Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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I hope so too...but I have a feeling that most of the new footage will be more battles:( I mean, those are cool...but I am a charcter develpment kinda girl...I wouls like to see more character interaction added...and maybe a few more scenes involving the rest of AVALANCHE since they weren't really there much. It would be awesome if there was some tifa cloud-ness added in there somewhere!
well i believe there will be CloTi scenes, since i saw those pictures of Marlene and Cloud, Tifa and Cloud and yeah.. X3 and then Cloud says in the ACC trailer, something about Marlene, Denzel and Tifa. so i think SE is really turning to the CloTi side >: D hm?
yeah, most likely that they will add more fighting scenes in! It was a bit harsh that half the avalanche group were only in it for a short period of time T_T" aahh i cant wait for ACC to come out :mrgreen:
I know we see Tifa at least resting a hand or two on Cloud's shoulders, but I'll be giggling like an idiot if they show Tifa hugging Cloud from behind on that motorcycle :3

In the original version, she just hops on and they take off, but that's all we see *pouts*
So everyone is duly notified, I have--indeed!--posted the 3rd installment of the cloti story I'm writing. There. Now no one can say I didn't inform them. :P

I've been reading the past few pages and here's my two cents:

1. Should some guy be hitting on Tifa, I entirely agree with Ryushikaze's diagnosis. Swordly death and if it were a girl... then he'd be torn. I laughed my ass off at that man.

2. As to who would make the first move, I think it'd be Cloud. Tifa's always been there 'implying', as it were, so technically, she's already made her move. Cloud just has to accept.

3. If the two switched bodies, I think Barret would die laughing when he found out.

4. And when the two get married, which they inevitably will, they'll have several younglings. I mean, come on. Who wouldn't want the babe Tifa is? And vice versa with Cloud. :P

5. Here's my theory on Cloud's affection for Aerith. Cloud wishes to protect Tifa, right? He may have been strong-armed into taking that promise, but we know he eventually adapts this promise to apply to everything. We see this in Crisis Core, where whenever he fails at something he mentions something about 'his promise' and having failed to keep it. He has an inherently protective nature, as evidenced by his reaction when Sephiroth threatens to destroy everything he holds dear in AC. Tifa is at the forefront of this feeling, seeing the important role she's had in his entire life.

Now, jump to when his memory got royally screwed up. His memory isn't entirely gone, as we see from his recognition of Tifa and pieces of his past. What remained intact is his desire to uphold that 'promise' even if he extrapolated it to apply to everything in general and not just Tifa solely.

At about this time, Cloud meets Aerith. Cloud isn't in the best of moods, remember: He's only in this for the money attitude--very cynical, very callous, and feeling rather lost since, as far as he knows, everyone he once knew is dead. There's little trust here. When he meets Aerith however, I think it's safe to say he was rather charmed by her innocent, cheerful ways in a polluted, crime-filled slum and world in general.

When Aerith then asked him to be her 'bodyguard', that rather sealed the deal: Cloud had to protect her. That's when the grown nature to protect rather took over and he went beyond what would normally be considered the actions of a concerned friend.

Aerith meant a lot to Cloud in the sense of his wish to protect her. When he failed at that, it would've looked to him like he'd failed at protecting this charming light, allowing it to be swallowed by the proverbial 'darkness' growing in the world with the actions of sephiroth.

This is Cloud's connection to Aerith--he merely wanted to protect her, and it struck deep when he failed at that. Aerith struck him, as she did others, as someone of unusual optimism and light in a dismal time. However, that protective nature stems from his promise to Tifa. So, while he may beat himself up for the death of Aerith, it's because he most likely felt he'd been given this huge responsibility (which he put upon himself) and had failed it.

But this does not change, in any way, he's feelings for Tifa, which go beyond protectivness into something more meaningful. That is my theory why Aerith is so important to him and yet why he truly loves Tifa.

Can't argue with that, eh?

And, as a closing note: What would Cloud and Tifa name their kids? I know that they'd name the girl (because they'd have more than one obviously) Aerith. What about the others though? Food for thought.
Wow, that theory about Cloud and Aerith is pretty good, DM. I was scanning it through and now that I think about it, it makes a lot of sense. As for kids? Hmm, I'd think they would base their names off the meanings. Such as Lois/Louis meaning "warrior", etc.
Yeah, kudos to you for that theory. I never would have thought of it but it makes a lot of sense. Hrrmm, kids names..that's a hard one..
Thank you. That theory occured to me when I was writing that short fic. I thought "Brilliant! I must share this with the gang!" And so I did. :) I should probably patent that.

And I really need some names. It's for the fic. *spoiler*
I wanna join! 8D

I hereby declare myself a CloTi
I shall worship CloTi for as long as I live
Cloud is the protector of Tifa
Tifa is the angel of Cloud
I will praise their beautiful romance
And proclaim The Word of CloTi

And I think the boy's name should be Zack.
Really? Would they name their kids Aerith and Zack? Interesting....

