Lucrecia Immune to Degredation?


Midgar Mechanic
Jan 16, 2007
For those who played through at least most of CC should know,
Genesis being injected with Jenova cells didn't quite work so well causing his body to degrade, and therefore live shorter and weaker after a while.
Lucrecia, the wife of Hojo, mother of Sephiroth and love interest of Vincent Valentine was injected with the same Jenova cells while pregnant, therefore making the first Successful Jenova Project Experiment Sephiroth. But as we all know Lucrecia has lived for a very long time being at least 50+ years old when you encounter her in the main game. So what's the deal with this? Is she immune to degredation somehow?
What are your thoughts on this?

I dunno i thought this was a good topic.. i guess no one cares

Admin edit: Posts merged. Please do not double post. Learn to be patient. You can't expect people to come running to a topic only a few moments after it's made. People will respond when they can and not everyone has played Crisis Core either so they don't necessarily understand what you mean when you say "degradation" Next time, just wait for a person to post before you go making another post so soon. Double posting is against the rules.

I had wondered about that too. Lucrecia was inside the cristal thing, her body was still in it. Does that mean that she didn't return to the lifestream?
No she was in the cave to seclude herself from humanity because she is ashamed of the experiments and herself. Or something along those lines, When you see her in the cave on the chair thingy she is still alive.. assuming she was around the same age as vincent when he was a turk (27) she would be atleast 22, and vincent was sleeping for 30 years. Therefore making her 52+ years.. not very old but she shouldnt of lasted that long cause degredation. they dont explain this in the ultimania
It could have something to do with her strong connection to Sephiroth who had been a SOLDIER.
No one posted in this thread because it was too hard... I think... Who knows...
I doubt that SE would've forgotten about Lucrecia's degredation. Look at Vince, he remained asleep but he still has the image of a man in his late 20s.
Well vincent's aging was explained to be due to his experimentation.
And can you elaborate on the Sephiroth connection theory? I dont quite understand and it sounds interesting
Well vincent's aging was explained to be due to his experimentation.
And can you elaborate on the Sephiroth connection theory? I dont quite understand and it sounds interesting
Well, Sephiroth is Lucrecia's son is he not? Hojo wanted another experiment with Lucrecia including an innocent life. When Sephiroth grew older he found out the terrible experiment her was used for and he wanted to destroy the world. As well as that, Sephiroth was a SOLDIER. It's just another theory like you said but I'm not sure it's possible, or is it?
im so sorry but i still dont understand. Stuff like sephiroth being in soldier wouldn't affect Lucrecia's inability to degrade. The reason why sephiroth is perfect and genesis isn't is because hojo injected genesis directly with jenova cells, whereas sephiroth's mother was injected therefore sephiroth was born with the genes in his dna naturally sort to speak.
That's inductive reasoning. Sephiroth's biological abilities were dependant on those of his mothers, Lucrecia and Jenova.

What could be said is that Genesis had a natural resistance to the Jenova cells. Assuming this is the case, then we can also assume that Lucrecia was not genetically predisposed to reject Jenova.

In other words, it may not necessarily be that she is immune to it, but rather that other people are prone to it. Perhaps Genesis was one of those who did not have a natural immunity to the effects of the Jenova cell.

And she was also encased in crystal. Note that being encased in ice alone severely slows the decomposition process; crystal that cannot melt due to body heat would preserve it even further. Also, even if decomposition did occur, it wouldn't appear so, because the solid crystal, having high melting temperatures, would hold everything in place.
Those are all very very true thank you.
Canadians definately are better.
But i don't think that would work because in the game everyone who is Enhanced the way genesis and angeal are (Lazard, every single clone including monsters) suffer from the degredation. So the probability that it doesn't apply to Lucrecia is slim to none.
Yes, but don't forget, they were also showered with Mako. Lucrecia, not being a member of SOLDIER, would not have been exposed to this.

According to Cloud, members of SOLDIER are showered with Mako and injected with Jenova cells. It is also previously stated that SOLDIER is a very high-up level in the fighting-class ShinRa.

