Lore Question: Adel's Gender?

Shes a woman, because she is refured to as a woman in the game, but hell shes looks like ugly troll thing. In all honesty the sorceress before her had to give adel her powers. Which sane thinging being would give the power to destroy a world to her. shes got im a morbid phycopath written all over her. seriously lack of judgement.
Big boned?? That's like saying Kong was just big for his age......

I mean, come on. Outside of chemical imbalance, whether through nature or purposeful tinkering, there is only so much mass that a female frame can pack on. Sure, a woman can workout and add muscle, but it takes away from the other 'womanly' attributes.

Don't get me wrong, I like a woman that takes care of herself and her appearance. But too much makes them look like the main event at a freak show.

I still say hermaphrodite. It's a real-life answer.
It's either that, or her mom was accosted by a Behemoth.
Or maybe a Marlboro.....
Whoa, I've never really noticed those muscles! I've always thought Adel was a woman, despite her lack of boobs. Hmm, maybe she's really a dyke? I don't know, could be possible since Square is very imaginative when it comes to their character designs.
I used to think she was a guy XD
I think it's just to make her different, maybe even creepy.