Metal Gear Fanclub

Though, I think it should've been Metal Gear Solid Fanclub, it still has a cool name. Can I join?
I guess, and Liquid is inferior to Solid Snake, even after that call at the end of the game.
which twin brother?

liquid or solidus?


Solidus is Big Boss'es forgoten twin brother who likes to train boys that look like girls..... I dont wanna know why.


Im gonna stop posting now because I got a mission to infiltrate a fortress called outer heaven.Dont worry I got the legendary Admin Big Boss advising me......
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Hah, like if that mission was that hard, the only difficult thing is finding the things where they are. Even that is pretty simple.
Im gonna get revenge on the admin named big boss for betraying me.

Im in the nation known as Zanzibar Land.I cant believe Ive killed my best friend grey fox well thats the last of him unless he becomes a high tech ninja.....

A few mins later.

After killing my admin Big boss, I am now sent into a place called shadow moses to eliminate a man named Liquid Zen, apparently big boss was his admin aswell:O,he says big boss called him a inferior member...
Ha....ha! Very funny Liquid Zen, that doesn't even fit. Not to mention, that Zen is not a word that has ever come out in the MGS games. Plus Solid Kentaro is a fool, it even says it under his name.
The word Zen has been used in a MGS game before. Just one of the older ones for the good old NES.

There's plenty of room for all the MGS fanatics out there.

Well, as soon as the club creator notices these new posts >_>
I would be a member, but I thought MGS2 had an utter shit ending. MGS1 and 3 were brilliant though. Does this qualify me?
Any more room in your fanclub? I love the MGS series, i think that Hideo Kojima is a genius at creating a complete interactive action movie/game experience....Revolver Ocelot rules!!! I love MGS 1,2 and 3, still cant decide which one is best codec frequency is 127.00...:cool:
I would say pretty much you are in, but the creator of the fan club, who is not worth of having it made. Since he doesn't even come to look at the new posts and stuff. So I wouldn't really know.
Oh my. I'm sorry to keep y'all waiting. I know I haven't checked the club for a long time and my apologizes. Alright, you guys are in! Let's keep up with the club and start having discussions related to Metal Gear.