Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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Also, I believe they said that if Cloti had a similar commercial, then they'd consider it canon. Well, if they believe a commercial over an official game like Crisis Core, and the CC Ultimania (since they believe CC the game, is fanon), I'm sure they'll have plenty of things to say about any quote we throw at them being fanon.

can't believe they say that.... believeing in a 10 year old commercial instead of an OFFICIAL book recently published.. they only see what favours them.

It's not hard to annoy the Clerith. Just prove them wrong! Whether it be on what Cloud's wolf represents >D, to whether Barret is a part of Cloud and Tifa's family.

I don't know about that... of course, we can prove them wrong but They'll never believe us.The Clerith plug their ears when they hear the true facts we have.


There are a million Anti-Cloti images (By a certain group), but barely any Anti-Clerith ones. I wonder why that is?

Better things to do with our lives, perhaps?

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There are a million Anti-Cloti images (By a certain group), but barely any Anti-Clerith ones. I wonder why that is?

We have nothing to fear and they're trying to make themselves feel better by pretending like their delusions are real.

Better things to do with our lives, perhaps?

Yes, THAT and--They're obsessed with Tifa! I'm telling you--I thought I was. Sheesh!
they feel so threatened by the Cloti proof that they don't find anything better to do...
and the way they hate Tifa it really appears as if they envied her...
I mean deep in their minds some of them may think Tifa is better than Aerith and for that reason they bash her.I think both are equally great but I like Tifa more.
I always saw Cloud/Tifa as dark blue because of the whole night sky. You know, promise, Highwind scene and all that mushy stuff.

Zack/Aeris is so blatantly pink it's funny. For people familiar with the HP fandom, it kinda reminds me how JK Rowling subtley shot down the Harry/Hermione ship by changing Buckbeak's (prominant H/Hr symbol) name to "Witherwings."

Someone mentioned (I think it was Celes) that Cloud/Aeris is more yellow than pink. I think that'd be more appropriate since it actually includes Cloud's character, not just Aeris.

I saw the Wolf thread. Oh my, it's starting to get super ugly in there. I don't plan to get involved but... *grabs popcorn anyways* :P
Yeah, Cloud and Aerith work with bright pastels to me. xD

I don't think she intends to reply! Unless... did she? xD Please, I like watching Ryu destroy her.

Btw, their posts in the Clerith Club are seriously pissing me off. xD How can anyone be that stupid it just baffles me. Aerith wasn't OOC at all in CC. :/ *calms down*

And sorry I don't get any of your HP references. ^^; That series just isn't my type of thing. I understand it to some extent though, because you explain things at least. :)

Yeah, the HP reference was just establish that Zerith = Pink = kinda shoots down a Cloud/Aeris symbol :P Except I think in HP it may have been intended. I doubt Japanese Cloud/Aeris fans refer to themselves as the pink army. Unless the development team were aware of the western fandom as JKR was, then it maybe possible.

And judging from her last post it doesn't seem like she wants to deal with your/Ryu's proofz.
Ah, I see what you mean now. ;) After being so obsessed with pink and calling it the Clerith color, I guess they're all a little embarrassed they did such things now that the truth comes out. So embarrassed, they refuse to even play CC claiming that it doesn't fit in the timeline (even though it fits perfectly fine), makes Aerith OOC, and is in the past so it can't effect the future.

Yeah, I suppose she will never respond. :) I saw on CxA she said that Ryu and I were stalking her. No, I saw a retarded post in the AC thread and responded to it. XD

Speaking of KH isn't it cute how Aerith is willing to wait for Cloud (Forever) but not for Zack?and she just gave up on him, I love it so Much Thank you Nomura.
Sorry, I couldn't help but post this. Are they trying to make Aerith seem like a total bitch? :eek:uttahere: Because she really isn't. :/ I just laughed really hard at this quote, I had to share it. I'm pretty sure Aerith said "I will wait for you here, cheering you on from the sidelines. I know your light will lead you back here." Aerith, a Cloti fan? =O (And... did you see the word forever in that quote? Because I didn't.)
Because writing letters for four years is certainly not waiting, lol.

They don't get that Crisis Core = Aeris character development. We see her as an insecure, slightly bashful little girl. It's cute, and you see how much Zack rubs off on her and how that affects how she is in FF7. But I'm guessing they're in favour of perfect messiah figure Aeris. Sigh... oh boy, that's almost just as bad as emo Cloud. :\

Speaking of KH isn't it cute how Tifa is Cloud's light while Sephiroth is his darkness? Hey... thanks for that Nomura :wacky:

MotP, if you want to regard it as canon or not, clearly shows Aeris is a CloTi fan :monster: but I'd rather not look into something that's been retconned
Yeah, I suppose she will never respond. :) I saw on CxA she said that Ryu and I were stalking her. No, I saw a retarded post in the AC thread and responded to it. XD

Stalking? What? Who? Calimonkey? She was the one who initiated dialogue with me, and I don't think I've ever spoken with her or Ume outside this forum, and even then only recently.

Sorry, I couldn't help but post this. Are they trying to make Aerith seem like a total bitch? :eek:uttahere: Because she really isn't. :/ I just laughed really hard at this quote, I had to share it. I'm pretty sure Aerith said "I will wait for you here, cheering you on from the sidelines. I know your light will lead you back here." Aerith, a Cloti fan? =O (And... did you see the word forever in that quote? Because I didn't.)

