Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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Clerith chocolate is probably the candybar kind you eat for comfort food, because the couple is sad??? I dunno. Zack/Aeris is sad too, but I think the cute outweighs the sad. Thus, Zerith is the sometimes sickeningly sweet white chocolate.

Cloti is dark chocolate because sometimes it's bitter, but it's also very rich. The couple has problems, but that gives them layers.

These chocolate analogies are very peculiar :P but it's not too much of a stretch I guess
Ahahaha, I LOVE the chocolate analogies here! Cloti is definitely the dark chocolate, in that it's rich, but also tasty. :P Cloud and Tifa are just like every other normal couple in this world! And that's what makes it so real.
Cloti is dark chocolate, Clerith is milk chocolate and Zerith is white chocolate. I like those flavours. :P
I don't actually like Dark Chocolate... though I'll make an exception in this case cos its damn shexi xD Though can we add a bit of mint to give them that lovely after-taste you get when seeing them together, and for the freshness of the coupling? :P
have any of you watched the show "pushing daisies"? The main couple Ned and Chuck are very similar to Cloud and Tifa. Childhood friends, the boy has to go away and always have the girl in his mind and they have a LOT of problems.They could also be similar to Clerith in a way because Chuck is dead and Ned revived is a great show you should watch, sadly it only lasted two seasons before it was cancelled
Yeah, I watched the first season and we're still waiting for the second one in the UK. Now that you think about it, it really is like Cloti.
Oh, I've seen Pushing Daisies quite a few times! Now that you mention it, that's so true! xD
have any of you watched the show "pushing daisies"? The main couple Ned and Chuck are very similar to Cloud and Tifa. Childhood friends, the boy has to go away and always have the girl in his mind and they have a LOT of problems.They could also be similar to Clerith in a way because Chuck is dead and Ned revived is a great show you should watch, sadly it only lasted two seasons before it was cancelled

*hides in a corner* Pushing Daisies isn't cancelled... No way... sniff... :sad:

I'm pissed because that was actually my favourite show currently on TV that I really, really enjoyed watching :mad: Olive = ftw

I always got a Zack/Aeris feeling from Chuck and Ned. Not for any real reason, just because both couples are sugary sweet. I do see the Cloud/Tifa in it because Ned is awkward like Cloud, and Chuck is his childhood love and stuff. Chuck on the other hand doesn't really strike me as either Tifa or Aeris, if anything she's a combination of the two.

but yeah, Pushing Daisies = SUPREME awsome
yeah I know! I almost cried when it got cancelled... and it leaved with a huge cliffhanger.
I am also an Olive fan, her devotion to Ned remind me of Tifa too.
But I love Chuck/Ned, I am a sucker for childhood romances, I root for them all the way.
Olive's devotion is like Tifa, but her loudmouth personality is definitely remniscent of Yuffie :P Goddamn, I love Olive. Why do good shows always have to be cancelled? Jeez... there's only three episodes left too :sad:

Lol Emmerson is totally Barret. That's kind of funny, actually.
I've never seen that show, put it sounds really good. To bad it's getting cancelled! D=

Oh, here's a cute cloti picture I found. Might have been posted already, but meh-

Also, I'd just like to say I love reading everyone's posts in the LTD, even though I'm not partaking in it this time around myself xD You guys really are fantastic debaters though, if I wasn't already a Cloti I would have definately been converted ^.^
Not getting. Been.

And thankee. I gotta say though that it is getting rather absurd. More than usual.

I do like how my entire big long chronological post about narrative arcs and indications- half assed I'll admit- from within the story itself to focus on anything other than the story itself.
It is a shame. ;[ But at least it never gets old. At least, to me.

Yes, thank you! <3 I've been wanting to debate for awhile now, but...
-shifty eyes- I didn't think it would be with certain people I've dealt with in the past. I really wanted to debate with some-one maybe more neutral, or could refrain from incoherent babble.

Though, I found a few things they brought to attention, interesting. :) Sadly, I never got answers to those things.

Also, Merry Christmas in advanced. Here's my favorite Christmas Cloti picture~

I loved the Christmas fanart Celes! so pretty.
I also congratulate our debaters! they are great and are the only ones who present facts from the actual storylline.
I mean it's getting kinda silly because the other side presents the same proofs and quotes over and over again.How many times can you analyze Aerith's death scene?
I realized that despite all the canonical reference supporting Cloud and Tifa as a paring, they still have a disadvantage.

When you want to think of an object of something that represents Tifa to Cloud, what is there anyways? I'm drawing a blank :O

And off topic, but how can you NOT see how much Zack's death tore Cloud up. Aerith's death was meaningful, but so was Zack's :/

And ugh, I'm sorry, I still don't see how Last Order is canon. Yes it's made by creators and even if it's from a Turks's limited POV, to change such a crucial scene to what it became doesn't make me happy
I realized that despite all the canonical reference supporting Cloud and Tifa as a paring, they still have a disadvantage.

When you want to think of an object of something that represents Tifa to Cloud, what is there anyways? I'm drawing a blank :O

A well. A night sky. A shooting star.

And off topic, but how can you NOT see how much Zack's death tore Cloud up. Aerith's death was meaningful, but so was Zack's :/

And ugh, I'm sorry, I still don't see how Last Order is canon. Yes it's made by creators and even if it's from a Turks's limited POV, to change such a crucial scene to what it became doesn't make me happy

They changed it back in CC, so they want the 'official' version to be Cloud throwing Sephiroth. The explained the LO was the Turk's report so they could keep it in despite the big change.
I think they said roughly the same thing about the BC version of the reactor showdown.
Oh, thanks Juliet. Though I thought someone had already added ariesmoon for me, but forgot to delete lonestar, and now I see an aerismoon O_O where I thought I didn't see it there before. Maybe I'm confused, but I do tend to notice minor details, and well now I'm feeling rather silly about making much ado over usenames. :monster:

Edit: Oh! Someone kicked looneymoon out of the club.
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Omg, I didn't know the had a forum! And almost everyone from ACF is there too! *runs to join*

When you want to think of an object of something that represents Tifa to Cloud, what is there anyways? I'm drawing a blank :O
I agree with Ryu, stars/night sky seem to be the big symbol for Cloti.
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