Man 112 marries girl 17

Big Casino

Money for Nothing
Mar 4, 2007

Rofl, pretty crazy stuff isnt it? A man of that age marrying a girl of 17...even if young girls marrying older men is quite common in that country thats still a whopping age difference. It does say theres no actual proof thats hes 112 but i cant see why he would make himself out to be older than he is, and if he is lying, well, Its obvious hes still way past it.
What a weird way to start off your adult life :hmmm: married to a someone of that age. That being said he probadly wont be around much longer anyway. Theres no way she can be happy being with him, its just not possible...and he wasnts to have kids with her aswell. . .yeah there's horrible thought.
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That is mega disturbing. The fact he says "I waited till she grew up!" That screams PAEDOPHILE!!! to me. How can she or her family be happy? The poor thing. Well if he has cash, then she'll be okay in the end. But starting a family with him ... just gross.
Can we say, dating the undead is not kosher? I mean 112 is one thing, and you might be right about this being a lie, but still a girl that age has one thing in mind I can only assume. Money.. How much is he worth.

Do women want to handle wrinkles, and what type of thinking goes into this and why would it be so easy for this to occur and not gay marriages?

You have to think about all this =P.
Can we say, dating the undead is not kosher? I mean 112 is one thing, and you might be right about this being a lie, but still a girl that age has one thing in mind I can only assume. Money.. How much is he worth.

Do women want to handle wrinkles, and what type of thinking goes into this and why would it be so easy for this to occur and not gay marriages?

You have to think about all this =P.

I see where your coming from but its a muslim country and i couldnt see the girl herself going for him because of his money...also its made out that he actually waited for her. I think if anything it would have been the family more or less forcing her into it. Afterall the statement saying she is happy with her husband came from the family. Not the words from her own mouth. Saying that though she probadly wouldnt have said any different.
The one disturbing part (out of obviously many) is where he said he waited for her to grow up. The dude was in his 90s when the girl was born!!! :gasp:

though I was a bit disappointed in the article, since it didn't have a picture of the two. I would've loved to see that. :gasp:
He 'convinced her of his love'.... that's disturbing in its self, wouldnt that be classed as grooming?

I wonder if it was an arranged marriage?

Either way it's vile.... he'll probably have a heart attack if they even manage to take it to the bedroom...ugh, it's gross. I hope for her sake he croaks it before it gets that far. She can't be happy with this at all regardles of what her family say ¬¬ There HAS to be money involved, I wonder if he's paid the parents or something :ffs:
'I didn't force her, but used my experience to convince her of my love; and then we agreed to marry,'

How do you use your experine to get convince of her of his love? I don't get it all.

Serouisly though, he wants to have kids with her. She could be his kid. I couldn't imagine myself marrying a person who was 112, even if they were rich. I would have to be forced.
I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this same article earlier. I've seen 70 year olds marry teenage girls, but this takes it to the complete nether of decency. An 112 year old man marrying a 17 year old girl. What in the name of all that is holy does that girl see in this man? He is practically close to the deathbed at that age! He can die any moment while the girl still has a whole life ahead of her!

This is just vile and disgusting beyond anything I've ever seen. I don't know if the girl is foolish, or actually victimised, but I have to know what her parents think about this. What kind of justification is there of marrying what is practically a soon-to-be corpse? I'm not wishing death on the old man, I just find his ideals: 'I didn't force her, but used my experience to convince her of my love; and then we agreed to marry,' utterly disgusting. It's irresponsible.
That is mega disturbing. The fact he says "I waited till she grew up!" That screams PAEDOPHILE!!! to me. How can she or her family be happy? The poor thing. Well if he has cash, then she'll be okay in the end. But starting a family with him ... just gross.
Paedophiles are people that love children, not 17 year olds. Unsurprisingly for the Daily Mail, one of the comments was about how common marriages of children and old men are in Islam. Good on the Daily Mail, always ready to show Islam in a bad light.
Anyway it's a non story, old man marries young girl, this is every guy's dream, that once they get to 50, they divorce their old wife and marry an 18 year old blonde.
Paedophiles are people that love children, not 17 year olds. Unsurprisingly for the Daily Mail, one of the comments was about how common marriages of children and old men are in Islam. Good on the Daily Mail, always ready to show Islam in a bad light.
Anyway it's a non story, old man marries young girl, this is every guy's dream, that once they get to 50, they divorce their old wife and marry an 18 year old blonde.

Admitting to something Hal? Blonde.. age 50... you know...

