
FFwikia said:
Final Fantasy VII

Luck appears as an battle element in Final Fantasy VII, not to be confused with the "Lucky Seven" glitch, the higher the character's luck is, the more EXP and rare items they acquire. Luck stats can be upgraded permanently via Luck Source.
[edit] Final Fantasy VIII

In Final Fantasy VIII, players are able to junction magic spells to their own luck stat. The way to do this is to have a GF learn Luck-J either on its own or with a Luck-J Scroll. Luck determines critical hits, items dropped/stolen in battle, and cards dropped/stolen in battle.
[edit] Final Fantasy IX

In Final Fantasy IX, luck appears to affect the rate of being inflicted by status ailments.
[edit] Final Fantasy X

Luck in Final Fantasy X affects the character's steal rate, chances of being inflicted by status ailments, the chances of critical hits, the chances of evading attacks, and accuracy. However, unlike it's predecessors, it can only be upgraded via activating a "Luck Sphere" in an empty node.

It missed a few things but I wasn't 'bout to fix them.
So basically what does luck do. lets say I use it will Yunalesca miss with mega death. I usually never use luck. So what things do you get with luck?
Yea luck can stop it from working if you have something that adds immunity that is one of the things they didn't say in that. there are other stuff too but I won't go into all of them.
Hardly ever do I use those types of abilities. Luck seems like something that might be useful sometimes. Ehh, maybe I'll try it in a few battles. To see if it'll help me.