Lottery! Winner! Big Money!


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May 17, 2019
Coloured Thread
Chocobo Egg
Shiva Snowflake
No this isn't a spam-bot post.

Just curious if any of you guys do any form of gambling, or maybe you don't and find it a real waste of money. Be it slots, ponies, illegal street gambling or just simple scratch offs, what do you partake in and what's the most you've ever won? What's the most you've ever lost?

Personally I have a hard time justifying putting anything more than $1USD in a machine. We typically do scratch tickets for fun when we have some extra cash but naturally we don't make much money off of those. The most I've ever won is only $25USD on a single ticket - I think I've found more money on the ground than I've ever won collectively. My husband once in a while partakes in pools for 'Football' - I think the most he ever won was about $2-300USD. I've never been to a gambling establishment before but where I live there are slot machines popping up everywhere and it's a bit tacky in my opinion.

Some people are just born lucky though, and I am not one of those people.
Never been to anything like a casino. I've never purchased a lottery ticket myself, although the ones you get sent I definitely scratched off. I think the most ever that came from something (that I didn't buy) was maybe 5 euros, lmao.

If those toy machines count at like funfairs then yeah I've probably wasted more money my mom was willing to intially put into it when I was young, lmao.

I think stuff like that can be quite addicting, thankfully I don't have an addictive personality at all and perhaps that's why stuff like this just kinda puts me off. I don't even see the fun in it now, though. Maybe I'm just boring?

Wow. I suddenly feel attacked.
My mom always said "The house always wins." People who run gambling businesses aren't in the business of making it possible to attain a living off of it. They are in the business of making money from people who think that it's a legitimate possibility.
I don't really gamble.

I guess the closest I've ever been to this is the teddy machines or 2p machines at seaside amusement arcades. Other than that, I don't think I've ever attempted to gamble.

I'm rubbish at card games so if I ever walked into a casino pretending to behave like a suave and mysterious individual then I'd get absolutely slaughtered and leave feeling incredibly sad and poor. :sad2:

Love the clickbait title by the way! I think we need more of those on FFF. :D
I don't really gamble either. At most I'll buy a lottery ticket every now and then so at most I've lost the money I've spent on that (which is not too much). I have won a few times but the smaller division winnings (which is about twice to three times what I spent on the ticket itself).

LOL, I did try slot machines once though! When I was at uni my exams used to be held near a horse race track and so there was a small area to place bets which also had slot machines. I was there early with a friend and we just had this crazy idea to try it out. It was just $2, but to be honest, I found it really boring. I don't know how people play on those things all day.