Magic Pot


Jan 30, 2007
I'm currently in the cavern of the stolen fayth (aka Yojimbo's shrine). And there are these little monsters called Magic Pots (commonly reoccurring in most FF games).

The magic pot has five different spots where you can hit it, and if you hit the right spot, you get a prize. If you hit the wrong spot, you get damaged.

Is there a secret to hitting the right spot on this guy???
Ehh... sometimes I found a pattern with a lot of the ones I encountered. I hit them on Top Right, Bottom Left, Top Left, then Bottom Right. But I always managed to screw up the pattern and he blows up. It sucks that there's absolutely no way to actually kill the annoying assholes. I bet they'd drop a buttload of gil and AP.
It actually works like this:

Out of the 5 spots, only 1 is bad each time. So you have a 1/5 chance of hitting the bad spot and 4/5 chance of hitting a good spot. It changes which spot is bad each time you hit it, but the amount of times you can hit are neverending (unless you kill it of course).
As for anticipating where the spot will go, you can't, it is entirely random.
This link is pertaining to the Magic Pot in XII; not to the FFX Magic Pot.
Still i think it's the same. You throw it an elixir and it gives you something, not sure though.
Hmm...I'll have to see how Carrier of Hope's little technique works out. I'm just about ready to rip my hair out, these things are so annoying. >__<

I bet they do give lots of AP if you beat them! XD
IMO, no amount of AP is worth that much trouble :P post if you beat one, I really wanna know what happens :D
The only way to kill them is Zanmato. They can't be beaten with normal weapons since the HP doesn't drop down. And thy doesn't give any AP or Items, sorry :D

Says Hikensasameyuki:

"There is absolutely no evidence to indicate that there is a 1/5 chance of
correctly choosing an eye. The most popular current theory supports a
progressive probability of success based on the number of eyes already
correctly chosen, thus increasing the difficulty of winning the 'seven prizes
in all, while supplies last.' This would be something like 4/5 for the first
two choices, 3/5 for the third and fourth, 2/5 for the fifth and sixth, and
finally 1/5 for the final choice."

Putting it simply...: (by me)

First Hit- 80% chance (one eye is wrong, four are right)
Second Hit- 80% chance (one eye is wrong, four are right)
Third Hit- 60% chance (two eyes are wrong, three are right)
Forth Hit- 60% chance (two eyes are wrong, three are right)
Fifth Hit- 40% chance (three eyes are wrong, two are right)
Sixth Hit- 40% chance (three eyes are wrong, two are right)
Seventh Hit- 20% chance (four eyes are wrong, one is right)

So looking at your all together chances for completion, you have about a 1/678
chances for finishing it with all 7 bingos. And as you can plainly see, that is
not a lot, or, at least not enough for someone to complete it thus far.


This theory was put together by me, SinirothX, and is what I have lived by, but
I do not think it is 100% accurate (nor are any others right now 100% accurate).
Here's how this theory/method goes:

This theory or method as I like to call it is based totally off of Luck and 7s/
5s. Now before we start let me again state that I do not know if this theory is
accurate, it is just a theory. Your first preperation that you're going to need
to make is to get all your characters to have a Luck stat of 255, and no less.
So, I suggest that you make a different file just for this if you are planning
to also have maxed-out statistics with your characters and original Luck after
finishing the Sphere Grid normally. Note that it has to be maxed to 255 with
*everybody*. Now you go into the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth via the Calm Lands
Gorge Bottom and locate a Magic Urn (I usually have more Luck finding them in
greener-colored areas on the ground). I also suggest having all the celestials.
When in the fight choose your three characters for starting and then have them
each attack an eye and pray to get a Bingo for each one, if not, then... too
bad. After all of them get three successful attacks in a row, you're going to
switch them all out for a new set of three characters.

Now, have them each attack an eye and then each time you're hoping to receive
Bingos. This is imperative that you attack each time with a different character
for a reason that I do not currently know. And then, would you look at that,
you're at your final hit, and, you still have one character left. Balances out
perfectly even. If you are the luckiest person on Earth you would've recieved
the final Bingo and the final item. Now for the rest it is just technical info:
Now we will take a look at how having 255 Luck will increase your chances for
succeeding (note that even 254 won't raise chances from first theory chances).:
Luck (255)/ Number of Eyes (5)/ Number of Desired Hits (7) = about 7.2 which we
put under 10 (10/7.2). This will be your chances for every one hit which is the
same as 5/3.6. So from this we have 1/12 chances or ~1.38% of finishing it.
Again this is not fully tested (boy I wish I could hack into game data...)...:)
All of the eyes are randomly chosen each time you attack, but, depending on
just which hit you're on, the game can be "nicer" to you and give you "luckier"
chances of getting a Bingo. You can see this just from taking a gander at
first theory that was listed in this section.


