can have both then my YouTube Channel ID is gothickane (I think)(
I'm not sure about this (I don't see why having both would be an issue) but we'll have to double-check with DBT.

I checked your channel in the streaming page, and Youtube is listed down. Is this correct or did you want to switch back to Twitch (for the time being)?
I'm using twitch atm as Youtube doesn't seem to be playing nice with the PS4 software :/
My mistake. It would seem that you have both Twitch and YouTube down. I'm assuming Belazor quietly marked this off as 'granted'. =]

Have fun!
Thank You :) Just have to wait for Sony to fix YouTube Streaming now been getting nothing but errors all day