Metal Gear Fantasy?


Jun 6, 2006
Square Enix and Konami are teaming up to produce a game.

Famitsu magazine have released details of Kojima Studios teaming up with Square Enix's Final Fantasy Studios to create a Metal Gear/Final Fantasy type of game.

Although not a lot has been released about this game, it is believed that the game is a strong mix of fantasy and stealth elements, which is what the two studios are famous for. Thus, the game is being described as a tactical RPG and will borrow elements from Final Fantasy Tactics and Metal Gear Acid.

Nothing more is known about the project, and there won't be a stand for the game at E3.
Wow, a Metal Gear Acid game with an actually story. I thought this day would never happen.

I like the idea of it happening, but I don't really see the point of Square doing a Metal Gear game. I guess it is something new considering they are milking FF13 for all it's worth and they have pretty much slowed down on whoring FF7, perhaps it will give Square something good to do.
Now this would be most intersting for me I love both series of games for different reasons and seeing a hybrid of the two would definatly be interesting.

I like the story lines in the MGS series but too many tims they are too difficult to understand FF always have good stories but the gameplay is getting a bit dated.

So hopefullt this game will be good for both the stealth action which I like and the excellent storys which I love.


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Dark Cloud said:
Wow, a Metal Gear Acid game with an actually story.

Actually, the Metal Gear Acid titles had some very interesting stories and plotlines. At least in my opinion they did. Surely you aren't insinuating the idea that only Square-Enix are capable of producing compelling and involving storylines?
FrankCarter said:
Surely you aren't insinuating the idea that only Square-Enix are capable of producing compelling and involving storylines?
I doubt that was his point, its likley his opinion the MGA story is not very good, and he's entitled to his opinion, isnt he. I actually heard from my friend (who happens to be a hardcore MGS fan) says he wasnt impressed with it either. I havent played any Metalgear game, so I cant really comment on it, apart from what I seen my friend play.

SE are good at putting together a good story, that dosent mean they are the only ones because someone dosent like MGA.
I have never played the acid game or games. So I do not know how good the story is on them, but I have played the others so I do know that they have excellent story lines. However they do tend to be some what difficult to understand at times.

They useually require a good bit of knowledge on polotics and of all games coming before it in the series to be understood. Plus if you miss one bit of info then you loose track of the whole story.

Hopefully working with square we will see a game with a slightly easier to understand sroryline.
I think they are totally gonna screw up the Metal Gear series by doing all of these little side games of the MG series. I realize that square, and konami are huge gaming companys, and have done great work, but is there such thing as too much greatness?
I belive that all the big gaming companies and those that make the consoles all agreed at some gaming retreat in the swiss mountains that there is NOT infact such a thing as too much greatness.


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I was a little stunned when I first read the article. But then...I was I can't wait to see the end result of the partner up.
What?? o_O, That could be interesting. Since I liked Metal Gear game system. xD. Mixing the 2. Hmmm...

This fusion of games reminds me an awful lot of DoC, doesn't it? A stealth game with aspects of an RPG?

Maybe this is a late news update of DoC?

Maybe xD
Yeah maybe but who really knows what's going on with the companies these days? Perhaps this could be a hell of a surprize for us? Who knows? :P