Kudos to CajunRipBong for the following pieces of information from the Final
Fantasy X message board: He or at least someone (I don't know his source)
believes that with the number of eyes there are (5) you multiply that times a
power of all of the needed hits for completion (7) and put that over a little
numerator of 1 like this 1/5x5x5x5x5x5x5 or... 1/78125 or... 0.0000128 as the
believed chances for desired outcome which I think (I haven't put this theory
to any form of a test *yet*) is hell because that is practically nothing (note
that I'm not saying your information is not valid). Just thought you might want
that too. ^_^ This concludes for the theories.

Possibly Received Items

This is the part where I will list items for all hits that you can get while
attempting to hit all the eyes correctly. And then I will list what prizes that
I got while I was doing this. All will be listed here except for the seventh
hit because quite frankly, I do not think that anyone has ever hit all 7 bingo.


Gold Hourglass
Silver Hourglass
Frag Grenade
Phoenix Down
Lunar Curtain
Soul Spring

Note: There might be more possible items, but those were all I have ever, ever
received when trying this.


Hit 1. Top Left Eye- Frag Grenade
Hit 2. Bottom Right Eye- Phoenix Down
Hit 3. Middle Eye- Elixir
Hit 4. Top Left Eye- Silver Hourglass
Hit 5. Bottom Right Eye- Lunar Curtain
Hit 6. Middle Eye- Gold Hourglass

The seventh hit I didn't get, though...

Note: These were only my results, everybody's are usually different.

- Area of Location: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth
- Health Point Count (HP): 999999
- Magic Point Count (MP): 9999
- AP Accumulated When Defeated: 0
- Gil Accumulated When Defeated: 0
- Strength Status Level: 1
- Magic Status Level: 40
- Agility Status Level: 0
- Magic Defense Status Level: 255
- Luck Status Level: 0
- Defense Status Level: 255
- Accuracy Status Level: 0
- Evasion Status Level: 0
- Immunities:
Silence, Sleep, Poison, Darkness, Slow, Petrification, Power Break, Zombie,
Armor Break, Magic Break, Threaten, Mental Break, Provoke, Death, Delay, Eject,
Regen, Demi, Reflect, Haste, Shell, Protect, NulBlaze, NulTide, NulShock,
NulFrost, Berserk, Confusion, Bribe
- Weaknesses:
Doom has a count of 200
- Half Damage (cuts damage in half):
- Absorbs (eats spell and gains HP):
- Steal: Common- None
Uncommon- None
- Bribe: Immune
- Items Won: Common- None
Uncommon- None
- Abilities Attached to Armors Dropped:
- Abilities Attached to Weapons Dropped:
- Armor/Weapons Dropped Status: Slots- N/A
Pre-customized Abilities: N/A
Percentage of Equipment Being Dropped: N/A
--> Strategy For Overcoming this Enemy:
Aside from what I've been yapping about in this guide ever since the beginning
of it, there is a way to deal with this Magic Urn that can actually kill it.
There are two ways of doing this:
a) You can use Yojimbo's Zanmato. For great info on Zanmato, refer to Azure
Edge's amazing Yojimbo FAQ.
b) This way is to cast Doom spell and then wait/skip (Triangle) 200 turns
when it will die.
--> Abilities:
1. Self-Destruct: Non-elemental magic damage to all and is only used as a
counter if you try to Steal from it.
2. Wrong!: Non-elemental magic damage to all and is only used as a
counter if you hit an incorrect eye.
3. Bingo!: Is used as a counter if you hit a correct eye.
- Scan/Sensor Readings:
1. Sensor: Hit the correct eye for prizes!
2. Scan: Hit the correct target to win items. The wrong target ends a battle
with a bang. Damage is substantial, so be sure to heal. Seven fabulous prizes
in all, while supplies last.
--> Best Place to Encounter This Enemy:
Of course in the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth, but I suggest that while in here
that you search around for a random encounter in the greenish algae looking
areas found all over the place. I have found them six times out of ten while I
was looking there instead of my average four out of ten elsewhere. Good Luck!!!

Well there you have it, all compiled information on the Magic Urns. I hope you
enjoy this, and I hope you enjoy Final Fantasy X.

Here I will answer all the most commonly asked questions I've been asked in
e-mails and I've seen pestering the Final Fantasy X message boards on the Magic
Urn matter(s).

I found this at Gamefaqs, Credit goes do SinirothX, Hikensasameyuki and CajunRipBong
As previously pointed out you can use Zanmato if you have a good relationship with Yojimbo and want to waste some money. I'm pretty sure I managed to kill it with Wakka's Attack Reels. These things have 999999 hp. A perfect Attack Reels with maxed out stats will do well over a million damage. Could try that.
Thanks Lionheart! I'm also curious to see what happens when I hit him with an attack or spell that targets all enemies. ^.^
I've hit more than 7 in a row... I have the American version and I've hit 9. Also I've gotten a Stamina Tonic from them. They drop no Gil and you recieve 0 AP from them. They have 999,999 HP.

They explode when you hit all 5. I tried using Slice and Dice, Fury, Ultima, Doublecast random magics... He just explodes.