Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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really? for some reason I would love to see that, the babies would be gorgeous! a girl with Tifa's hair and Cloud eyes! or a blonde Tifa or dark haired Cloud.
cloti forever

hi im a big cloti fan I liked them in the game all the way to dirge my fav couple in FF history hehe:)
so can I join???? PLEASE
Or do you think any other guys would try to flirt with Tifa?

I can see Cloud and Tifa going out to eat, and I can see both of them eating quietly with shy smiles towards one another...
Until the waiter starts hitting on Tifa, and Cloud ends up socking him in the face as he sees him staring at Tifa's chest... xDD
You know, I have to wonder, although I like to think of Tifa as a more innocent country bumpkin type, running a bar with that awesome chest of hers probably gets some unwanted attention; do you think she's developed an immunity to pervy remarks?
why not some CloTi babies? atleast one.. that would be wonderful.
lol if someone was hitting on Tifa i think Cloud would punch the guy in da face! XD i've been thinking of something.. in Case of Tifa, she's asking Cloud when he's asleep if he loves her. i mean, is she sneaking into his bedroom just like that and asking him? 0.o umm and then he wakes up and isn't suprised Tifa is there, gazing at him. do they sleep in the same bed then, nahhh? D:
For new members, you must post this now. :wacky:

I hereby declare myself a CloTi
I shall worship CloTi for as long as I live
Cloud is the protector of Tifa
Tifa is the angel of Cloud
I will praise their beautiful romance
And proclaim The Word of CloTi
Wow, been a long time since I've used this. Welcome to the new members. I'm sure some of the older members will remember this and no, this isn't a wind up I just created. It's actually on the first page. :P
I hereby declare myself a CloTi
I shall worship CloTi for as long as I live
Cloud is the protector of Tifa
Tifa is the angel of Cloud
I will praise their beautiful romance
And proclaim The Word of CloTi

Hey can i join too? I ship the pairing cloti too! They're awesome!!!

I hereby declare myself a CloTi
I shall worship CloTi for as long as I live
Cloud is the protector of Tifa
Tifa is the angel of Cloud
I will praise their beautiful romance
And proclaim The Word of CloTi
Natfantasy, you've been added and have proclaimed The Word of CloTi already! By the way, I love your avatar. The fan girls probably did steal his shirt. :wacky:

On topic, who do you think would make the first move to go on a date? It's a toughie really, so that's why I'm asking all of your opinions.
Tifa seems like the type who won't push Cloud; she'll go at his pace, so I can see him making the first move...Even if it takes a while >_>
Thanks!!!, haha Yeah :wacky:

Yeah thats a tough question, seeing as tifa doesnt open up her feelings that easily and Cloud is...well cloud :wacky:Hmm I think maybe Cloud but it would probaly take him a while to get used to it! I think it would be adorable to see him act all shy infront of Tifa XD
Yeah, I could still imagine him acting shy in front of her. And she wouldn't make the move because she'd feel it was inappropriate to do so. Maybe in the end, you could get both of them sat there in awkward silence. I could even see Cid and Barret watching from a distance. :wacky:
lulz, poor couple; there's always people peeping on them, isn't there? xD
Yeah, too bad for them.

Cid: C'mon, kid! Show her those lines I taught ya!
Barret: What's takin' him so long, foo'?

Could you imagine that? There are currently pictures of Cloud in a bow tie and suit as well as Tifa in a stunning white dress with crystals. :wacky:
May I join? I love this pairing, it's so sweet:P

I hereby declare myself a CloTi
I shall worship CloTi for as long as I live
Cloud is the protector of Tifa
Tifa is the angel of Cloud
I will praise their beautiful romance
And proclaim The Word of CloTi
I'm guessing quite a's got a pretty strong following form what I've seen. I'm not sure what is stronger though...Tifa/Cloud or Cloud/Aerith...

Strange fact though...for people that I know who have played the game ALL the girls prefer Tifa and ALL the guys prefer Aerith.

When I started playing the game I actually didn't know there was a love triangle and thought it was just SUPPOSED to be Cloud and Aerith..and I knew there was a date I started playing like, totally favouring Aerith but once the whole Tifa thing became apparent to me I was just kind of like "oh, well Aerith" *scoots over to Tifa camp*
Heh. That's what I thought too. Isn't it nice to know the truth once you actually get into the game, the story plot, the whole compilation, etc? Plot twist is nice and I appreciate it.
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