May 2011

Kim Taehyung

You shine brighter than anyone ✨
Nov 30, 2006
This is when I'll be heading to England as part of a study tour for my college. I'm uber-psyched to get over there, even though it's a year and a half away. Damon and I discussed things we planned on doing once I got there (Meeting him is one thing, obviously)

This has got me thinking: What are some things that I should totally do while I'm there? Keep in mind, I don't know details yet, but I do know we will be going to London for a bit, which is where Damon and I plan on meeting up. More details will be included as I find out more.

So, as an American who's never been to another country: What should I make sure I do while I'm in England?

And of course, Mods, move to appropriate thread, if this isn't the right one. :kylie:
1. Damon
2. Karaoke
3. Parties
4. Getting carried by moi
5. Browse McDonalds/Burger King/KFC to see the difference to the American ones

And that's all for now :grin:
Well you cant enjoy the weather cuz its shit. On the plus side your old enough to to sit in a bar and get drunk. I suggest that. Its really the only fun thing to do in this miserable country. Uhm what else :hmmm: yup thats about it. Go somewhere hot and sunny. Avoid britain. Its gray cold and wet.
Ummmmm I have decided not to go on the Europe trip in March so Im sorry all of you who I wanted to see. Also in May? Cool you in Damo should totally go to a bar or something and make out in the corner ewww xDDDD. 2 years till im back in europe though.
I suppose you could take a walk on one of our beaches. Watch out for tin cans, needles and walshed up drunken irishman though :hmmm: Ive never been to london myself. Never fancied it either though. Seems a bit to big and crowded for my likings, although i hear its good for a night out and stuff :hmmm:
Though it isn't promoted as much as it probably should be anymore we do have a fair bit of history.

If you like museums and visiting historical places there are quite a few scattered about the place that are really interesting.

London has some really good museums. The British Museum is free to enter and you can essentially just walk in. It has LOADS of stuff from all across the world...

The Natural History Museum is also good, but I'm not sure how good it is in comparison to the museums of a similar kind they have in America, as I've heard they are quite impressive.

Big Ben (yeah I know the tower itself isn't called Big Ben, but everybody calls it that) isn't exactly very big but it is still good to see. There is something very quirky and British about a lot of the things like that in London that I find good to look at. You might even want to get yourself a tour of Buckingham Palace. I did that once when I was young, and enjoyed it quite a bit.

As for other places... I don't know where you'd plan to go.

Cornwall might be worth going to. I've been there a few times and there are quite a few great places there. Tintagel castle is quite a good trip if I recall correctly, and there are quite a few things down near Land's End that are quite good for tourists.. At least there were several years ago.

There are several old monuments and castles dotted in various places throughout the country. Don't know if you are big on castles but I can imagine if you haven't been to Europe before, that medieval castles, or even of the slightly later variety, are something you haven't been able to visit yet.

On the whole though Britain sucks. There might be some ace clubs in London, but I've never checked them out. I don't know where else you'd be planning to go but there will be other places that'll be quite fun if you wanted to go sightseeing etc.. If not then I can't imagine much else to do here at all. You can run around and have a laugh, say hello to Damon and then get drunk. Not much else I can think of. :gonk:

EDIT - ha ha, having a fun night in another country is a good experience. Though it isn't as good in a country where everyone pretty much speaks English / is on a similar wavelength. It's better when everything is quite alien, and no-one else speaks English and you walk into a club (though I'm not the clubbing type). Some bizzare experiences I had in Greece etc. :ness:
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I'd ask for a refund if you had to pay for it, England's a shit place to live, even I won't defend it. Seriously though, there's nothing in England that's really of any interest, the weather is shit even in summer, and trust me, London is highly overrated. I went there during the summer and unless you're one of these people who generally likes looking at buildings and stuff there's not all that much, even if you wanted to shop, strictly speaking London just has bigger shops, but they still sell the same stuff I could get in the highstreet >.> Just go on a binge drink whilst you're here.

Go to someone warm like Lew suggested, bugger Damon :wacky:
If you're coming to London then yes, do go get and drunk somewhere but AVOID all buses and trains whatever you do, they are slow, crowded and completely useless, there I said it...
Damon mentioned going on the London Eye...

Um, unless he (and everyone else on the same car) want to see me flip out like this:


Then no, I really don't want to go on it. XD
Well you cant enjoy the weather cuz its shit. On the plus side your old enough to to sit in a bar and get drunk. I suggest that. Its really the only fun thing to do in this miserable country. Uhm what else :hmmm: yup thats about it. Go somewhere hot and sunny. Avoid britain. Its gray cold and wet.

I'm inclined to agree. We get one window of sunshine in one random month in Summer. It's pretty much pot luck when that may be. Which also means it's leaves shit all to do because it rains

The night life in Manchester (and so Im informed) Newcastle is epic. My next expedition with the girls will be taking me up there

Also, everything is super expensive

Britains poo
Damon mentioned going on the London Eye...

Um, unless he (and everyone else on the same car) want to see me flip out like this:


Then no, I really don't want to go on it. XD

Ha ha. :D

Well the London Eye is pretty high up.... And it moves very, very slowly. If you suddenly freak and want off you'll have to wait a LONG time.

So if you don't like that kind of thing... I'd stay clear of that. :gasp:
I can't believe no-one has mentioned it yet but visit the TATE Galleries, even if you're not interested in art. It's a fantastic place to go.

Also, take walk through Soho...

Oh and while you're in England, make sure you try out Fish & Chips! And if you're in England on a Sunday, go find somewhere that does a Sunday Lunch. I always hear American's asking what our Sunday Lunch is, and what better way to find out other than trying it for yourself?