Male genital mutilation (circumcision)


ShinRa Guard
Sep 2, 2010
Think this needs it's own thread since the female circumcision thread was going this way....

When I found out I was cut I wanted to believe it was good and tried to for a while but the logic just wasn't there. I had visitied many pro and anti-circ websites and had also stumbled on some foreskin restoration websites. I decided I was going to restore what I could if nothing else to make it as much of my decision as I could at this point. The process took 2 years to complete. The difference was quite a bit more then I expected. The gliding skin alone was worth the effort but the glans is also no longer dried out (didn't realize how bad it was and how much more sensitive it could be until I restored). Obviously the most sensitive parts are gone forever but after restoring just what could be restored the difference was enough that I can't see circumcision as anything other then genital mutilation

as for std's since people commonly chime in about it, the studies are VERY mixed, studies that are pro-circ are generally old and often biased (such as one sensitivity study often referred to that they never even measured sensation on the foreskin). Aids and STD rates are higher in the U.S. (which has a high cutting rate) verse any country in western europe which almost all have a very very low cutting rate. If there was some protection from cutting we would expect the results to be the complete opposite.

As for infections/uti's, girls have 3 times the risk of uti's then intact boys, we wouldn't consider cutting them. plus infections and many foreskin problems in infants are solely caused by improper care when caretakers try to retract the foreskin (this should never be done, it will retract on it's own later in life) so if the parent just makes sure caretakers are aware of this since americans are generally clueless of the foreskin problems will be minimal. Even with that in mind however problems with a circumcised penis tend to be as high or higher then intact penises so that argument is invalid anyway.

Cutting up someone else's genitals without reason is unethical,cruel and just plain wrong. It sickens me that in this day of age that we still allow this to continue knowing the harm it does. As for parent's rights a parent does not have the right to harm their child. Let the child have the rights to his or her own body, let them have a say.
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I'm aware of some people who can't actually retract the foreskin of their penis because it causes them actual harm or significant pain to do so. It will not cause sex to be painful. It is highly unlikely to actually cause any infection if done by a qualified medical practitioner.

Perhaps on a moral level, the person should have the choice, yes, but unlike with female genital mutilation, circumcision is highly unlikely to cause lasting pain or nerve damage. It can actually heighten sexual pleasure in some cases, and eliminate pain that some get from foreskin.
I'm aware of some people who can't actually retract the foreskin of their penis because it causes them actual harm or significant pain to do so. It will not cause sex to be painful. It is highly unlikely to actually cause any infection if done by a qualified medical practitioner.

Perhaps on a moral level, the person should have the choice, yes, but unlike with female genital mutilation, circumcision is highly unlikely to cause lasting pain or nerve damage. It can actually heighten sexual pleasure in some cases, and eliminate pain that some get from foreskin.
the foreskin not being retractable is likely from poor care as an infant, regardless it can be cured easily and non invasively with steroid cream and some stretching exercises (if you get a foreskin friendly doctor, otherwise they will just recommend cutting)

the crushing of the clamp used in circumcision can easily cause lasting pain as it doesn't involve a clean cut but a crushing of the nerves all around the brownish scarred skin left after the clamping, it's rarely done on infants with just a knife to give a clean cut. (I have this skin the scarring and sensation wise it is not pleasurable, from my first hand experience it does leave lasting pain) infections are quite possible regardless of who does it, especially with MRSA, there was a study that determined an estimate 100 boys die in the U.S. every year from circumcision related infections. the foreskin eases intercourse with the rolling bearing sort of effect, making sex more pleasurable for both partners.
I have no opinion either way.

My parents didn't want to do it me because they thought it would hurt me. Personally, I think it would've too.

I don't know the medical disadvantages and advantages but I would wager that they are both for either side. Some people are really against and some people are really for it.

I do think it's unfair that you don't get to decide whether you want it or not because they do it at birth. I think that it should be the person's choice and not their parents. My mother doesn't have a penis after all, so why let her choose?
To be honest, you are the first guy I have ever met that has complained about being circumcised. In high school I only knew of one guy that was not circumcised and he was made fun of in the locker room by other guys. Girls wouldn't date him either because the thought of him not being circumcised grossed them out. He has recently been circumcised and is now engaged.

