Main Characters swords?


Chocobo Breeder
Oct 14, 2006
His swords look alot like Clouds' swords from AC.

Think they would function the same way?

Maybe you can collect like, some kind of Mana to your sword and once it reaches its a certain point, you can release massive specials or something.
I dunno, random guesses, but thats really all we can do at this point..
I dont think there like clouds because there way smaller they seem more like small swords(a bit smaller than a normal sized sword)and nearly all of them dont look like clouds sword

and its prop a special move
There is only one character that I knew would hold many swords at once in Final Fantasy Series.
It is him: Gilgamesh

Could this guy be Gilgamesh?!
Haha... Just my imagination.
lol geez they look like girls to me unlike squall who looks like a man miles away

It's to target the ladies. I mean, have you looked at Visual Kei lately?

About the swords, they don't look like the Buster Swords from Cloud. Besides, he has 10 of them. Cloud only had like 7 in Advent Children. The 10 swords thing is probably only for shock and suprise or something like an Overdrive of Quickening for the game character.

I thought this guy had a name though? I believe it started with a V or a T... Don't quite remember but I saw it mentioned once on GameSpot... Hmm...
From the looks of it some of them look quite mechanical, so perhaps they can morph into firearms or even another melee weapon?

And they do not all look like swords, as two of them quite clearly resemble an axe and a halberd.