Lucky 7

Yeah that's right. :)

I've just finished the game for a third time. Only played it for the first time back in March this year, and I've been hooked ever since. Ths time around I wanted to get the Final Attack materia, but I got put off by the idea of having to win every item in the battle arena. I already got Omnislash and W Summon, and had Ultima Weapon equipped to Cloud, then I found out that I had to win everything! Needless to say I abandoned it and went to Northern Cave instead >_<
In case your wondering about GP still, I found that chocobo racing was a great way to get6 lots, especially if you have a gold chocobo, coz then you win every race, and some of the items you can win for S Rank races are wortha lot of gil.
I never really used chocobos much, but on that I might consider it next time I play:)

I have always wanted to get a gold chocobo, because I've never had KOTR, I think it's the only summon I haven't found>_<
Just checking, you do know where to go to get KotR once you have a Gold Chocobo yea?
Also, you dont have to breed one to get one. If you give some guy some item (i cant remember who or where exactly, ill look into it for you) the he gives you a Gold Chocobo for free. It doesnt have very good stats but it does for ocean running.
Yeah I know that of which you speak.

1. The island at the top righthand corner of the world map, which doesn't actually show up on the map.
2. The item you give the traveller in Kalm is the Desert Rose, in exchange for a gold chocobo. Only problem is you have to win it from Ruby Weapon...

I find it really funny that it helps to have KOTR to defeat Ruby Weapon anyway! I haven't beaten any of the Weapons, but one day I want to get the Final Attack and Underwater materias and go after Emerald Weapon, the reward being all the Master materias:)

But I would have to start again from scratch>_<
I'm gonna be trying to defeat the weapons this time around. I wanna complete the game 100% as it is my fav FF. I'm up to that latest point in the game now, the Crater, so I have to level up my characters and materia.... It's gonna take a while.....
Awesome! But for some reason when I go into the crater and slide down into the main section of it, I can't get back up. I can only use the Highwind to access the world map if I don't slide down and just go straight back into the Highwind at the beginning of disc 3. What am I doing wrong?:huh:
I think that bay be it. Cant remember exactly, but past a certain point there is no going back.

As for killing Ridy without KotR, get vincents final weapon and kill 65550 ish enemies with him. The he will 1-shot (literally!) any enemy in the game. Basicaly the damage count is so big it puts enemy HP into negative, hence the instant kill lol.

Alternatively, you could just pound away at ruby by other means and tricks.

Try entering your party with 2 members dead, then he wont use the attack which removes one guy from your party. Then have the final atack/phoenix summon combo on the one still alive, and half way through you come back at full strength.

There are a number of nifty tricks, just need to search the web a bit lol.

I really should get back to my game, but i have so much work to do! :( and so little time for procrastination lol.
Awesome! But for some reason when I go into the crater and slide down into the main section of it, I can't get back up. I can only use the Highwind to access the world map if I don't slide down and just go straight back into the Highwind at the beginning of disc 3. What am I doing wrong?:huh:

Once you slide down, you will see a cave entrance on the left. Go into this, and you'll see that you're outside again. you''ll see some ridges on the right of the cave, you can climb up this and make your way back up to the ariship :)

When you're in the crater, you can't go back after you have collected the items from your party members that you sent the other way... So after you split up, when you enter the screen where they are all gathered then you should turn back unless you want to fight Sephy and Jenova..
lol keep at it, the thing cant win all the time and when it fails then POW! you win lol
lol Indeed. I just need to level up my final attack materia, and my bahamut materias and then Emerald Weapon is dead meat.....
lol, it's not a machine! It's a creature the planet created to kill Jenova..I think....
ah right lol i stand corrected, kill the git and make it dead meat at the bottom of the sea lol GO ULTIMA36
XD it was fun watching you nearly beat it all the time lol, that Knights Of The Round was pretty kwl