Lunar Whale Course (Ultimate Course)


Blue Mage
Aug 29, 2009
New Zealand
Ok, I've had this course available to me for some time now, but I've yet to win over 10 battles in a row. Anyone else having trouble with these over-powered asshole AIs? <.< I don't know if it's just me or not, but this is actually really hard to do xD I've only ever managed to get 2 Mega Elixirs out of this mode. Do you know what the worst part about this course is? It seems like the game is screwing with you. I played it just now, and I got a string of CPU Str: Low (Equipment), Low, and Average. This little pattern happened twice. You know what happened next? CPU Str: Maximum, High, Maximum, Chaos. <.< Wtf? Did the game just laugh at me? I think it did.

Anyone else want to join me in flaming the unfairness of the high level AI? This is just total bullshit. I'm unleashing all my pro into every battle, and I'm still to lose? Maybe it's just Zidane... Sigh...

Tell us about your Lunar Whale experience... <.<
HAHA experience you say? More like a total nightmare. I've gotten maybe 3 Megalixers and only won maybe 7 to 8 battles. I haven't seen Chaos yet, or I'd quit. I still have yet to beat him on the Inward Chaos portion of the game, and I really doubt I'll beat him at LVL.120 instead of 110. Some times this game really does like to mess with you. its done that to me too. Right now I'm looking at Warrior of Light - lvl.100 +6 coins/win -1 coin/lose strength low.

I actually waited to post this until I finished the battle, and now im fighting Onion Knight 112 +10 coins/win -8 coins/lose maximum. I also have yet to get anything above 30 something coins. >:(
The reward for the job is just too low xD It's really nice when you get items, but I've been wishing for the Job Combo of Red Mage + 2x Thief xD If that was the case... OMG I'd have such a fun time just collecting items xD

Megaelixirs are always so good to get xD Sad that I need to beat like... 4-6 enemies before I can get ONE xD Like I said earlier, the reward for the job is just too low.