If I have a son, I will most likely have him circumcised due to me not wanting him made fun of in the high school locker room. high school is hard enough as it is. And I have never heard of a baby dying from circumcision.
To be honest, you are the first guy I have ever met that has complained about being circumcised. In high school I only knew of one guy that was not circumcised and he was made fun of in the locker room by other guys. Girls wouldn't date him either because the thought of him not being circumcised grossed them out. He has recently been circumcised and is now engaged.

If I have a son, I will most likely have him circumcised due to me not wanting him made fun of in the high school locker room. high school is hard enough as it is. And I have never heard of a baby dying from circumcision.
they don't die from the circumcision, they die from infections gained during the circumcision or from the wound that's healing, The infection cannot be directly blamed on either the birth or the circumcision but can only be guessed at from the difference in infants that die from infections and comparing genders and genital integrity status.

what you described may have been true in the past but it is changing now, a recent study stated that only about 1/3 of boys are being cut anymore, so if you have him cut he may then be in the smaller of the groups and be on the side where he won't have full sexual pleasure.

as for the oddity of not being like having our genitals mutilated of the friends I have talked to about it none have said they liked being cut and were upset over it, granted my friends tend to be college educated people who don't tend to just follow the crowd. Also if you as the parent explain that they got the better end of the deal by being intact they could turn it around very easily and make the cut up guys feel damaged (which to be fair they are).
Personally, I can only say I'm glad my parents had me circumcised. I don't take it personally and if I didn't like it I wouldn't hold it against them because they would have had only the best intentions in doing it. I wasn't old enough to decide whether or not it happened, but in that same vein I don't hold any memory of it either, I don't remember any of the pain and I didn't have to deal with any of the embarassment of going through the procedure.

I can say I'm glad to have had it done because I know it is more appealing to pretty much all women, it's easier to take care of, and I personally think it looks better to be circumcised.

Growing up any friends of mine who weren't circumcised were very self-conscious of it and did admit that it hindered their confidence when it came to sexuality. I myself wouldn't tease anyone about what their genitalia looked like, but it definitely did happen to them.

The debate on this subject I think generally leans a bit more towards pro-circumcision, but for me it's simply one less thing I have to worry about in life.
(Will definitely be having my children circ'd)
If I ever have a son, I'm going to respect him and his rights to his own body. I think it's wrong for a parent to make a decision like that because the boy would have no say in it. And it kinda pisses me off that people won't show their own children that decency. What if he didn't want it done? He can get it restored but not fully as the OP has said.

Also, getting teased at school isn't a good enough reason IMO. People who have the mentality to tease people just because you're natural aren't people you should be hanging out with anyway. Plus, you might not even get teased in the first place, depending on where you live. Circumcision rates are much lower in the UK for example. The WHO said as of 2006 that only about of 3rd of men are circumcised anyway.
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To be honest, you are the first guy I have ever met that has complained about being circumcised. In high school I only knew of one guy that was not circumcised and he was made fun of in the locker room by other guys. Girls wouldn't date him either because the thought of him not being circumcised grossed them out. He has recently been circumcised and is now engaged.

If I have a son, I will most likely have him circumcised due to me not wanting him made fun of in the high school locker room. high school is hard enough as it is. And I have never heard of a baby dying from circumcision.

That's not entirely true, at least in my case. Some girls like uncircumcised. This is sort of awkward to discuss, but just trust me.

And I object to that idea totally. Why should I be treated different because I'm the way I WAS BORN? That makes no sense. I know it happens, but it still doesn't make sense.

Two, you son has more to worry about in the locker room then being circumcised or not. If someone wants to pick on you, they will find a reason. Trust me on that one too. XD

In the end, I don't think that it should be treated like that at all. And if you keep it clean it's not that big of a difference. It's not some sort of social charge to have your child circumcised. I'm uncircumcised and not once has anyone ever said anything mean to me.

Maybe the people you went to school with were just jerks? It happens.

Aids and STD rates are higher in the U.S. (which has a high cutting rate) verse any country in western europe which almost all have a very very low cutting rate.

