Maybe on Xbox?


Black Mage Tree
Nov 22, 2008
So I was browsing around the Square website and I found out XIII is a PS3 exclusive in japan, much like versus. so I was wondering, does this mean they might have an Xbox port when it comes to the US and the Europe, like XIII did?
As far as I know, they've only announced a PS3 version of Versus. I wouldn't completely rule out an Xbox 360 version though. Especially not if the Xbox 360 version of XIII sells really well.
As far as I know, they've only announced a PS3 version of Versus. I wouldn't completely rule out an Xbox 360 version though. Especially not if the Xbox 360 version of XIII sells really well.

I talked to the owner of a Gamestop that is in town, he said they had enough pre orders for a midnight release a few months before the game is even suposed to launch. most fo them were for the XBOX too so I'm pretty sure it'll sell fine, haha
Doubtful, Nomura prefers working with the Playstation over any other console, in fact I'm sure he's said previously that he dislikes working with the 360. If Microsoft thrown millions at SE like they did with Final Fantasy XIII to make it non-exclusive but that would be the only reason it happens imo. Besides, the same thing would happen to Versus that happened to FFXIII 360, the PS3 version will be so deep into development that another version would look shoddy in comparison, it's not worth SE's reputation -___-
I think XIII was only released for the xbox cuz it was the flagship title. I highly doubt versus will appear on the xbox. And like Cid says, Nomura doesn't like the xbox. However if microsoft pays SE out the nose like they did for XIII, xboxers might get lucky.
I don't see it happening if I had to be honest. As stated above, Nomura hates working with it since he's mentioned it before. Doing multiplatforms makes things too confusing. If you'd really want to play the game and it's a PS3 exclusive, then you'd buy it.
To be honest I think its all down to how well XIII does on the Xbox market and if SE believes the profits are worth making a Versus port for. Afterall the money men call the shots when it comes to these things no matter what the designers would like to think and do, so if the Shareholders feel its in the best interests to port Versus, it will happen.
I REALLY hope they make it for 360

Mod edit: Could you put a little more effort in your post, please? :)
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I REALLY hope they make it for 360

^Well I REALLY hpoe they don't. The Xbox version of XIII looks like absolute rubbish compared to the PS3 version. And from what I've seen so far of Versus footage, all cutscenes of course, it looks to be even nicer than XIII. Can you imagine how horrid that would look? Also, if you've seen some comparison of the images from XIII so far, the 360 version pretty much didn't have shadows.

IF they wanted to put Versus on the 360, and keep it looking nice, they'd be selling Versus in crates with 5+ DVDs. At least that's my personal opinion.
I don't think so and I hope not. PS3 needs more exclusives because then it would be the better console. That is why microsoft bought FF13, they are scared.
I am going to buy FF13 for the Xbox because I want it that much and I don't have a PS3. However, when I get a PS3 I will be getting FF13 again (maybe) and I WILL be getting Versus.

I think it might go on Xbox though, FF13 didn't give a great reputation. Made SE seem like sellouts.