The process done on Angeal, Lazard, etc. was before the SOLDIER of FFVII, so the processes were likely not the same. It's plausible that they came up with a new process when they were making fighters like what Cloud tried out for. So, thinking deductively, it could be hypothesized that the newer processes prevented any decay.

There could be other explanations, but that seems the most logical to me.
I think you have lost the point now. The last person to revieve the Project G cells were Lucrecia. The only other's were Genesis and Angeal. So no one else would be prone to degradation. (Exceptions of the kidnapped soldiers and lazard and that scientist who my mind refuses to recall who were injected afterwards). Although Genesis and Angeal as Soldiers were showered in mako, Lazard and that scientis who were Shin Ra executives were not, so I don't think that helps.
The bottom line is everyone decayed except for Lucrecia.
It is entirely possible because she was encased in mako crystals, that she was some how protected, but then again that wont stunt any effects, she lives so long was because the jenova cells did not let her die by conventional means such as common illnesses. So it wasn't like she was frozen or anything, just left into solitude because of guilt.

Either way 2 up for Canada
Sorry for double post but I don't know if anyone knows the reason for this or can come up with a reason for this. Is this just something that was a mistake on SE's part, or is their a legitimate reason for Lucrecia not Degrading.
The last person to revieve the Project G cells were Lucrecia.

Are you sure she was injected with G cells? I thought that she and her unborn child were just injected with Jenova cells...
Yeah I thought that too, it was Project S right?

As far as I know it was..

Here's a quote from Vincent's profile in the FF7 Ultimania. It talks about how Hojo experimented on Lucrecia with Jenova cells, but it says nothing about G cells

Compilation Check

His complex relationship with the beautiful lady scientist Lucrecia.

Vincent's fateful love was Lucrecia, a woman who worked as a scientist for ShinRa. Hojo married her, and she offered her body to be used for Jenova cells in the experiment her husband headed, which led to a breakdown of her mind and body. When Vincent angrily protested what Hojo did to Lucrecia, Hojo shot him in a fit of conceit. In truth, it was Lucrecia that gave Vincent his immortal body after he was wounded. At first Hojo experimented with monster transformation, however the experiments were a failure because Vincent, though still living, remained in a death-like state. As a last resort to rehabilitate him, Lucrecia inserted Chaos' DNA into his broken-down body. Vincent learned the truth of this during the events of Dirge of Cerberus.

I think you've gotten the two projects mixed up with one another because this is the first I've ever heard of Lucrecia being injected with those cells. If she had been, she most likely would have degraded like Genesis, Angeal, and Hollander, but since she wasn't a part of that, it didn't happen.
Hmmm I always thought that it was Lucrecia's unborn baby (Sephiroth) that was injected with J-cells and not Lucrecia herself.
Ok sorry.. When i said she was injected with project G cells i meant she was injected with jenova cells.. i posted that so long ago i cant remember if i had a specific reason why i worded it that way instead of directly.. or if i just made a typo.. either way your absolutely right..

Now to clear up something Project G is injecting GILLIAN not Genesis directly with the Jenova cells while she was pregnant with angeal and then injecting genesis with the mutated cells Gillian created.. so this little overlook on my part cost me confusion..

Because as we see in CC Gillian does not suffer from degradation, she being the host makes her a properly mutated subject unlike that of Genesis who was injected in the womb of an entirely different mother..The details of what went wrong are still a mystery to me and i hope someone clears that up for me because im sure its just another overlooked instance. Their is the possibility that the cells were some how rejected or improperly implemented into his system causing DNA complications leading to degredation due to receiving the cells improperly (through Gillian instead of his own mother).. but if you notice in the game Angeal's degradation is not as severe as Genesis'.. you only see the visual signs just before you kill him whereas with Genesis you notice quite early on.. the difference in Angeals case could maybe be that he is in the womb of the injected host.. maybe making the cell implementation a little more cleaner and efficient but once again i don't know everything about these experiments so the reason he is a failure is lost to me..
but most importantly the host of the projects (Lucrecia & Gillian) do not suffer from degradation simply because unlike all the other sufferers they received their cells directly from Jenova.. unlike from Genesis and Angeal the flawed subjects.. :)
Mandi's right. I've been reading up on this very topic rather heavily in order to fully understand the concept of Project G.