Anyway I agree with this, but honestly you can sit there and think "oh this is just their culture.." or you can feel sorry for the girl because she has to marry her great great great grandfather. I mean .. sorry it's old wrinkled skin. I don't expect more from my lady at that age.
Paedophiles are people that love children, not 17 year olds.

I do know what a paedo is thank you. What I was refering to was he was waiting for her to grow up. So as she was growing up, he knew he was going to marry her and someday going to sleep with her. If you read the START of my sentence you would get what I meant ...

Me said:
The fact he says "I waited till she grew up!" That screams PAEDOPHILE!!! to me.

She wasnt 17 all the time was she? She was a child at sometime.
Oh, ew, really? How dumb was she? She can't possibly believe this man actually loves her. And even if he does, marrying him will be a waste. He is bound to kick the bucket any day now, being a 112. And children?! She does know how children are made right? So she would have to... with his... and... oh, ew.
The point is that paedophiles have no interest after they grow up, i.e. when they aren't children. So when she turned 10, most paedophiles would have gone off her and all would have by the age of 15. And that part is deliberately ambiguous, he may have said that about her when she was 15, obviously the way it's written implies that he is a paedophile, because all Tabloids, especially ones as bad as the Daily Mail, love paedophilia, it creates sales, and they get to create moral panics.
Oh, ew, really? How dumb was she? She can't possibly believe this man actually loves her. And even if he does, marrying him will be a waste. He is bound to kick the bucket any day now, being a 112. And children?! She does know how children are made right? So she would have to... with his... and... oh, ew.

Its not her choice, she is probably being forced into it. Shes not dumb, how can she goes agaisnt her family? They probably kill her for rejecting their decision. I feel sorry for the poor thing.

@ Jean-Jacques Burnel: Some people use the term paedophile not just aimed at people who like children, but in cases like this also. I told my family this story and their reaction was the same as mine. They all said "paedophile!" Its just used like that. I didnt turn to my family and said they were wrong to say that, I agree.
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I wonder if he'll make it to their first wedding anniversary. I doubt it. He even wants to have children with her? Hah! Hell, I wonder if he's physically capable of surviving a sexual encounter. I doubt that as well.

That's pretty disgusting stuff.
Umm, yeah eww.

Has he not got enough wives as it is? Some of whom have already died.

They said:

He said his children and two other wives agreed to the marriage, as did Abdulle's parents.
His children would have been older like 90 themselves and probably doing the same thing with other young women, so of course they probably didn't see a problem with it. <_<

It's a disgusting culture and I think I'd rather commit suicide then be brought up with the knowledge that one day I may too have to marry some old guy with balls that sagged below his knees. <_<

If the wives had said any different they might've been beaten etc. It's possible that the first three wives of his didn't like the idea of him getting married to the two he had currently and therefore were sent to get their heads chopped off.
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Kandy-Sugar said:
It's a disgusting culture and I think I'd rather commit suicide then be brought up with the knowledge that one day I may too have to marry some old guy with balls that sagged below his knees. <_<
That is speaking from the perspective of Western Culture. I'm sure there are plenty of people from other cultures who would be disgusted by things that are normal to us.

Personally I think that this situation is definitely odd. But I know that this is taking place in another culture which is probably incomprehensible for me. I think that there are some things are just impossible to understand without experiencing them through the eyes of a different culture. I believe the term I'm referring to is cultural relativism.
That is speaking from the perspective of Western Culture. I'm sure there are plenty of people from other cultures who would be disgusted by things that are normal to us.

Personally I think that this situation is definitely odd. But I know that this is taking place in another culture which is probably incomprehensible for me. I think that there are some things are just impossible to understand without experiencing them through the eyes of a different culture. I believe the term I'm referring to is cultural relativism.

That's true.

I understand that some things over on our side are considered strange to other cultures and that they obviously find their cultures perfectly normal.

Those poor girls have probably not been exposed to too much outside what they know and think that it's normal to wed a man so old.

I was a bit abrupt when I wrote that part of my post and didn't even want to try and understand they way they do things at the time of writing it, I was just so disgusted. >_<

I'm just so glad I've been born into what I believe to be a better world.
Hey, power to him. He comes from a different culture and background, firstly, so you can't assume what he is doing is wrong. She might want to marry him to, can we assume?

Isn't the way of humans, basically, to have children and keep our own family lines going? He's just doing that. XD I don't think of us as animals on all bases, but we are just that. He wants a legacy. ;p
Eww. That's really really weird. I guess if the girl wasn't forced it's ok... Just wish the women had more choices over there, though.

The only option they ever really have in their lives is to either die or marry a man.
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