Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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Yes, I am glad I didn't know now though just because it came as a surprise. Like...I had already known that Aerith would die too (So wish that someone hadn't told me that, would have been so much more powerful) so that really added to my favouring her at the begining. Even when I started noticing the Tifa thing I was sitll favouring Aerith JUST because I knew she would die....but then I realized tha tthe Tifa thing was more than just a random little thing and had some REAL meaning to BOTH her and Cloud. So I completely support Tifa and Cloud now...although I do recognize that there were feelings between him and, I think it's pretty hard to deny that..but in the end I think it should still be CloTi all the way.
but then I realized tha tthe Tifa thing was more than just a random little thing and had some REAL meaning to BOTH her and Cloud.

Thats one of the reasons why i support cloti so much. They have their ups and they have their downs and thats what makes them so believable and real. After watching the Lifestream scene, that's when i first started to believe that this couple had some meaning and purpose and it wasnt just random ^_^
I was the same. The Lifestream scene made us see just how Tifa knows the real Cloud as opposed to Aerith, who only had a short amount of time to know him before being killed by Sephiroth. Added on to that, Cloud told the life of Zack as if it was his own and if it weren't for Tifa, then maybe he'd still be ill or stuck in that little lie.
After watching the Lifestream scene, that's when i first started to believe that this couple had some meaning and purpose and it wasnt just random ^_^
I'm not exactly sure when I realized it but I know it took me a while after Aerith died and then for a long time I was really torn just because I had the original Aerith bias..but I was leaning toward Tifa by then deffinately. I think when I finally went 'ok, yeah, Tifa' was actually that scene right before the last battle where he gave everyone time off and the two of them had that little scene of just sitting together...I was just like...':inlove:'

Besides with the whole Cloud/Aerith thing there was the fact that he had his whole crazy Zack thing that entire time which I think would totally affect things. Personally...I think that Aerith just saw so much of Zack in him (albiet...a less cheeful one) that that was the basis of a lot of those feelings, I don't think they were FAKE persay but still...Tifa loves him for HIM I believe...

P.S. Natfantasy I LOVE your avatar. I totally would have stolen his shirt...
hereby declare myself a CloTi
I shall worship CloTi for as long as I live
Cloud is the protector of Tifa
Tifa is the angel of Cloud
I will praise their beautiful romance
And proclaim The Word of CloTi

may I join?
Errr Faith...that little pledge you're having people post. That's a little unfair to people who ship other pairings asides from Cloud and Tifa, but also like Cloud and Tifa...
I cant wait for advent children complete and there is gona be a mini ending set one year after dirge, cant wait I wonder what it will be about???
p.s am i a member of the group yet????
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there is gona be a mini ending set one year after dirge, cant wait I wonder what it will be about???

It's been confirmed that it's an animated version of Case of Denzel.
Oh it is? But, does that take place after DoC? :huh:

Like I said, I still haven't really read any of the little stories, so I don't really know >_<
It's been confirmed that it's an animated version of Case of Denzel.

Oh it is? But, does that take place after DoC? :huh:

No, the Case of Denzel happens before Advent if they said there would be an animated version of the case of Denzel but said they would have a short thing after DoC...they can't be the same things...

Personally I am not too interesting in seeing the Denzel thing, I want an update of the whole team after DoC.....

Those Cloud and Marlene pictures were really cute though...
I don't dislike Denzel, but yeah, I wanna see what happened after DoC O.O

Although it could just be a very fluffy epilogue thing I bet, so even though the end of DoC leads us to believe that there's one more battle at least for the gang, this short movie probably takes place AFTER that o_O

Teehee, I've been really into making gifs lately, so I made one from AC; around the end when Tifa blows Cloud a kiss :3


Hmmm, I doubt they would show us something after another battle..nothing that wouldn't be vague or cryptic anyway ( that case the most we would get is something like the RED XIII things at the end of the game again)

They could always be really mean and make it a totally cryptic (FF loves cryptic, don't they?) foreshadowing of that next battle. They must be planning something there, yeah? Why else put it at the end of DoC? They said they wanted to keep the compilation going until 2017 too or something like that...which makes me think they've got a lof of stuffed planned...but I don't see what...
Teehee, I've been really into making gifs lately, so I made one from AC; around the end when Tifa blows Cloud a kiss :3

I like it, very sweet :)
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♥Shiva♥;506288 said:
Errr Faith...that little pledge you're having people post. That's a little unfair to people who ship other pairings asides from Cloud and Tifa, but also like Cloud and Tifa...
It's not much of a pledge, more of a take-the-crapness pledge. Just a little bit of harmless fun that never harms anyone. I'm not saying anyone should like other pairings than CloTi. To be honest, I randomly made it up when I was bored one evening on here. :monster:
I don't dislike Denzel, but yeah, I wanna see what happened after DoC O.O

Although it could just be a very fluffy epilogue thing I bet, so even though the end of DoC leads us to believe that there's one more battle at least for the gang, this short movie probably takes place AFTER that o_O

Teehee, I've been really into making gifs lately, so I made one from AC; around the end when Tifa blows Cloud a kiss :3



It actually does look like she is blowing one...;))
Yeah, I keep watching it over and over - blame my overanalysis of situations from my English lessons in college - now I see it was blown from the lips, not the hands as anyone would assume.
I admit it's even hard to see that within the actual movie. I didn't catch it the first time. It's more about how Tifa's eyes close and when she tipped her head down. The actual lip pouting is very subtle.

But then we see Cloud's brightening face and his smile in reaction to her gesture, BEFORE he see's Zack and Aerith xD
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I know, that's what I found really cute about CloTi in the entire movie! That he actually manages a smile in the end. It's like a fairytale with happily ever after written on the last page, but we all know there're still more stories to be told about Cloud and Tifa.
It's been mentioned already a lot of times, but what I liked about Cloud/Tifa was that their romance was very subtle within the game. The FFVII story isn't about those two in particular like how FFVIII was about Squall/Rinoa, but their relationship is still a part of the story ^^

Here's a pic on where it all started ;D
♥Anima♥;508454 said:
I know, that's what I found really cute about CloTi in the entire movie! .

Yeah it was sooooo cute ^_^ I like it how the frame just went on Tifa so he wasnt JUST Smiling at anyone he was smiling at tifa XD if that makes any sense at all. Hopefully they'll be more cloti scenes in ACC ^_^ i Highly doubt it but after seeing that screenshot of both of them on that final fantasy 13 scan we might be in for some luck? Maybe... :mark:
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