EDIT: here, I got some ideas.

For a girl, here's some options. Name meanings go in parantheses:

Carina (meaning sky). Azura (sky and azure, literally 'azure sky'). Lyra. (And holy crap did you know that the name 'Sora' is a real name?! It's both male and female and means sky. Sonofagun...)

Sorry, staying on topic, right. There's also Miku (future or 'beautiful sky').

Other female names include: Euria (rain), Alexis (defender, protector), Desta (joy), Treasa or Theresa (strength), Bellatrix (warrior).

For a boy: Ryder (warrior) and... yeah, that's it. I got nothing. Help?
I find when in doubt it always works to go with the names of beloved deceased people. That way no one can go 'what the hell kind of name is that?'. Personally I suck at coming up with names for people in general..which is why, in fanfiction, none of my character's ever have kids..and I try to keep OC's to a minumum. Although I am planning a FFVII one right now that has like...a sucky amount of OC's so that there can be a good enemy base:( I hate coming up with names so I used the default meanings/themes method for that one..
I would say going witht he Aerith and Zack thing for names would be a good bet:) As long as Cloud is past all the guilt...and doesn't get all emo everytime someone says his daughter's name..
xD touche Sylv. I was thinking the same thing.

xD and no, Cloud is totally past the emo thing in this fic. Trust me. And I don't write smut either!

Sounds like a good bet to me. Thanks.
Haha, np..names is one of the hardest things ever..especially with kids. I am completely guilty of being one of those people who, when reading a book, will stop and go...'well wtf were you on when you named that kid? You're supposed to let the pain killers wear off FIRST.' (Harry Potter anyone?) heh...

Anyway, what's your fic called?
Hey DM, how ya been?

xD touche Sylv. I was thinking the same thing.

xD and no, Cloud is totally past the emo thing in this fic. Trust me. And I don't write smut either!

Sounds like a good bet to me. Thanks.

Such a waste, DM. No smut...

As for CoD, It DOES take place one year after DoC. The framing device concerns a 10 year old Denzel recounting the events running concurrently to FF7 up until he is found by Cloud in June of the same year FF7 ends in.

So it's true, but also a copout.
As for CoD, It DOES take place one year after DoC. The framing device concerns a 10 year old Denzel recounting the events running concurrently to FF7 up until he is found by Cloud in June of the same year FF7 ends in.

So it's true, but also a copout.

That is such a copout. I was so excited for that too. Nothing against Denzel..but I want to see stuff about the whole team..not him. Besides...we can read the case of Denzel, no need to watch it when we could get new information instead.

That's funny though, I had thought Denzel was 10 in AC...he looked it I thought...damn CGI makes telling ages impossible..
Aw, man. Like I said, I don't hate Denzel, but if that short movie taking place after ACC is Denzel having a flashback of BEFORE ACC, I'm sorry, but that just doesn't make me happy.

I suppose whatever happens after DoC will be shown in a game after all -_-

Having children is a likely direction of Cloud/Tifa's relationship, but it's not something I really think about it. I suppose I'm more into just their feelings of romance with eachother then their feelings of family, you know?
Fusionist, i think i'll agree with you.. i want to see more of their romantic relationship. but i still want them to have a baby! XD but yeah, i don't think that would ever happen.. -.-' sooo what do you think will happen in the end of ACC? Tifa will jump into the water with Cloud and the kids and then she would kiss him >:3 i like~ but i rather wanna see how the "family" are doing after DoC. that would be a good ending of ACC. not Denzel having a flashback ._. i think Denzel is such a sweetie, but NO THANK YOU SQUARE ENIX. i'm not interested >_>
i think i'll agree with you.. i want to see more of their romantic relationship.
I agree 100% with that! That's what final fantasy7 lacks really, but i know it wasnt ment for a romantic story blah blah blah.... I still want more romance XD Especially with cloud and tifa ^_^

sooo what do you think will happen in the end of ACC? Tifa will jump into the water with Cloud and the kids and then she would kiss him >:3 i like~
Ohhh that would be so awesome! She could majour glomp him :D

i think Denzel is such a sweetie, but THANK YOU SQUARE ENIX. i'm not interested >_>
Yeah.... I would rather want to know what happened after DOC but yeah i dont think thats gonna' happen.
yeah ^-^ hmmm, i really wanna talk about CloTi proofs. i have so many, but i'm not in the mood to write all that stuff down. XD *copying some proofs from the Ultimania* anyone?

lol it would be awesome to make a website with all CloTi proofs in it. :D but i'm like a braindead cow when it comes that thingy.. i don't know anything about making websites >_>

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paochan, could you edit your first post instead of double posting next time? I don't want to scold anyone, but it must be done, m'fraid. -_-

And on topic, what exactly are the CloTi proofs?
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