Meaning of names.

Starflare, Cait Sith also refers to a Scottish story of witches who used to haunt Sutherland, which is far in the north. They would transform into cats to snare thier victims. I think that's where the idea for treachery comes in.

Red XIII might be an allusion to Red Squadron from Star Wars. Biggs and Wedge, if you remeber, were pilots in the same squadron, and were also NPCs.

Barrett, although I don't think it applies, is roughly translated from Irish Gaelic as "intellectual son". This might refer to his ecological philosophy. His surname, Wallace, might refer to William Wallace(?).

Yuffie Kirasagi - Kirasagi is the traditional Japanese name for Feburary. It literally means put more clothes on - weird.

And a note about Heidegger - yes, he was a philospher, but is more noted in general culture by...ahem... being a strident Nazi. I think it's that ugly side of him that the character was based on.

Bugenhagen, though, is truly named after a philospher - Johannes Bugenhagen.

Shin-Ra, as far as I know, means "godly" or "omnipotent".
That's some pretty cool stuff. I think 90% of it is BS and we're reading too much into it, but it's still cool to see the coincidences.
It bugs me when people try to link the name Tifa with the Tifereth and somehow conclude that it means that Tifa belongs with Sephiroth.

Tifa is short for Tiffany. And the creators only picked the name, because they thought it sounded pretty (which fits, since Tifa is the token eye-candy).
I agree with the Laura Croft mention, as well, and don't know how nobody else sees it. She's dressed almost exactly like her.
Yeah like some people said, I too believe that sometimes we look for subliminal meaning where there actually isn't any :) You have to get in the creator's head to know all that, and there is no way to do that :P