

Feb 1, 2008
Which final fantasy character do you think you look like? Also, who do you think the person above looks like? :)
I think I'll look like Squall/Leon if I grow and iron straighten my hair (my hair gets really curly at the back)

but, there is a slight flaw in this thread, we can't really see the above poster
I think I'll look like Squall/Leon if I grow and iron straighten my hair (my hair gets really curly at the back)

but, there is a slight flaw in this thread, we can't really see the above poster

Ah right, well never mind then, i didnt think of that lol
I think I'll look like Squall/Leon if I grow and iron straighten my hair (my hair gets really curly at the back)

but, there is a slight flaw in this thread, we can't really see the above poster

Dont use an iron use GHD's

Fuck noes who I look like. No one probably :monster:
I myself look similair to Barrett
Some people say that I look like Lenne from X2... to bad I do not like X2.

Someone else also told me that, when I curl my hair, I look like Beatrix.
I'm an NPC, y'know, the commoners you run into adventuring...

...of course, if I dye and my hair brown, str8en and spike it, I could look like Balthier...hmm...
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I hope someone says Kefka.

For me i'd say....Edgar? anyone pre FF7 doesn't have developed facial features so its not too hard to "look" like them

Oh wait i have Green eyes so maybe I'm an Al Bhed.
Haha, Kiros for me if I grew my hair out too. That's like the only FF character I could be, unless I grew a white beard and went bald to be Reddas. :P

And Barret's a fackin' monster, so... no. :P
If I straighten my hair I'm very similar to Lenne from X2, eyes, skin, hair, everything.
I'll have to cosplay her one day ^_^