Thanks to a link that Moonchild posted to FFWikia, I've been able to confirm that it was not Lucrecia who was injected with Jenova's cells - her cells were injected directly into her foetus in the womb. Therefore, it makes sense to conclude that Lucrecia, herself, was never actually exposed to the Jenova cells - they grew with Sephiroth and amplified his abilities. The biologists amongst you will be able to gather that mitosis simply occurred.

Furthermore, Sephiroth does not degrade himself. Genesis was produced as a result of Project G[illian], where Gillian herself was injected with Jenova's cells. Gillian's infested cells were then injected into Genesis, which resulted in a failed and unstable experiment - he was beginning to degrade.

Angeal, on the other hand, was born directly from Gillian and showed no signs of under-achieving Hollander's expectations and he was deemed a successful experiment. So, how does this relate to Lucrecia? I have confirmed these experiments to highlight that Project G [which produced Angeal and Genesis] was only similar to Project S [which produced Sephiroth]. Because of the difference in the way the experiments were carried out [by Hollander and Hojo, respectively], they obtained very different results, the latter of which being a perfect warrior - Sephiroth. This is also why Sephiroth does not degrade, himself.

The reason why Lucrecia has not died is simple, yet it might seem contradictory. Angeal was considered to be a success because he was only exposed to the G Substance, he wasn't injected with it. Sephiroth was directly injected with Jenova's cells - you could say that Lucrecia was only exposed to the Jenova cells. Since we all know that as long as one Jenova cell remains, a person cannot truly die, we can conclude that Lucrecia is not dead because the Jenova cells are keeping her alive. This also answers my own question as to why Sephiroth's age is surprisingly deceptive.
Thank you very much The Sephiroth Gene.. Please read the post above yours if you haven't already. I would like to point out that Angeal indeed degraded and wasn't successful either.

I would also like to point out that the question of the topic was why Lucrecia didn't degrade even though her body was injected with J-Cells. The reason why this perplexed me so much was because I wrongfully believed that Genesis and Angeal was treated the same way as Lucrecia as in they both were directly injected with J-Cells and that the only reason why Sephiroth was a success was because he was born with the cells developing in his body just like the other natural cells due to being in the womb of a injectee. However I was way off as we all know.

So then after time away I remembered that Genesis wasn't injected directly with Jenova cells but rather the J-mutated cells from Gillian. So when I quickly seen that Gillian who was treated similarly to Lucrecia did not Degrade it only made sense that Lucrecia wouldn't degrade either. So it's no longer a mystery to me.. Thank you very much all..

I would like to bring up an argument though regarding exposure to the J-Cells. You mention that the difference between the degrees of success between Genesis and Angeal were due to the fact that Genesis was INJECTED with mutated cells whereas Angeal was merely exposed. I disagree about this triviality because the ability for cells to manipulated and replicate at immeasurable speeds. If Cells were injected into Gillian there is a high chance those cells exposed themselves to Angeal. However what I believe to be an error in thinking is that this Exposure is subtle by any means. Jenova has always been considered a virus to Gaia, and her Legacy Plagued the lifestream (Geostigma) so therefore her viral-like cells would act significantly different in regards to its replication, manipulation speed and behavior. So I believe that if Angeal was in any way exposed to the J-Cells, the implications would be potent.

The significance behind this besides the belief that Angeal was still unstable due to suitable improper implication of Alien cells, would be that Lucrecia although being injected in her womb was exposed of the cells indirectly or you can also say directly.

Im not entirely sure on this because i know close to nothing about birthing, but If your injected inside of your womb which is in your body, wouldn't that be almost the same as injecting your body I feel like it would despite my ignorance simply because alot of things from lucrecia's own body or any other pregnant female, would be connected to her unborn child (Like when she eats, she's feeding sephy). So there is a close link therefore a path for the J-Cells into her own.

I know im nit-picking right now, but i have to remain objective, and voice my ideas. Lucrecia WAS exposed to J-cells.

EDIT: According to that wikia you were reffering to, Jenova cells were indeed injected into sephy directly in his mothers womb. However i still think the physical connection between mother and child exposed her to the cells.
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