Lucky 7

Good coz then we can discuss it properly. Sucks that you haven't played iit yet! And I'm now an airship pilot as rank! Whoohoo!
Id like to join too. Not only the greatest FF, but possibly the greatest Game of all time.

So... where to start with discussion?

Im currently running through the game using a perfect game guide. Bad i know, but ive completed it on my own before, and im a perfectionist.

Ive just got up to the Chocobo Ranch, and beat the Midgar Zolom.
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Welcome to the club! I agree, it has to be the best game ever! BTW nice sig!
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Thanks, though I didnt make the Sig pic myself, it was designed for me by a friend.

game update, ive just hit Junon and everyone has all Limits available so far :) though ive been quite busy with work too, not really much progress made. That should change tonight though.
Gd gd, I still haven't been on my game in ages, my bro lost the 3rd disc... and since then i started a game on IX, but i think i may revert back to VII soon.
im still playing on FFX because i still havent gotten many of the others, might have to get FF12 back off my friend so i can start to play that one aswell lol
Im about to go to Gogonada (sp?, sorry cant remember), anyway, just after you escape the prison.

Cloud is Lv45, and ive just sold my 1st materia... a Mastered ALL, naturally :)
Hey I'm up to chat about FFVII... it was only the defining moment in my gaming life. First game I got on my old PS1... Takes me back. Anyway that game was so cool. I used to play that game all day and night, got knights of the round after so much swearing and controller smashing when I was breeding chocobos.
LOL! I'm on the third disc now. Gonna explore the crater and get the items, then I need to train my characters to lvl 100, master my materia and then defeat Ruby and Emerald WEAPONS... I have a feeling this is gonna take a while...
Enjoy! (hint, get Vincents final weapon, then kill 65500ish enemies with Vincent, he will one shot any enemy in the game :Pincluding the weapons!

Ofcourse thatll probably take longer than actually beating them normally, but hey.
Why didn't I notice this place before??

It would be wrong for me not to join, being the fangirl I am, so please let me join in with you guys:)

Definitely the best FF ever. I'm currently playing FFVIII and I have to say I'm not impressed, not at all, it's really boring me. And I keep getting distracted by my mum playing VII:blink:
Yaya! *does victory stance*

I was just giving out GP advice on another forum, and I wondered if anyone here had any (don't want to make a big thread about it), I have my own methods of getting GP and I wondered how you guys manage it:)
To start with, do the Kupo game. Feed nuts till he squeks, both times. Once its over talk to the guy behind you.

Bike game, if you can get 10K+ thats 10GP, can get dull and tedious though.

Arm wrestling for quick small amounts (for saving)

Right now ive just been working on getting GP from chocobo racing, it can be hard to win but if you do theres quite a bit of GP to be got from there. Also you dont actually have to do a lot, just leave it running.

Ofcourse later on there is the guy that sells you GP straight, and the Snowboard and Sub games to unlock. havent got there yet though so cant remember exact details. Except that the guy selling at the entrance has about a 1/7 chance of turning up each time you go to that screen, and he sells 100GP max each time, 100gil/1GP
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Lol, ofcourse he exists. Only after a cartain point in the game though, he wont appaer the 1st time you go to the GS, only after getting the highwind.