Lutz Airoth


May 11, 2008
Name: Lutz Airoth
Gender: Male
Height: 6’3’’
Weight: 165
Age: 21
Hair: Black/ with bits of red
Facial Hair: haha well I suppose alot
Eyes: all white
Build: Tall and skinny, but very quick and speedy
Complextion: Wolf-like
Voice: Loud and young sounding, witty and outgoing
Clothes: Black leather coat, with loose baggy black jeans
DoB: April 16th


Personality: Lutz Airoth has a dark past in which he only shares with people he truly trusts, he often hides his shadowy past through his personality by being very out going and friendly, making him the least person you would expect of doing such harm to anyone, he is in fact a good person just had some hard up brings, he likes to drink and socialize! And would do anything to protect his friends, though in times of battle he cuts to jokes and get serious he seems to have great wisdom on the battle field and knows what he’s doing.

Strengths: As you can probably tell Lutz Airoth is not human, he’s is from a very old and dieing race, this race having many characteristics of a wolf, thus having natural razor sharp claws in his hands and feet, making his hand to hand combat very deadly, though his mind strength comes from his inner elemental power of Fire, each one of his race is born with the gift of controlling a different kind of elemental power whether it be Fire, Water, Lighting, Earth, Wind, Nature, Light and Dark. Depending on when his kind were born determines what element they will control, Light and Dark being the most powerful and most rarest, Lutz Airoth Controls Fire and can make Fire burst from out of nowhere doing it want ever he wants it to do though the more he uses the weaker and more tired he could become.

Weaknesses: Every elemental has a weakness, Lutz Airoth’s ability is Fire thus making his weakness water, he would stand a slim chance against another elemental who can control water same goes to if he were to ever battle in water, some mental weakness would have to be he is to trusting to most people he is to friendly and wants to make new friends he could end up making friends with the wrong people and even getting other people he cares about hurt in the process though he will not forget about being betrayed.

Fears: Water, and losing the ones he cares about

Background : Lutz Airoth is from a very old and dieing race known as the Maloki, along time ago they were protectors of the planet, they lived in peace with another race known as the Kin, The Gods granted the Maloki and the Kin other gifts to help protect the planet in need, the Maloki were granted the gift of elemental power to fight back and the Kin granted to power of healing and the ability to talk to the planet, though a dark race from the skies came down to threaten the planet, This alien race then converted groups of Maloki and Kin. The betrayal of each races had changed the outcome of the battle forever, though the planet’s life stream fought back the evil beings off the planet, though many Maloki and Kin were killed…. Lutz Airoth’s family were very respected in the Maloki community his great great great grand father was head of the armies of the Maloki and served the chief of the races well, Lutz’s past is far out of his reach for the farthest back he came remember was waking up in a test tube with several other test subjects, breaking free from his test tube prison he found some clothes and sneaked past guards till he was home free, later he found home to a small village. He was accepted to live among the humans there, the villages leader was a wise old man, he told Lutz he was part of an very old race (The Maloki) and helped teach him how to use his gift. At first the other humans feared Lutz for the way he looked but over time he was protector of the village, anytime raging rogues came to steal from them Lutz was their hero, till one day the same group of scientists and soldiers who cleared Lutz’s memory came, they had far greater weapons, numbers, then Lutz alone could handle, everyone was killed and Lutz had no choice but to escape, then came the dark time in his life where Lutz became desperate for money and food, he stumbled upon a guild of assassins own as the Dark Templar, he lived most of his life their, he could never forgive himself for taking such a job but he just kind of fell into it, knowing he couldn’t do this forever he attempted to break free from the guild though to these supernatural assassins if your no longer apart of the guild your dead, Lutz is now on a run away from he once close allies traveling the world in hopes they will stop chasing….<!-- / message -->
Bio being graded. Stand by. Post will be editted when completed.
So he has no weapons, then?

The only issue I have here is your mention of magic. It needs to be in a separate section, and each skill has to have energy costs, appearance details, etc.

And I'm sorry, but you really need to improve that grammar. I would usually hold my Grammar Naziness back, but there aren't too many that can understand what you're saying here. For the sake of the members, proofread and, dare I say, SPELLCHECK the work for grammar issues. The run-on sentences here make things difficult to understand. I had to read it about five times before I knew where to pause and sect off different sections.

Fix it up and I'll give it another look through.

Just so I know just what this character is for:

Are you looking to have this character approved for URPG, ORPG, or RPB use? It'll be easier to approve the character once we know what he is intended for.