Woah. I believe you mentioned bias? That is the most bias statement I've ever heard in my life. It doesn't even make sense-

Look man, I hate to break it to you, but those guys, the starving liberals- they will do anything to make any form of civilization bad. Unless of course, it's their own.
Now I'm not a big fan of conformity, but this is a conformity all it's own. Yeah, the textbook definition of 'mutilation' is taking to the extreme in this post and if that's mutilation, than so is getting a haircut.
I mean damn, how sensitive does a penis have to be? I have gotten along very, very well with mine.
It's bullshit. I'm not flaming, I'm just saying that it's pointless and there's only one reason why anyone would care. To stir up controversy. Exactly what this world needs right now, right?
There is nothing wrong with circumcision. I'm sorry, but I've done some digging around and there's simply just no way around that fact_

And besides, circumcision keeps you're penis from looking like a snail :D
To be honest, out of the guys I've been with, the ones who were circumcised were the ones who hardly ever wanted sex and when they did they never enjoyed it as much as the one who wasn't circumcised.

That's not to say that that was the only reason but I found it quite strange.

To be honest, I don't even really notice any real difference. It doesn't gross me out at all and I don't know why people make such a big deal out of it.

There is no way that I am circumcising my boys if I have any. It's an unecessary procedure. I don't want my child going under the knife for no good reason.

I would give my boy the respect he deserves and let him make his own choice.

Besides, kids make fun of other kids no matter what. You can not use the excuse, 'Oh he'll be teased because of it.'

If you tried to eliminate every single little thing that others might think might be wrong with your child, you wouldn't have much left. =/ and there is always one person who will find something to pick on.
Yeah I doubt very seriously that was the reason at all. I find it quite strange that extra foreskin makes a man more sensitive at all, to be honest. Just look it up, this will be my last post on this. Every attempt at experiment ANYONE has ever made has resulted in a stalemate. It is a medical myth.
Besides, I'm a man. I know_

And by saying this, I am not proclaiming that everyone get circumcised. All I'm saying is that it really does not matter
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And besides, circumcision keeps you're penis from looking like a snail :D

My penis doesn't look like a looks like a penis is supposed to look.

I don't think there's anything wrong with it myself. I just don't think people should act like it's some sort of social service to the child. I'm not and I've gotten by without being picked on and such. It's not a social service, the health advantages are marginal.

It's more of a cosmetic decision and I don't think it's a parent's place to make that sort of decision. That's it.
Not had it done, never seen the point of it, wouldn't wish it on me or anyone else because the entire principle of it is disgusting. It's like removing a few toenails...why would you? Might even up the skin tone a bit but eventually you're gonna get more bruises and infections than you otherwise would have done...and that's not how you were created so why change it?

I don't like additions to your body like tattoos or piercings, so I'm sure as hell not an advocate of lobbing something off if it's not meant to be lobbed off.
i think i only know of 2 people whov been circumsised. Pretty much agree witht what dave said i wouldnt even think about having it done cuz i dont see the point tbh. It was born like that and no persons goin in aboot there with a knife, fuck that.
Also the embarassment thing........? why would i be embarrased to have foreskin? thats the daftest thing ive ever heard. Il still whip it oot.
I've never seen the point of it. I've never been with a circumcised man, and I don't think it'd bother me if I did, but it's often carried out on young children, and I don't see the point in putting a young child, or anyone else through that sort of pain.

And I've never compared anybody's penis to a snail. Not even my ex. Joking aside, surely if it wasn't meant to be there, the human race would have evolved it out?
^ Not everything we have "evolved" into was meant to be there. See: Wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth, in our day and age, are pretty useless. We don't lose teeth at near the rate of our ancestors and we have to get them surgically removed. Worthless.

As far as circumcision is concerned, I don't really care either way. I'm circumcised and fine. I know people who are uncircumcised and fine. Not a big deal either way.
It's funny to, because I swear, reading this thread- I don't think some people know the difference. Then again, I live in the U.S. so I won't preach how the rest of the world goes about it. Not exactly my prime subject, ya kno ^_^. All I can is that practically every major form of religion that has to do with the God of Moses proposes that circumcision is necessary. That's gotta be at least half the world population. I mean: Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Christians, etc.
I just find it amazing that there are coincidently sooo many people on the forum that claim sooo many of people they know aren't circumcised..
i don't see any benefits either way, circumcised or not. if you're a person who supports circumcision because it gives aesthetics, you need to reconsider your values. there's nothing wrong with foreskin. it doesn't crowd out your penis like wisdom teeth, so why remove it? no reason to.
Circumcision is totally unnecessary both aesthetically and medically. Frankly I feel bad for the kids whose parents make the selfish and misguided decision to force them through the process before they have the chance to make the decision themselves. That being said, something is seriously wrong with people who would actually tease someone for not being circumcised. Since when is mutilating yourself based on some superstitious nonsense something to be proud of?