You aren't wearing the special goggles. That's why.
*puts on Clerith goggles*

Oh, I see it now.

"I will wait for you here FOREVERZ, cheering you on from the sidelines. I know your light WHICH IS NAWT TIFA, BUT IS ACTUALLY ME YOU WILL JUST HAFF TO REALIZE IT11!111 will lead you back here. P.S Tifa is a skank and you hate her."

Look guys, I said the same thing in the CloudxAerith club and I'm going to say the same thing in here. I'd rather see less of the Clerith-insulting going on in here. I don't think it's right or fair. I can understand your views on the pairings and I myself like them both. How about a little less insulting Cleriths for their views and a little more discussing the lovely relationship between Cloud and Tifa? Okay? Thanks! =D
As an attempt to explain, this is the sort of thing that happens when there is no other outlet with which to air the grievances between parties, which is basically what's happening here. It's not insulting 'Cloti' or 'Clerith' that's going on, but calling people out for the things they have said while not calling names.

It is partly based on differing views, but, and this is something I CANNOT stress enough- that there is a dispute does NOT mean that both sides of the dispute are on equal footing, or that either side even has validity.
Consistency of evidence and explanations of evidence, adherency to context, parsimony. Validity is derived from these things.

Sorry, important tangent.
In any case, when people can't directly confront each other, passive aggressive sniping all occurs.

I'm just snarky, and will engage in it in public and private. I can't speak for the rest of the people, but I think my explanation has some validity for both sides.
Sorry, I couldn't help but post this. Are they trying to make Aerith seem like a total bitch? :eek:uttahere: Because she really isn't. :/ I just laughed really hard at this quote, I had to share it. I'm pretty sure Aerith said "I will wait for you here, cheering you on from the sidelines. I know your light will lead you back here." Aerith, a Cloti fan? =O (And... did you see the word forever in that quote? Because I didn't.)

A few things. One, can I join the club?

And Aerith isn't a bitch. And Celes, I think your right. Someone has their quotes mixed up. XD ( I didn't see forver either.)

I've always been a CloTi fan... But during the game, didn't Aerith say that she would go out with Cloud in exchange for being her bodyguard? Last I checked, there was NOTHING about her liking Cloud.
I'm sorry Juliet, but when people who have disrespected myself or people I call friends in the past come bounding into the Forums, there is no ounce of respect left for me to give to them. Now, if they hadn't instigated me, nothing would have been said about them personally. :)

I won't say that things didn't become out of hand, but I have trouble putting up with morons. However, for the sake of you asking so nicely, no further insults will be thrown at the lovely threesome in the Clerith club next door. Unless of course, I am instigated again. Then, I will be forced to stick up for myself and back my views.

Also, I can't promise there being no "bashing" to Clerith. If a Cloti club is trying to disprove a certain view that is of Clerith nature, then is that considered bashing?

... But during the game, didn't Aerith say that she would go out with Cloud in exchange for being her bodyguard? Last I checked, there was NOTHING about her liking Cloud.

More like, Cloud never agreed to that date. No matter how many times she asked. Even if you get her for the date scene, he was still forced into it.

And, she liked the Zack in Cloud. So technically, there was nothing about her loving "Cloud".
I understand that but I highly doubt it was anybody from this forum who's tried instigating you because I've yet to see proof. Not all Clerith's are bad either. I'm one, and also a Cloti. I have nothing but respect for both pairings and their shippers, but please understand me...

All I asked for was the insulting of the Cleriths to be toned down. The Clerith's had no problem when I asked the same of them, so I don't see why you can't either. So please, just tone it down, don't let it get out of hand, okay? :) It would be greatly appreciated.
Question: May we still point out when certain arguments are flagrantly incorrect, or is this a complete cease and desist of discussing the other side?

Because I think the latter will only lead to stress and strained tempers. I've seen it before.
I never said all Cleriths were bad. Why, that would be just plain silly. I didn't mean to come off like I was generalizing, I just kinda got into the swing of saying "Cleriths" instead of saying "most" or "some" or "rabid". I have very nice Clerith friends, unfortunately not apart of any Forums. I wonder why that is...

you may believe as you wish about there being a supposed 'no instigation' though I can't say I agree, and I will tone down as you ask. There's no reason for me to get in any sort of argument. :) I too would like to know what the limitations are, however.
I never said all Cleriths were bad. Why, that would be just plain silly. I didn't mean to come off like I was generalizing, I just kinda got into the swing of saying "Cleriths" instead of saying "most" or "some" or "rabid". I have very nice Clerith friends, unfortunately not apart of any Forums. I wonder why that is...

Truth is, everyone hates generalizations. It's just that it's easier saying "Cleriths" and not having to deal swith the some and what not. And I don't think any of us genuinely believe all Cleriths are the same -->:ohshit:<--I use the term Cleriths to refer to people who support C/A, but I don't assume that they all have the same behaviors. GAWD.

And we have active neighbors now. YAY. *sarcasm* My humor is gone. They need to be correctly informed of common sense. Now I'm itching for a debate.


Another attempt to make up for going "off topic".

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